AS9002 RETN Limited
General Info - AS9002
IP Address Ranges
Netblock | Number of IPs | |
---|---|---| | 256 | | | 1,024 | | | 1,024 | | | 256 | | | 256 | | | 256 | | | 512 | | | 2,048 | | | 8,192 | | | 1,024 | | | 512 | | | 512 | | | 1,024 | | | 1,024 | | | 512 | | | 1,024 | | | 512 | | | 2,048 | | | 1,024 | | | 512 | | | 1,024 | | | 512 | | | 256 | | | 1,024 |
Netblock | Number of IPs | |
2a02:2d8::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 |
- AS101 University of Washington
- AS1299 Arelion Sweden AB
- AS2497 Asia Pacific Network Information Centre
- AS2603 NORDUnet
- AS3257 GTT Communications Inc.
- AS3303 Swisscom (Schweiz) AG
- AS3333 Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
- AS3356 Level 3 Parent LLC
- AS4635 Hong Kong Internet Exchange--Route Server 1
- AS6079 RCN
- AS6762 Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
- AS6939 Hurricane Electric LLC
- AS12552 GlobalConnect AB
- AS31133 PJSC MegaFon
- AS31566 SkyNetwork Ltd.
- AS39612 Tevia Ltd.
- AS44628 UAProstir Ltd.
- AS50360 Tamatiya EOOD
- AS57866 Fusix Networks B.V.
- AS198539 Objedinennye Seti Ltd.
- AS250 Foundation
- AS906 DMIT Cloud Services
- AS917 Misaka Network Inc.
- AS1241 Nova Telecommunications & Media Single Member S.A
- AS2854 LLC Orange Business Services
- AS2860 Nos Comunicacoes S.A.
- AS3163 Diemit GmbH
- AS3216 PJSC Vimpelcom
- AS3252 Fiberax Networking&Cloud Ltd.
- AS3257 GTT Communications Inc.
- AS3326 Private Joint Stock Company Datagroup
- AS3356 Level 3 Parent LLC
- AS3624 Digineo GmbH
- AS4628 Pacific Internet Pte Ltd
- AS4761 Indosat Internet Network Provider
- AS4764 Aussie Broadband
- AS4780 Digital United Inc.
- AS5391 Hrvatski Telekom d.d.
- AS5483 Magyar Telekom PLC.
- AS5511 Orange S.A.
- AS5603 Telekom Slovenije d.d.
- AS6507 Riot Games Inc
- AS6681 Giveme Cloud SP Z O O
- AS6694 Association of Financial Market Participants Nonprofit Partnership for the Development of Financial Market RTS
- AS6697 Republican Unitary Telecommunication Enterprise Beltelecom
- AS6718 Nav Communications SRL
- AS6723 AS6723 Limited Liability Company
- AS6768 Eurotele-Plus LLC
- AS6801 National Research Center Kurchatov Institute
- AS6849 JSC Ukrtelecom
- AS6856 AO IK Informsvyaz-Chernozemye
- AS6876 Tenet Scientific Production Enterprise LLC
- AS6939 Hurricane Electric LLC
- AS7473 Singapore Telecommunications Ltd
- AS7568 CS Loxinfo Public Company Limited
- AS7979 Inc.
- AS8242 Apex Telecom Ltd.
- AS8285 Versija SIA
- AS8369 Intersvyaz-2 JSC
- AS8375 Telehouse Deutschland GmbH
- AS8400 Telekom Srbija a.d.
- AS8422 NetCologne Gesellschaft fur Telekommunikation mbH
- AS8445 Salzburg AG Fur Energie Verkehr und Telekommunikation
- AS8484 Novye Oblachnye Technologii LLC
- AS8491 Scientific-Production Enterprise Business Sviaz Holding LLC
- AS8492 OBIT Ltd.
- AS8595 OOO WestCall Ltd.
- AS8641 LLC Nauka-Svyaz
- AS8717 A1 Bulgaria EAD
- AS8728 AS Infonet
- AS8866 Vivacom Bulgaria Ead
- AS8870 Overseas Technologies LLC
- AS8892 UAB Skylink LT.
- AS8926 Moldtelecom SA
- AS8985 Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
- AS9029 SIA HomeTV Pro
- AS9049 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
- AS9070 Cooolbox Ad
- AS9121 Turk Telekomunikasyon Anonim Sirketi
- AS9123 TimeWeb Ltd.
- AS9211 Nawork Internet Informationssysteme GmbH
- AS9304 HGC Global Communications Limited
- AS9381 HKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Limited
- AS9505 Taiwan Internet Gateway
- AS9924 Taiwan Fixed Network Telco and Network Service Provider.
- AS10122 Netstar SG Pte. Ltd.
- AS12301 Invitech ICT Services Kft.
- AS12335 Tario Communications LLC
- AS12387 TON Total optical Networks AG
- AS12389 PJSC Rostelecom
- AS12392 Voo S.A.
- AS12399 q.beyond AG
- AS12418 Quantum CJSC
- AS12459 Netops B.V.
- AS12545 Transcom Ltd
- AS12555 Data-Center Imaqliq Ltd.
- AS12570 O2 Czech Republic A.S.
- AS12580 Euvic Solutions S.A.
- AS12615 Global Communication Net Plc
- AS12654 Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
- AS12686 Tbank JSC
- AS12687 User Association of Ukrainian Research and Academic Network URAN
- AS12700 Komertsiyno Virobnitcha Firma Vektor
- AS12732 Gutcon GmbH
- AS12956 TELXIUS Cable
- AS12963 Scientific-Industrial Firm Volz Limited Liability Company
- AS13053 LLC Priocom
- AS13097 Axera SpA
- AS13105 Inform LLC
- AS13113 ISI Line srl
- AS13170 Kaisanet Oy
- AS13188 Content Delivery Network Ltd
- AS13194 UAB BITE Lietuva
- AS13215 JSC Telecommunication Company Convey Plus
- AS13238 Yandex LLC
- AS13244 Rietumu Banka AS
- AS13786 Seabras 1 USA LLC
- AS14037 6G Networks Inc
- AS14576 Hosting Solution Ltd.
