AS12552 GlobalConnect AB
IP Address Ranges
Netblock | Number of IPs | |
2001:678:55c::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:678:81c::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:67c:23c::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:67c:330::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:67c:43c::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:67c:674::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:67c:1174::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:67c:1180::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:67c:135c::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:67c:2764::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:67c:2cf8::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:67c:2da4::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:16d8::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 | |
2001:1ad8::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 | |
2a00:d90::/29 | 633,825,300,114,114,700,748,351,602,688 | |
2a00:1b60::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 | |
2a00:c6e0::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 | |
2a01:58:6106::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2a01:280:368::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2a01:2b0::/35 | 9,903,520,314,283,042,199,192,993,792 | |
2a01:2b0:2000::/36 | 4,951,760,157,141,521,099,596,496,896 | |
2a01:2b0:3000::/44 | 19,342,813,113,834,066,795,298,816 | |
2a01:2b0:3010::/45 | 9,671,406,556,917,033,397,649,408 | |
2a01:2b0:3018::/46 | 4,835,703,278,458,516,698,824,704 | |
2a01:2b0:301c::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2a01:2b0:301e::/47 | 2,417,851,639,229,258,349,412,352 | |
2a01:2b0:3020::/43 | 38,685,626,227,668,133,590,597,632 | |
2a01:2b0:3040::/44 | 19,342,813,113,834,066,795,298,816 | |
2a01:2b0:3050::/46 | 4,835,703,278,458,516,698,824,704 | |
2a01:2b0:3054::/47 | 2,417,851,639,229,258,349,412,352 | |
2a01:2b0:3056::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2a01:2b0:3058::/45 | 9,671,406,556,917,033,397,649,408 | |
2a01:2b0:3060::/43 | 38,685,626,227,668,133,590,597,632 | |
2a01:2b0:3080::/41 | 154,742,504,910,672,534,362,390,528 | |
2a01:2b0:3100::/40 | 309,485,009,821,345,068,724,781,056 | |
2a01:2b0:3200::/39 | 618,970,019,642,690,137,449,562,112 | |
2a01:2b0:3400::/38 | 1,237,940,039,285,380,274,899,124,224 | |
2a01:2b0:3800::/37 | 2,475,880,078,570,760,549,798,248,448 | |
2a01:2b0:4000::/34 | 19,807,040,628,566,084,398,385,987,584 | |
2a01:2b0:8000::/33 | 39,614,081,257,132,168,796,771,975,168 | |
2a01:2b1::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 | |
2a01:2b2::/31 | 158,456,325,028,528,675,187,087,900,672 | |
2a01:2b4::/30 | 316,912,650,057,057,350,374,175,801,344 | |
2a01:6d0::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 | |
2a01:a560::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 | |
2a02:5340::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2a03:f440::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 | |
2a06:9900::/29 | 633,825,300,114,114,700,748,351,602,688 | |
2a06:ecc0::/29 | 633,825,300,114,114,700,748,351,602,688 | |
2a09:bec0::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 | |
2a0a:6380::/29 | 633,825,300,114,114,700,748,351,602,688 | |
2a0a:a040::/29 | 633,825,300,114,114,700,748,351,602,688 | |
2a0a:d380::/29 | 633,825,300,114,114,700,748,351,602,688 | |
2a0b:1280::/29 | 633,825,300,114,114,700,748,351,602,688 | |
2a0b:6800::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2a10:7440::/29 | 633,825,300,114,114,700,748,351,602,688 |
- AS42 Woodynet Inc.
- AS224 SIKT - Kunnskapssektorens Tjenesteleverandor
- AS250 Foundation
- AS375 TietoEVRY Oyj
- AS553 Universitaet Stuttgart
- AS559 Switch
- AS680 Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V.
- AS702 AS702 Verizon Business EMEA - Commercial IP service provider in Europe
- AS714 Apple Inc.
- AS786 JISC Services Limited
- AS1031 PEER1-1031
- AS1101 Surf B.V.
- AS1103 Surf B.V.
- AS1126 VANCIS Vancis Advanced ICT Services
- AS1239 Sprint
- AS1241 Nova Telecommunications & Media Single Member S.A
- AS1248 HERE Global BV
- AS1257 Tele2 Sverige AB
- AS1267 Wind Tre S.p.A.