- AS15377 Traditional LLC
- AS15440 UAB Baltnetos Komunikacijos
- AS15447 N.V.
- AS15483 SIA Ness
- AS15598 NorthC Deutschland GmbH
- AS15672 OOO Telecom TZ
- AS15682 Iteranet LLC
- AS15718 Frostweb LLC
- AS15721 C.T.CO. Ltd.
- AS15754 OOO Taxtelecom
- AS15757 Joint Stock Company Gazprom Space Systems
- AS15802 Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company PJSC
- AS15848 Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Order of the Red Banner of Labour Russian Broad-casting and Notification Network
- AS15935 Ha-Vel Internet S.R.O.
- AS16066 T.E.S.T. Ltd
- AS16075 TAZ Verlags- und Vertriebsgesellschaft mit beschraenkter Haftung Berlin
- AS16125 UAB Cherry Servers
- AS16223 Maxnet Telecom Ltd
- AS16342 Toya SP.Z.O.O
- AS16591 Google Fiber Inc.
- AS16625 Akamai Technologies Inc.
- AS16637 African Network Information Center
- AS18046 DongFong Technology Co. Ltd.
- AS19551 Incapsula Inc
- AS20483 Eurocom Ltd.
- AS20485 Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
- AS20552 Horyzont Technologie Internetowe sp.z.o.o.
- AS20655 E-Style ISP LLC
- AS20702 JSC Russian Railways
- AS20846 UAB Parabole
- AS20895 Yuzhniy Telecom Ltd.
- AS20911 Ltd.
- AS20919 DataFort LLC
- AS20940 Akamai International B.V.
- AS20948 Skylink Networking Ltd
- AS21140 Fly Telecom LLC
- AS21175 Reserved
- AS21211 Penkiu Kontinentu Komunikaciju Centras Ltd.
- AS21367 Wiland Ltd
- AS21412 UAB Cgates
- AS21413 Envia Tel GmbH
- AS21416 The Technical Center of Internet Limited Liability Company
- AS21433 Accenture UK Limited
- AS21446 SoTel LLC
- AS21453 Flex Ltd.
- AS21859 Zenlayer Inc
- AS21928 T-Mobile USA Inc.
- AS23856 SPTel Pte. Ltd.
- AS24198 PT. Datakom Padma Jaya DatakomNAP
- AS24429 TAOBAO Zhejiang Taobao Network Co. Ltd
- AS24529 PT. Infotama Lintas Global
- AS24538 Digital Satellite Indonesia PT.
- AS24589 Telenet SIA
- AS24638 Rambler Internet Holding LLC
- AS24651 JSC Balticom
- AS24689 JSC Rosin.Telekom
- AS24703 United Networks of Ukraine Ltd
- AS24739 JSC Severen-Telecom
- AS24916 Orbital Net Ltd
- AS24955 JSC Ufanet
- AS24971 Master Internet s.r.o.
- AS24981 Unassigned
- AS25133 LLC McLaut-Invest
- AS25143 Company Zagalni Merezhi Ltd
- AS25229 Limited Liability Company Kyivski Telekomunikatsiyni Merezhi
- AS25292 Federal State Unitary Enterprise the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
- AS25372 IT Consulting L.L.C.
- AS25393 Internet Invest Ltd.
- AS25408 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
- AS25437 Osipenko Alexander Nikolaevich
- AS25451 Ru LLC
- AS25454 Orange Moldova S.A.
- AS25462 RETN Limited
- AS25532 LLC Masterhost
- AS28840 PJSC Tattelecom
- AS28886 RETN Limited
- AS28890 Insys LLC
- AS28891 CJSC City Telecom
- AS28907 Internet Invest Ltd.
- AS28909 TV SAT Net Ltd
- AS28910 Uzbektelekom Joint Stock Company
- AS28965 JSC Teleradiocompany Petersburg
- AS29102 PJSC Ukrainian Processing Center
- AS29177 Acantho S.p.a
- AS29182 JSC IOT
- AS29196 LLC Inzhenernye Seti - Telekom
- AS29226 JSC Mastertel
- AS29278 Rackhost Zrt.
- AS29314 Vectra S.A.
- AS29329 Resource-M LLC
- AS29405 VNET a.s.
- AS29426 AO Connecto
- AS29470 JSC Retnnet
- AS29479 Transdata AS
- AS29551 Aixit GmbH
- AS29596 PSSK Sp. z o.o.
- AS29619 Reserved
- AS29670 Individual Network Berlin (In-Berlin) E.V.
- AS30753 FHU Compower Dariusz Krocz
- AS30823 aurologic GmbH
- AS30833 Technology & Networks LLC
- AS30844 Liquid Telecommunications Ltd
- AS30924 Ooonpk Katharsis
- AS30936 RENET COM Ltd.
- AS30952 Kit Finance (JSC)
- AS31028 Novoe Kabelnoe Television Ltd.
- AS31029 M-Real Net Ltd.
- AS31061 LLC Ukrainian Automobile Corporation
- AS31133 PJSC MegaFon
- AS31148 Freenet LTD
- AS31192 JSC Open Technologies 98
- AS31214 TIS Dialog LLC
- AS31225 JSC Oblcom
- AS31252 StarNet Solutii SRL
- AS31272 WildPark Co
- AS31287 IPAcct Cable Ltd
- AS31343 Intertelecom Ltd
- AS31376 Smart Telecom Limited
- AS31444 SeaExpress Ltd.
- AS31445 Fiberax Networking&Cloud Ltd.
- AS31510 Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG
- AS31542 Trade Industrial Company Omega-Avtopostavka Ltd
- AS31566 SkyNetwork Ltd.
- AS31633 PP LAN-Telecom
- AS31690 GeoTelecommunications LLC
- AS32590 Valve Corporation
- AS32934 Facebook Inc.
- AS33936 Joint stock company Severstal-infocom
- AS33951 Forweb S.C. Monika Bodetko Tomasz Pawlowski
- AS33987 Netway Ltd
- AS34056 Kyiv Optic Networks ltd
- AS34187 LLC Renome-Service
- AS34241 New Communication Technologies LLC
- AS34251 LLC Imc
- AS34259 TOV Highload Systems
- AS34288 Kantonsschule Zug
- AS34309 Link11 GmbH
- AS34467 JSC Telephone Company Sotcom
- AS34545 Webinar Tehnologii OOO
- AS34550 LLC Intercon
- AS34574 Reksoft Co. Ltd.
- AS34597 LLC Sunlight
- AS34700 Maxnet Telecom Ltd
- AS34743 NashNet Ltd
- AS34758 Axera SpA
- AS34784 RuSat Ltd.
- AS34879 OOO Sovremennye Setevye Tekhnologii
- AS34944 LLC Zenit-Arena
- AS34971 CDLAN SpA
- AS35000 JSC Severen-Telecom
- AS35067 Prokk SE
- AS35108 Emergn AS
- AS35237 Sberbank of Russia PJSC
- AS35271 JSC Aviel
- AS35277 LLHost Inc. SRL
- AS35278 LLC
- AS35311 PR-Telecom ZRT.
- AS35362 Limited Liability Company Best Solutions
- AS35401 AO Tele-Service Tula
- AS35407 Santa Monica Networks SIA
- AS35526 Smart Technology LLC
- AS35571 JSC MultiLine
- AS35580 JSC Tsemros
- AS35645 Limited Liability Company Vladinfo
- AS35730 OOO Organizational Technological Solutions 2000
- AS35795 Vedekon Ltd
- AS35802 OAO National Bureau of Credit History
- AS35807 Skynet Ltd.
- AS36182 Accretive Networks
- AS38040 TOT Public Company Limited
- AS38496 PT Cyber Network Indonesia
- AS38880 M21-AS-AP Micron21 Datacentre Pty Ltd
- AS39007 UAB Balticum TV
- AS39046 Theorema Telecom Limited
- AS39087 P.A.K.T LLC
- AS39092 Baltica Breweries LLC
- AS39134 Edinaya Set Limited Liability Company
- AS39143 Scientific-Production Enterprise Business Sviaz Holding LLC
- AS39184 UltraNET Ltd
- AS39201 WaveCom Informatikai Kft.
- AS39216 AL-SARD FIBER Co. for Internet Fiber and Optical Cable Services /Ltd.
- AS39223 Ciklum LLC
- AS39279 Information Technology and Cyber Security Service
- AS39288 Virtual Telecom Sp. z o.o.
- AS39317 Megapage Ltd.
- AS39337 JSC Corp Soft
- AS39378 Servinga GmbH
- AS39505 Vestitel BG
- AS39507 Biznes Swiatlowodem Sp. z o.o.
- AS39526 Mohammad Ali Obeidat
- AS39577 Goodnet LLC
- AS39578 Ltd Maxima
- AS39608 Lanet Network Ltd
- AS39612 Tevia Ltd.
- AS39684 OOO Mango Telecom
- AS39704 CJ2 Hosting B.V.
- AS39735 PermTelecom Ltd
- AS39741 data-centr ekaterinburg OOO
- AS39775 Limited Liability Company HyperNet
- AS39821 OOO Versiya
- AS39823 Compic OU
- AS39845 2 Cloud Ltd.
- AS40994 Hohl IT E.U.
- AS41165 Ukrainian Newest Telecommunication Ltd.
- AS41185 National system of payment cards Joint-stock Society
- AS41187 National system of payment cards Joint-stock Society
- AS41201 DOLSAT ul. Wojska Polskiego 23C
- AS41206 United Telecom Zartkoruen Mukodo Reszvenytarsasag
- AS41302 KVS Ltd
- AS41313 Novatel Eood
- AS41317 Sigma Software LLC
- AS41360 Neocom Ltd.
- AS41421 Starnet Telecom Sp. z o.o.
- AS41435 UnderNet LLC
- AS41446 Municipal Autonomous Educational Establishment of Supplementary Education of Children Center for Continuing Education of Children Computer Center
- AS41495 Faelix Limited
- AS41535 LLC Astra Cloud
- AS41563 Ostkom SIA
- AS41617 CJSC IFC Solid
- AS41625 Express Teleservice Corp
- AS41627 Pick-Up Ltd.
- AS41665 Tehnologii Budushego LLC
- AS41667 LTD Tami & Co
- AS41676 JMDI Jacek Maleszko
- AS41685 DTEK Service Limited Liability Company
- AS41710 MIIT LLC
- AS41726 Creditreform Latvija SIA
- AS41743 OPTIMASET Ltd.
- AS41750 Mega-Line Ltd.
- AS41798 JSC Transtelecom
- AS41802 Limited Liability Company Kvidex-Telecom
- AS41820 New Information Systems PP
- AS41897 Sat-Trakt D.O.O.
- AS41925 Limited Liability Company Izet Telecom Ural
- AS41983 Kaspersky Lab Switzerland GmbH
- AS42066 PE Nika KTB
- AS42144 OOO Nauka
- AS42156 GNX B.V.
- AS42289 ITMO
- AS42291 OOO Istranet
- AS42312 RTL Technology GmbH
- AS42331 PE Freehost
- AS42339 Chaika Telecom Petersburg Limited Company
- AS42396 PJSC Telesystems of Ukraine
- AS42473 ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH
- AS42478 Yug-Link Ltd.