- AS1299 Arelion Sweden AB
- AS1342 RIPE Network Coordination Centre
- AS1547 Interdnestrkom Sovmestnoe Zakrytoe Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo
- AS1653 Vetenskapsradet / SUNET
- AS1680 Cellcom Fixed Line Communication L.P
- AS1741 CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy
- AS1764 Next Layer Telekommunikationsdienstleistungs- und Beratungs GmbH
- AS1820 WNET Telecom USA Corp.
- AS1828 Unitas Global
- AS1836 AG
- AS1880 Svensk Teleutveckling & Produktinnovation Stupi AB
- AS1921 RIPE Network Coordination Centre
- AS2018 African Network Information Center
- AS2116 GlobalConnect AS
- AS2119 Telenor Norge AS
- AS2134 Santander Global Technology S.L.U
- AS2559 Visa International Service Association
- AS2603 NORDUnet
- AS2635 Automattic Inc
- AS2686 AT&T Global Network Services - EMEA
- AS2818 BBC
- AS2840 Stiftelsen Goteborgs Studentbostader
- AS2852 CESNET z.s.p.o.
- AS2854 LLC Orange Business Services
- AS2874 Orange Business Services U.S. Inc.
- AS2906 Netflix Streaming Services Inc.
- AS3170 VeloxServ Communications Ltd
- AS3213 Bogons Ltd
- AS3214 xTom GmbH
- AS3216 PJSC Vimpelcom
- AS3223 Voxility LLP
- AS3238 Alands Telekommunikation Ab
- AS3252 Fiberax Networking&Cloud Ltd.
- AS3255 State Enterprise Scientific and Telecommunication Centre Ukrainian Academic and Research Network of the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (UARNET)
- AS3301 Telia Company AB
- AS3303 Swisscom (Schweiz) AG
- AS3306 KiloHertz AB
- AS3326 Private Joint Stock Company Datagroup
- AS3327 CITIC Telecom CPC Netherlands B.V.
- AS3330 EWW AG
- AS3356 Level 3 Parent LLC
- AS3399 Obenet AB
- AS3462 Asia Pacific Network Information Centre
- AS3573 Accenture LLP
- AS3741 African Network Information Center
- AS4004 Orange Business Services (Formerly Equant) AS for UK
- AS4229 Zenlayer Inc
- AS4455 IX Reach Ltd
- AS4637 Telstra Global
- AS4651 The Communications Authority of ThailandCAT
- AS4657 StarHub Ltd
- AS4761 Indosat Internet Network Provider
- AS4788 TM Technology Services Sdn. Bhd.
- AS4800 PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta
- AS5390 Euronet Communications B.V.
- AS5394 UNIDATA S.p.A.
- AS5398 AS5398 SA
- AS5400 British Telecommunications PLC
- AS5404 Conova Communications GmbH
- AS5409 Toplink GmbH
- AS5410 Bouygues Telecom SA
- AS5411 TietoEVRY Oyj
- AS5416 Beyon B.S.C.
- AS5430 Freenet Datenkommunikations GmbH
- AS5459 London Internet Exchange Ltd.
- AS5466 eircom Limited
- AS5482 Allpoints Fibre Limited
- AS5500 Chess ICT Ltd
- AS5503 RM Education Ltd
- AS5511 Orange S.A.
- AS5524 Signet B.V.
- AS5539 SpaceNet AG
- AS5564 BrightSolid Online Technology Ltd
- AS5578 SWAN a.s.
- AS5583 Orange Business Services formerly Equant AS for BENELUX
- AS5603 Telekom Slovenije d.d.
- AS5605 NetUSE AG
- AS5606 GTS Telecom SRL
- AS5607 SKY UK Limited
- AS5631 Telcom Networks Limited
- AS5713 African Network Information Center
- AS6057 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS6233 xTom
- AS6461 Zayo Bandwidth
- AS6507 Riot Games Inc
- AS6663 Euroweb Romania S.R.L.