- AS42518 Unet Communication LLC
- AS42527 Expert System Ltd
- AS42532 SIA Veesp
- AS42547 Insport Bozenna Piecek
- AS42600 Global Message Services Ukraine LLC
- AS42661 DM LLC
- AS42668 Nevalink LLC
- AS42676 Joint Stock Company Smartkom
- AS42787 MultiMedia IP Ltd.
- AS42893 Home Internet Ltd
- AS42916 IT Ltd.
- AS42919 LTD Darya
- AS42927 S-NET Sp. z o.o.
- AS43048 Ltd.
- AS43139 Maximum-Net LLC
- AS43205 Vivacom Bulgaria Ead
- AS43244 TELNET Sp. z o.o.
- AS43247 Yoomoney NBCO LLC
- AS43289 Trabia SRL
- AS43299 Limited Company Telecontact
- AS43399 Tbank JSC
- AS43404 Fastnet LLC
- AS43465 ReInfoCom Ltd.
- AS43503 Herbst Datentechnik GmbH
- AS43586 UAB Porenta
- AS43621 Parallels International GmbH
- AS43633 Gigabit-Online LLC
- AS43660 Shupashkartrans-K Ltd.
- AS43670 New Telecommunication Company Ltd.
- AS43764 LLC Electron-Sevlush
- AS43886 Utel Ltd
- AS43896 Evo Cloud LLC
- AS43946 AirBridgeCargo LLC
- AS43966 OOO IT-Region
- AS43973 Qiwi JSC
- AS44020 Modern Solutions LTD
- AS44030 Lentel Business Ltd.
- AS44041 Korporatsia Svyazy Ltd.
- AS44061 Sat-Mont-Service Jacek Mruk Krzysztof Mruk Sp. z o.o.
- AS44128 Internet-Pro LLC
- AS44158 Altura Ltd.
- AS44194 Foerderverein Freie Netzwerke e.V.
- AS44300 LLC IPLS
- AS44302 NETregator Kft.
- AS44306 Omonia d.o.o.
- AS44386 LLC Internet Solutions
- AS44416 Satellite Net Service LLC
- AS44470 Commercial Bank Moskommertsbank JSC
- AS44478 OOO Etalon-Optic
- AS44484 X-Trim Ltd.
- AS44534 Yandex LLC
- AS44600 Gigatrans Ukraine LLC
- AS44628 UAProstir Ltd.
- AS44629 PE Sinenko Vitaliy Mihailovich
- AS44655 MetroLine Sp. z o.o.
- AS44678 INKO Ltd.
- AS44699 OOO Stroitelnaya Innovacia
- AS44814 Bulgartel Ad
- AS44873 Sigma Software LLC
- AS44894 Ukrchermetavtomatika LLC
- AS44901 BelCloud Ltd
- AS44923 Saint-Petersburg Computer Networks Ltd.
- AS44929 Nord Connect OU
- AS44943 Ramtel Ltd.
- AS44985 ExpoForum-International LLC
- AS45029 Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
- AS45046 OOO Isatel
- AS45147 PT. NAP Info Lintas Nusa
- AS45430 SBN-IIGAWN-IIG Transit Provider
- AS46450 Pilot Fiber Inc.
- AS46562 Performive LLC
- AS47116 Intellihome Tavkozlesi Szolgaltato Kft
- AS47147 ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH
- AS47194 Oblcom Swiss AG
- AS47236 Citylink Ltd
- AS47440 Business System Telehouse OOO
- AS47441 Comfortel Ltd.
- AS47485 Starnet Ltd
- AS47531 GorPTUs OOO
- AS47541 Vkontakte Ltd
- AS47562 Fast Link Ltd
- AS47569 Erlang Company Ltd.
- AS47583 Hostinger International Limited
- AS47605 FNE-Finland Oy
- AS47626 Timer LLC
- AS47655 LINKINTEL Ltd.
- AS47716 Isix Communications LLP
- AS47723 Softline PJSC
- AS47724 Limited Liability Company HeadHunter
- AS47743 Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- AS47747 Limited Liability Company TeleTower
- AS47764 LLC VK
- AS47777 Mightycare Solutions GmbH
- AS47819 JSC Digital health technologies
- AS47890 Unmanaged Ltd
- AS47927 WIFIWEB s.r.l.
- AS48024 NeroCloud Ltd
- AS48084 Uzhnie Magistraljnie Linii Svyazi LLC
- AS48089 Infanet Ltd.
- AS48096 Enterprise Cloud Ltd.
- AS48102 JSC Neksain
- AS48158 DigitalOne AG
- AS48166 Fortex CJSC
- AS48226 OOO Infokom
- AS48243 Miratel Ltd
- AS48282 Hosting Technology Ltd
- AS48290 Gruenenthal Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
- AS48314 Michael Sebastian Schinzel Trading as IP-Projects GmbH & Co. KG
- AS48362 Stadtwerke Feldkirch
- AS48370 Reserved
- AS48421 PJSC Rostelecom
- AS48422 IT-Starcom LLC
- AS48467 Pronet LLC
- AS48479 Kuban-Telecom Ltd.
- AS48498 Sochi-Online Ltd.
- AS48524 Interra Telecommunications Group Ltd.
- AS48558 M-Line Ltd.
- AS48559 Infomex Sp. z o.o.
- AS48561 NP Automir CJSC.
- AS48578 Nokian Tyres Ltd
- AS48587 PE Zharkov Mukola Mukolayovuch
- AS48642 Joint Stock Company for
- AS48667 Akvilon Ltd.
- AS48707 AS48707 OPS PL sp. z o.o.
- AS48721 FlyServers S.A.
- AS48724 Business Partnership LLC
- AS48770 Assist Ltd.
- AS48777 DARC E.V.
- AS48822 Universum Bit Ltd.
- AS48858 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
- AS48897 OOO KB Avia
- AS48919 UACITY Ltd.
- AS49009 Freifunk Rheinland e.V.
- AS49012 Lenta Ltd
- AS49031 LLC Telemir
- AS49033 Critical Core BV
- AS49036 SIA Euro Live Technologies
- AS49037 Prostie Reshenia LLC
- AS49038 Pedchenko Maksym
- AS49063 Data Storage Center JSC
- AS49121 Infinity Telecom s.r.o.
- AS49200 Sperasoft Poland Sp. z o.o.
- AS49202 Unassigned
- AS49218 Nizhnetagilskie Kompyuternye Seti LLC
- AS49255 TeleGlobal Ltd.
- AS49289 Omegacom S.R.L.S.
- AS49300 I.B.S. Elektronics Izabela Stefanko
- AS49313 Seva-Host Ltd
- AS49452 A1 Systems Ltd.
- AS49458 JSC Intellin
- AS49502 Art Invest Ltd
- AS49505 JSC Selectel
- AS49542 ArtPlanet LLC
- AS49569 Zaymer PJSC
- AS49571 CELLNET Company for Internet Services Ltd.
- AS49641 OOO Alfacom
- AS49661 Unassigned
- AS49729 Open Joint Stock Company Commercial Bank Modulbank
- AS49743 Finemedia Spolka Jawna Wojciech Wrona Grzegorz Kaluza
- AS49776 Gorset LLC
- AS49813 Innova Co S.A.R.L.
- AS49870 Alsycon B.V.
- AS49892 Teta Telecom LLC
- AS49895 Dcenter.Pl Sp. Z O.O.
- AS49951 DFW LLC
- AS50020 CETIN Bulgaria EAD
- AS50113 NTX Technologies S.R.O.
- AS50121 NETMAR Mariusz Wator
- AS50182 Proxima Ltd
- AS50245 Serverel Inc.
- AS50258 TEYLA
- AS50313 Teslatel LLC
- AS50331 CITYNET Sp.z o.o.
- AS50339 Joint-Stock Company National System of Payment Cards
- AS50340 JSC Selectel
- AS50349 Radoslaw Walentowski Trading As Timplus B.Dudek R.Walentowski Sp.J.
- AS50360 Tamatiya EOOD
- AS50367 OOO Benet
- AS50414 ThousandEyes LLC
- AS50472 Chaos Computer Club e.V.
- AS50494 Starlink LLC
- AS50577 Intelsc Ltd.
- AS50581 Ukrainian Telecommunication Group LLC
- AS50606 Horyzont Technologie Internetowe sp.z.o.o.
- AS50673 Serverius Holding B.V.
- AS50677 SuperOx CJSC
- AS50707 Autonomous Non-profit Organisation Energy Safety Analysis Center of IBRAE RAN
- AS50767 Fiberlink Sp. z o.o.
- AS50867 Hostkey B.V.
- AS51101 Marceli Kaczo Trading as Rewolucja-Net
- AS51172 Kauno Technologijos Universitetas
- AS51178 JSC Avantel
- AS51193 OOO Inbank
- AS51219 K2 Integration JSC
- AS51248 s.r.o.
- AS51259 Arcus Novus UAB
- AS51297 Exinity works (CY) Ltd
- AS51314 LLC Joint Small Enterprise Teviant
- AS51327 RETN AM Limited Liability Company
- AS51338 Sia Latvijas Propana Gaze
- AS51343 Telecom Service LLC
- AS51353 Toya SP.Z.O.O
- AS51357 LLC Smartcom
- AS51380 FOP Kovalchuk Igor Vasilevich
- AS51399 Fiberway Sp. z o.o.
- AS51430 AltusHost B.V.
- AS51444 IT Lite LLC
- AS51498 Connection Networks L.P.
- AS51500 Servisnet Ltd.
- AS51504 TELSET
- AS51528 Kozobrod Andriy Anatoliyovich
- AS51548 SIA Dolphnet
- AS51552 Reserved
- AS51665 TeleDiscount AO
- AS51698 ActiveHost RU LLC
- AS51700 CTM Ltd
- AS51747 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS51764 JSC Amtel-Svyaz
- AS51765 Oy Crea Nova Hosting Solution Ltd
- AS51873 Arcade Solutions AG
- AS51904 Utex-Telecom LLC
- AS51920 VIVACOM Magyarorszag Kft
- AS52000 Mirhosting B.V.
- AS52016 JSC AdFact
- AS52048 SIA Rixhost
- AS52060 MaximaTelecom North-West LLC
- AS52091 Level-MSK Ltd.
- AS54994 Meteverse Limited.
- AS55655 PT. Saranainsan Mudaselaras
- AS56381 Level66.Network UG (Haftungsbeschraenkt)
- AS56382 LTD
- AS56388 Amberway Development Ltd
- AS56391 Virtual Telecom Sp. z o.o.
- AS56400 SPD Chernega Aleksandr Anatolevich
- AS56435 FOP Kukanov Vitaly Yurievich
- AS56449 INTERA SP.zoo
- AS56462 Destiny.Games LLC
- AS56528 Big MMO Game Network Limited
- AS56534 Comfortel Ltd.
- AS56623 Coherent LLC
- AS56631 Onlanta Ltd.
- AS56634 Fly-Tech Ltd.
- AS56674 Mebelnaya Fabrika Mariya Ltd.
- AS56689 Elitel Telecom Group Ltd
- AS56694 LLC Smart Ape
- AS56722 Van Berkel en Bos U.N. Studio BV
- AS56800 LAST MILE spol. s r.o.