- AS6667 Elisa Oyj
- AS6677 Mila HF
- AS6681 Giveme Cloud SP Z O O
- AS6682 Telia
- AS6697 Republican Unitary Telecommunication Enterprise Beltelecom
- AS6717 Internet Central Limited
- AS6735 TNG Stadtnetz GmbH
- AS6774 Belgacom International Carrier Services SA
- AS6805 Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co.OHG
- AS6866 Cyprus Telecommunications Authority
- AS6876 Tenet Scientific Production Enterprise LLC
- AS6939 Hurricane Electric LLC
- AS7195 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS7342 VeriSign Infrastructure & Operations
- AS7552 Viettel Group
- AS7642 Dhivehi Raajjeyge Gulhun PLC
- AS7713 PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia
- AS7979 Inc.
- AS8038 6Connect Inc.
- AS8075 Microsoft Corporation
- AS8218 Zayo Infrastructure France SA
- AS8220 Colt Technology Services Group Limited
- AS8245 Video-Broadcast GmbH
- AS8262 Evolink AD
- AS8282 Bink Group Ltd
- AS8283 Netwerkvereniging Coloclue
- AS8289 DND Nordic AB
- AS8298 IPng Networks GmbH
- AS8301 Gibtelecom Ltd.
- AS8302 Zattoo AG
- AS8304 Ecritel SASU
- AS8308 Naukowa I Akademicka Siec Komputerowa - Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy
- AS8309 Sipartech SAS
- AS8315 Accenture B. V.
- AS8339 kabelplus GmbH
- AS8365 GmbH
- AS8368 Destiny N.V
- AS8374 Polkomtel Sp. z o.o.
- AS8391 Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbH
- AS8399 Sewan SAS
- AS8400 Telekom Srbija a.d.
- AS8422 NetCologne Gesellschaft fur Telekommunikation mbH
- AS8426 Claranet Limited
- AS8445 Salzburg AG Fur Energie Verkehr und Telekommunikation
- AS8447 A1 Telekom Austria AG
- AS8452 TE Data
- AS8455 atom86 BV
- AS8462 Tarr Kft.
- AS8468 CityFibre Limited
- AS8469 CANCOM Managed Services GmbH
- AS8473 Bahnhof AB
- AS8487 Phibee Telecom SAS
- AS8523 Orange Business Digital Sweden AB
- AS8529 Zain Omantel International FZ-LLC
- AS8530 Wavenet Limited
- AS8540 AMA Networx GmbH
- AS8544 Primetel PLC
- AS8551 Bezeq International Ltd.
- AS8587 Infracom Holding B.V.
- AS8607 Digital Space Group Limited
- AS8608 Ziggo Services B.V.
- AS8632 Luxembourg Online S.A.
- AS8637 SpainWisp S.L.
- AS8641 LLC Nauka-Svyaz
- AS8647 IP Port LLC
- AS8648 dogado GmbH
- AS8657 MEO - Servicos de Comunicacoes e Multimedia S.A.
- AS8674 Netnod AB
- AS8680 Sure (Guernsey) Limited
- AS8681 JT (Jersey) Limited
- AS8683 Nominet UK
- AS8708 Digi Romania S.A.
- AS8717 A1 Bulgaria EAD
- AS8728 AS Infonet
- AS8732 JSC Comcor
- AS8741 Ratiokontakt GmbH
- AS8757 NSFOCUS Inc.
- AS8758 iWay AG
- AS8763 DENIC eG
- AS8764 Telia Lietuva AB
- AS8767 M-net Telekommunikations GmbH
- AS8781 Ooredoo Q.S.C.
- AS8804 regio[.NET] Holding GmbH
- AS8821 WWZ Telekom AG
- AS8823 Rockenstein AG
- AS8839 SdV-Plurimedia
- AS8851 GCI Network Solutions Limited
- AS8859 OSN Online Service Nuernberg GmbH
- AS8866 Vivacom Bulgaria Ead
- AS8878 nfon AG
- AS8879 DTS Systeme GmbH
- AS8881 1&1 Versatel Deutschland GmbH
- AS8888 xTom Pty Ltd
- AS8893 Artfiles New Media GmbH
- AS8896 GlobalConnect AS
- AS8918 Coolwave Communications Limited
- AS8926 Moldtelecom SA
- AS8932 Ucom CJSC
- AS8943 Jump Networks Ltd
- AS8953 Orange Romania S.A.