- AS56834 Koseniuk Oleksandr Volodimirovich
- AS56835 SPD Polyudov Aleksandr Igorevich
- AS56864 Xeon LLC
- AS56923 Virtualfort OOO
- AS57018 In-line Telekom LLC
- AS57031 Grid Dynamics Poland SP Z O O
- AS57073 LLC Wildberries
- AS57107 Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Satellite Communication Company
- AS57121 Piotr Bukowczyk Trading As It Systematic Group
- AS57196 Clonoth Ou
- AS57304 JSC Retnnet
- AS57344 Telehouse EAD
- AS57354 SYSTEMA Ltd
- AS57364 JSC Kombinat KMAruda
- AS57523 Chang Way Technologies Co. Limited
- AS57578 Misaka Network Inc.
- AS57671 JSC Oil Processing Company
- AS57678 Cat Technologies Co. Limited
- AS57717 FiberXpress BV
- AS57718 INM S. J. Tomasz Chomko Mariusz Lisowski Piotr Margol
- AS57824 Metronet Ltd
- AS57832 Vstack Europe Sp. z o.o.
- AS57946 RPH Business Support AS
- AS58001 Reserved
- AS58084 Newcontact Ltd.
- AS58096 Viter Evgeniy Vasilevich
- AS58219 Ekus LLC
- AS58221 LLC Fiber Group Ua
- AS58292 Technology Cloud Ltd.
- AS58294 Cloud Wall Ltd.
- AS58314 Svyazresurs-Kuban LLC
- AS58349 Elna Paulette Lafortune Trading As Innetra PC
- AS58552 PT Multidata Rancana Prima
- AS59425 Chang Way Technologies Co. Limited
- AS59440 LightPort Ltd
- AS59460 SP. Zoo
- AS59492 Megogo-LLC
- AS59497 Buknet LLC
- AS59516 Lanamar Ltd.
- AS59564 Unit-IS Ltd.
- AS59624 National Research Center Kurchatov Institute
- AS59637 RamSvyazInvest LLC
- AS59642 UAB Cherry Servers
- AS59660 Dataart Technologies UK Ltd
- AS59693 Intronex Setevye Resheniya Ltd.
- AS59731 Life-Link LLC
- AS59796 StormWall s.r.o.
- AS59829 Aryel S.r.l.
- AS59848 LLC Lure IT
- AS60034 Softline Integration LLC
- AS60042 OnTelecom LLC
- AS60064 HostPalace Datacenters LTD
- AS60122 Sberbank of Russia PJSC
- AS60139 Sever Telecom JSC
- AS60144 3W Infra B.V.
- AS60168 Net Service BG Ltd
- AS60171 AFR-IX Telecom S.A.
- AS60280 Republican Unitary Enterprise National Traffic Exchange Center
- AS60308 Internet Technology Ltd.
- AS60357 LLC
- AS60392 Retn Ge LLC
- AS60401 Galaxy Plus LLC
- AS60434 Biznes Tekhnologii LLC
- AS60447 I Net Bulgaria Eood
- AS60470 Skynet Ltd.
- AS60476 Digital Transformation Plus LLC
- AS60527 Xsolla (USA) Inc
- AS60534 Laguna Sp. z o.o.
- AS60602 Inovare-Prim SRL
- AS60729 Stiftung Erneuerbare Freiheit
- AS60754 Dianet Ltd.
- AS60764 Telecom Samara LLC
- AS60776 NetOcean GmbH
- AS60922 KKM IT Limited
- AS60954 ITCSR Ltd
- AS61010 Ipnet OOO
- AS61040 Peterburgskiy Telefon LLC
- AS61053 UAB Esnet
- AS61094 Cratis d.o.o.
- AS61111 RTCloud LLC
- AS61127 RDC
- AS61189 Elkdata OU
- AS61272 Informacines Sistemos IR Technologijos UAB
- AS61276 Vichislitelniy Centr Ltd.
- AS61337 Single Mode Networks Ltd
- AS61384 TK NEON Ltd.
- AS61400 Start LLC
- AS61403 Sever Telecom JSC
- AS61960 Internod LLC
- AS61976 JSC Selectel
- AS62014 Telegram Messenger INC
- AS62040 Innovative Telecommunications LLC
- AS62066 Tov Atracom
- AS62067 Telecom Service LLC
- AS62068 SpectraIP B.V.
- AS62082 Hostland LTD
- AS62103 AirLink Ltd.
- AS62205 Unitel LLC
- AS62214 Rackforest ZRT.
- AS62221 Amayama Auto Ltd.
- AS62241 Forest Net LTD
- AS62247 BTC Ltd.
- AS62261 Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
- AS62282 UAB Rakrejus
- AS62283 DFW LLC
- AS62292 Websupport Magyarorszag KFT.
- AS62314 Atmospherica Ltd.
- AS62316 OOO Contact-center GRAN
- AS62382 LLC KDV Grupp
- AS62390 NexonHost Srl
- AS62403 PletX Ltd
- AS62407 Mhcom GmbH
- AS64313 PT. NAP Info Lintas Nusa
- AS64406 Sky Logic LLC
- AS64421 Sertex SIA
- AS64432 Variti+ LLC
- AS64433 OOO PC
- AS64445 Michele Pietravalle Trading As NetJoin
- AS131219 Indosat Singapore Pte. Ltd.
- AS131584 Taiwan Intelligent Fiber Optic Network Co. Ltd.
- AS132203 Tencent Building Kejizhongyi Avenue
- AS132337 Axclusive
- AS132876 Symphony Communication Thailand PCL.
- AS133847 Anpple Tech Enterprise
- AS134346 Gainlot International Co. Ltd
- AS134518 RETN Hong Kong Limited
- AS135356 CN Care Network LTD
- AS136897 EnjoyVC Cloud Group Limited.
- AS136907 Huawei Clouds
- AS138552 RTB House Pte. Ltd.
- AS138608 Cloud Host Pte Ltd
- AS138915 Kaopu Cloud HK Limited
- AS139057 EdgeNext Legend Dynasty Pte. Ltd.
- AS139903 RETN Telecoms Ltd.
- AS142366 PT Relabs Net Daya Cipta
- AS147049 PacketHub S.A.
- AS150003 Retn Pte. Ltd.
- AS196682 Inverta s.r.o.
- AS196695 NetOne Rus JSC
- AS196699 Russ Outdoor LLC
- AS196790 Institute of Radio Astronomy
- AS197062 JSC R-Pharm
- AS197091 METROPORT Sp. z o.o.
- AS197099 Multinet24 SP.zoo
- AS197204 Telemaks Ltd
- AS197248 Dravanet Co Ltd.
- AS197303 OCS Group Limited
- AS197482 DoubleGIS LLC
- AS197506 Level7 s.r.l.
- AS197535 LLC Svyazenergo
- AS197615 NaszaSiec.NET Krakow Damian Murzynowski
- AS197695 Domain Names Registrar Ltd
- AS197809 Audio Systems S.C. Robert Grzegorek Aleksander Cuprych
- AS197826 LLC Skynet
- AS198028 OOO Complex Automation
- AS198036 NETSERVIS Michal Kur
- AS198067 AzimuthIT sp. z o.o. sp. k.
- AS198068 P.A.G.M. Ou
- AS198081 Aduro Network Technologies Sp. z o.o.
- AS198277 Grzegorz Maszczyk Trading As Mag Firma Handlowa
- AS198337 Dataart Technologies UK Ltd
- AS198356 FOP Kondratyuk Evgeniy Vladimirovich
- AS198408 E-Mouse Karol Urbanowicz
- AS198424 HLG Internet Sp. Z O.O.
- AS198539 Objedinennye Seti Ltd.
- AS198592 OOO Svir'-Telecom
- AS198610 Beget LLC
- AS198770 Virtual Infrastructures Ltd.
- AS198777 Wojciech Wielogorski Trading as SYMETRA
- AS198928 Ut Sp. z o.o.
- AS198935 Cybernet WMW Sp. z o.o.
- AS198947 JSC Retnnet
- AS199078 Telecom-VIST Ltd.
- AS199103 SIA Maklaut
- AS199263 New Systems Am Ltd
- AS199274 Serveroid LLC
- AS199361 LLC Mixplat Processing
- AS199430 Limited Liability Company Goodwood
- AS199510 Wifimax Swiatlowski Zaremba Sp.J.
- AS199558 Media Partners SIA
- AS199572 Setevye Technologii LLC
- AS199599 Telecom-Birzha LLC
- AS199666 Hynet S.R.L.
- AS199669 Okay-Telecom Ltd.
- AS199715 MSI Telekom Sp. z o.o. SP. K.
- AS199805 UGO LLC
- AS199820 PE Dyatlov Sergey Vladimirovich
- AS199860 Atomdata JSC
- AS199866 DNEVNIK.RU Ltd.
- AS199966 JSC Retnnet
- AS199995 Omega Telecom LLC
- AS200000 Hosting Ukraine Ltd
- AS200015 Omnichannel Technologies LLC
- AS200031 Netcity Sp. z o.o.
- AS200107 Kaspersky Lab Switzerland GmbH
- AS200161 DATAPRO Limited Liability Company
- AS200176 Szechinski Krzysztof - Hardsoft
- AS200187 CloudKleyer Frankfurt GmbH
- AS200197 Hybrid Adtech Sp.Z.o.o.
- AS200264 Scientific-Production Enterprise Business Sviaz Holding LLC
- AS200350 Yandex.Cloud LLC
- AS200430 Webo LLC
- AS200453 AO Institute Stroyproekt (JSC)
- AS200470 Triplon BV
- AS200473 Samsung SDS Europe Ltd
- AS200476 Tech Solutions LLC
- AS200487 OOO VPS
- AS201008 CTC Joint Stock Company
- AS201012 Keh Ecommerce LLC
- AS201022 Active business systems Ltd.
- AS201133 Verdina Ltd.
- AS201137 JSC OTC
- AS201193 Internet Projects JSC
- AS201196 Bermond Management Ltd
- AS201284 Devexperts GmbH
- AS201315 SIA BFA
- AS201606 LLC Aflt-Systems
- AS201611 Smartlynx Airlines
- AS201701 Freifunk Rheinland e.V.
- AS201706 ServicePipe LLC
- AS201789 Netops B.V.
- AS201916 PS Processing LLC
- AS202372 UPWAKE-AS
- AS202374 Enreach ICT B.V.
- AS202386 Szymon Beltowski BENET
- AS202446 Smarts JSC
- AS202498 T-Mob LLC
- AS202626 PERFECT-NET Jaroslaw Dziubek
- AS202629 InmarSoft LLC
- AS202696 Trusted Network LLC
- AS202756 Rfe/RL Inc.
- AS202759 RJ Network OU
- AS202920 SIA Rixhost
- AS202984 Chernyshov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
- AS203140 Netus Renata Gieruszczak-Fikus
- AS203302 Adam Gwozdz Trading as IWKD
- AS203339 SIA Network Operations Center
- AS203380 DA International Group Ltd.
- AS203447 Miratel Ltd
- AS203473 Servis Svyazi Loginnet LLC
- AS203660 Webpros International GmbH
- AS203725 St. Petersburg State Public Institution St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Center
- AS203742 Piotr Adam Kossowski Trading as Computer Service
- AS203783 UAB Gurtam
- AS203832 LLC Pro IT Resource
- AS203936 Iberwix Telecom S.L.
- AS203992 Unassigned
- AS204020 Fenice Telekom Grupa d.o.o.
- AS204045 Compass Plus (Great Britain) Limited
- AS204121 Adal Network SRL
- AS204184 PTR Live Technologies SRL
- AS204198 NCO Moneta (LLC)
- AS204226 I-Teco JSC
- AS204230 Gazprom Ep International Services B.V.
- AS204297 LLC Belgorod Networking Telecommunication Company
- AS204311 M Tech LLC
- AS204315 Game Insight UAB
- AS204384 LLC OTT Ukraine
- AS204448 Shopmetrics Europe Ltd.