- AS8966 Emirates Telecommunications Group Company (Etisalat Group) PJSC
- AS8995 Lars Michael Jogbaeck
- AS9002 RETN Limited
- AS9009 M247 Europe SRL
- AS9022 TWL-Kom GmbH
- AS9031 EDPNET Belgium BV
- AS9036 Neuronnexion Scop
- AS9044 BSE Software GmbH
- AS9050 Orange Romania S.A.
- AS9063 VSE NET GmbH
- AS9115 Internet Names for Business Inc
- AS9116 Partner Communications Main Autonomous System
- AS9119 SOFTNET d.o.o.
- AS9136 Wobcom GmbH
- AS9145 EWE TEL GmbH
- AS9150 ML Consultancy
- AS9201 Swedish Armed Forces
- AS9211 Nawork Internet Informationssysteme GmbH
- AS9269 Hong Kong Broadband Network Ltd.
- AS9304 HGC Global Communications Limited
- AS9318 SK Broadband Co Ltd
- AS9354 Community Network Center Inc.
- AS9498 Bharti Airtel Ltd.
- AS9505 Taiwan Internet Gateway
- AS9583 Sify Limited
- AS9605 NTT DoCoMo Inc.
- AS10122 Netstar SG Pte. Ltd.
- AS10158 Kakao Corp
- AS10282 Global One
- AS10310 Oath Holdings Inc.
- AS10474 African Network Information Center
- AS10780 Pure Storage Inc.
- AS11179 Aryaka Networks Inc.
- AS11260 Eastlink
- AS11845 African Network Information Center
- AS12041 Afilias Inc.
- AS12189 PhoenixNAP LLC
- AS12200 Rackspace Hosting
- AS12222 Akamai Technologies Inc.
- AS12297 Telecom Armenia OJSC
- AS12301 Invitech ICT Services Kft.
- AS12306 Plus.line AG
- AS12312 Ecotel Communication AG
- AS12322 Free SAS
- AS12337 noris Network AG
- AS12350 VTX Services SA
- AS12355 HeLi NET Telekommunikation GmbH & Co.
- AS12389 PJSC Rostelecom
- AS12390 KCOM Group Limited
- AS12400 Partner Communications Ltd.
- AS12414 Solcon Internetdiensten B.V.
- AS12440 Hughes Network Systems GmbH
- AS12453 KraftCom Service GmbH
- AS12470 Globe Development GmbH
- AS12480 ILK Internet.Gmbh
- AS12488 Krystal Hosting Ltd
- AS12491 Gilat Telecom Ltd.
- AS12494 OOO Post Ltd
- AS12496 Infinity Developments Limited
- AS12519 FastNet International Ltd
- AS12531 Unassigned
- AS12576 EE Limited
- AS12577 MMC GmbH
- AS12578 SIA Tet
- AS12597 Gotalandsnatet AB
- AS12625 Deutsche Boerse AG
- AS12637 SEEWEB s.r.l.
- AS12676 HKN GmbH
- AS12678 Greysom Limited
- AS12680 RM Hamburg Holding GmbH
- AS12684 SES Astra S.A.
- AS12693 e.discom Telekommunikation GmbH
- AS12695 LLC Digital Network
- AS12703 Pulsant (Scotland) Ltd
- AS12713 Ote SA (Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation)
- AS12714 PJSC MegaFon
- AS12731 IPHH Internet Port Hamburg GmbH
- AS12732 Gutcon GmbH
- AS12741 Netia SA
- AS12759 Stephan Fuss Trading As Softcom Datensysteme
- AS12779 IT.Gate S.p.A.
- AS12782 Uppsala Lans Landsting
- AS12808 DTMS GmbH
- AS12843 TelemaxX Telekommunikation GmbH
- AS12850 Retelit Digital Services S.p.A.
- AS12857 Manage Now GmbH
- AS12859 BIT BV
- AS12876 Scaleway S.A.S.
- AS12883 Private Joint-Stock Company Farlep-Invest
- AS12886 LEW TelNet GmbH
- AS12888 Amadeus Data Processing GmbH
- AS12897 ENTEGA Medianet GmbH
- AS12902 B.V.
- AS12912 T-Mobile Polska S.A.