- AS204453 Vaskiani Ventures Limited
- AS204600 Atlantic LLC.
- AS204671 Habr Europe OU
- AS204684 Wireless Network and Communications PE
- AS204846 Rostpay Ltd
- AS204875 Istec Ukraine LLC
- AS204911 Digitale Partizipation e.V.
- AS204995 RTB Marketing and Tech Services Ltd
- AS205022 Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
- AS205063 Cortel LLC
- AS205148 Lukasz Piotrowski
- AS205275 Romarg SRL
- AS205396 Prian LLC
- AS205412 I-Digital Limited Liability Company
- AS205495 OOO L-Telecom
- AS205614 Medialine EuroTrade AG
- AS205646 Newtel Company OU
- AS205675 Hybrid Adtech GmbH
- AS205822 Limited Liability Company Devino Telecom
- AS205864 Ediweb LLC
- AS205943 BDSF Technology B.V.
- AS205952 LLC Astra Cloud
- AS206048 Giganet - Instalacje Mariusz Zmyslowski
- AS206264 Amarutu Technology Ltd
- AS206383 VOXLAN Ltd.
- AS206385 OOO Spetstelecom-Yug
- AS206414 TechCenter S.R.O.
- AS206653 BioCad JSC
- AS206728 Media Land LLC
- AS206764 JSC MediaSoft Ekspert
- AS206805 LLC T1Cloud
- AS206813 4830.ORG E. V.
- AS206850 Neoflex Consulting JSC
- AS206892 Rendszerinformatika ZRT.
- AS206904 LLC Citilink
- AS206980 AntiDDoS Solutions LLC
- AS207056 Maloe Innovacionnoe Predpriyatie Bonch IT LLC
- AS207066 Sok SIA
- AS207083 HostSlim B.V.
- AS207114 Skynet Plus LLC
- AS207137 PacketHub S.A.
- AS207353 Ruform LLC
- AS207500 Mirela Bugdol Trading As FHU Martcom
- AS207581 Vkontakte Ltd
- AS207651 VDSINA-NL
- AS207688 Unassigned
- AS207753 Barnet LLC
- AS207785 Hostline UAB
- AS208008 Le Monlid LLC
- AS208154 Informatikai Szolgaltato es Tanacsado Kft.
- AS208206 EPX Ehrhardt + Partner Xtended GmbH
- AS208349 O2 Cloud LLC
- AS208374 LU-CIX-2
- AS208411 Medlinx Limited Liability Company
- AS208431 Adrian Pistol
- AS208440 GmhostGrupp OU
- AS208566 Giveme Cloud SP Z O O
- AS208640 Channel One Russia Worldwide JSC
- AS208652 Evroball LLC
- AS208673 Estoxy OU
- AS208676 OWH SE I.L.
- AS208722 Nebius DC Oy
- AS208803 ACN LLC
- AS208814 Tilman Schaefers
- AS208941 Korsi Ltd.
- AS208951 NL B.V.
- AS209002 Blackberry Capital Limited LLC
- AS209030 Kaspersky Lab AO
- AS209070 Securcom s.r.o.
- AS209153 Arvid Logicum Ou
- AS209181 Zenex 5ive Limited
- AS209347 FNorden e.V. - Freifunk Hannover
- AS209382 Ten Media (Cyprus) Ltd
- AS209447 RETN Limited
- AS209448 Avtogermes-Zapad LLC
- AS209561 D&V Global B.V.
- AS209588 FlyServers S.A.
- AS209605 UAB Host Baltic
- AS209894 Foerderverein Freie Infrastruktur E.V.
- AS209930 DataSpace Partners LLC
- AS209973 PJSC Sovkombank
- AS209974 ITGlobalcom Rus LLC
- AS210002 SmartTel Plus OU
- AS210028 LLC Complex Systems
- AS210082 Yovil Ltd.
- AS210109 LLC Kurgan-Telecom
- AS210203 RETN Limited
- AS210756 EdgeCenter LLC
- AS210819 Netversor GmbH
- AS210827 Aurora Telecom LLC
- AS210886 AS Magnetiq Bank
- AS211078 JSC Online Reservation System
- AS211157 Telegram Messenger INC
- AS211211 IT-Develop DOO
- AS211494 Narayana Ou
- AS211537 Pifagorus Ltd
- AS211632 Internet Solutions & Innovations LTD.
- AS211796 Invasion Universe LLC
- AS211826 Istqrar for Servers Services Ltd
- AS211914 AER-CA LLC
- AS211963 MAILRU-IS
- AS212062 UAB Worldline Lietuva
- AS212213 PS Processing LLC
- AS212234 Potok-Telecom Ltd.
- AS212278 Kraud LLC
- AS212308 LSP
- AS212318 Tech Solutions LLC
- AS212374 Virtuozzo International GmbH
- AS212421 CORE-AS
- AS212619 Foreign Unitary Enterprise Samsolutions
- AS212641 Incom Net Ltd
- AS212708 Unassigned
- AS212748 LLC NPF Helix
- AS212764 Public Joint Stock Company Research and Production Corporation United Wagon Company
- AS212883 Orion LLC
- AS212919 LLC Biovitrum
- AS212961 Jungheinrich AG
- AS213106 FFLIP
- AS213159 Fop Klimanov Eugene Alexandrovich
- AS213322 Venito Reklama UAB
- AS213348 PE Andrey Slesarev
- AS396986 ByteDance Inc.
- AS396998 Path Network Inc.
What is an Autonomous System (AS)?
An Autonomous System (AS) is a collection of connected networks that operate under a common administrative domain and share routing policies. Each AS is identified by a unique Autonomous System Number (ASN), which is used to exchange routing information with other ASs. AS can control how traffic flows through networks and then filter out unwanted traffic.