- AS12931 IDKOM Networks GmbH
- AS12935 QD Sverige AB
- AS12941 intersaar GmbH
- AS12963 Scientific-Industrial Firm Volz Limited Liability Company
- AS12969 Ljosleidarinn Ehf
- AS12993 SIA Digitalas Ekonomikas Attistibas Centrs
- AS12996 Domeneshop AS
- AS13000 Leon Sp. z o.o.
- AS13002 Isix Communications LLP
- AS13009 Redcentric Solutions Ltd
- AS13030 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd.
- AS13037 Zen Internet Ltd
- AS13039 Global Village GmbH
- AS13045 HTP GmbH
- AS13054 badenIT GmbH
- AS13101 TNG Stadtnetz GmbH
- AS13122 ManX Telecom Trading Ltd
- AS13132 Cyberways Informationsdienste GmbH
- AS13150 Cato Networks Ltd
- AS13170 Kaisanet Oy
- AS13189 Liden Data Internetwork AB
- AS13194 UAB BITE Lietuva
- AS13208 Newtel Limited
- AS13213 UK-2 Limited
- AS13237 euNetworks GmbH
- AS13238 Yandex LLC
- AS13249 Private Joint Stock Company Datagroup
- AS13285 TalkTalk Communications Limited
- AS13335 CloudFlare Inc.
- AS13360 Triton Digital
- AS13414 Twitter Inc.
- AS13760 Uniti Fiber Holdings Inc.
- AS13768 Aptum Technologies
- AS13896 8X8 Inc.
- AS13984 SD Data Center
- AS14061 DigitalOcean LLC
- AS14127 Iland Internet Solutions Corporation
- AS14340 Inc.
- AS14537 Continent 8 LLC
- AS14593 Space Exploration Technologies Corporation
- AS14630 Invesco Group Services Inc.
- AS14840 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS14907 Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
- AS15133 Edgecast Inc.
- AS15169 Google LLC
- AS15366 DNS:NET Internet Service GmbH
- AS15412 Flag Telecom UK Limited
- AS15435 DELTA Fiber Nederland B.V.
- AS15447 N.V.
- AS15510 Compuweb Communications Services Limited
- AS15547 SA
- AS15557 Societe Francaise du Radiotelephone - SFR SA
- AS15576 NTS Workspace AG
- AS15589 Retelit Digital Services S.p.A.
- AS15594 NetzQuadrat GmbH
- AS15598 NorthC Deutschland GmbH
- AS15600 Quickline AG
- AS15605 Connesi s.p.a.
- AS15654 Civica UK Ltd.
- AS15694 Atman Sp. z o.o.
- AS15695 Expereo International BV
- AS15704 Xtra Telecom S.A.
- AS15743 AG
- AS15763 DOKOM Gesellschaft fuer Telekommunikation mbH
- AS15765 Tafjord Connect AS
- AS15766 Domicilium (IOM) Limited
- AS15782 Bredband2 AB
- AS15802 Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company PJSC
- AS15817 Robert Meyer Trading As Mittwald CM Service GmbH & Co. Kg
- AS15830 Equinix (EMEA) Acquisition Enterprises B.V.
- AS15894 LeitWerk AG
- AS15895 Kyivstar PJSC
- AS15933 ith Kommunikationstechnik GmbH
- AS15943 GmbH
- AS15958 CETIN Ltd. Belgrade
- AS15960 Wiit AG
- AS15965 Cegecom S.A.
- AS15966 Emango Internet Services B.V.
- AS16024 GELSEN-NET Kommunikationsgesellschaft mbH
- AS16082 Spitfire Network Services Limited
- AS16086 DNA Oyj
- AS16097 HL komm Telekommunikations GmbH
- AS16117 Gavle Energi AB
- AS16164 Sohonet Limited
- AS16186 IP Group AS
- AS16205 DSI GmbH Daten Service Informationssysteme
- AS16247 M247 Ltd
- AS16253 Primlight AB
- AS16265 Leaseweb Network B.V.
- AS16298 Lubbers Box Telematica BV
- AS16302 Suomi Communications Oy
- AS16312 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS16316 TMT GmbH & Co. KG
- AS16347 Adista SAS
- AS16353 Merula Limited
- AS16376 SysGroup PLC
- AS16509 Inc.
- AS16552 Tiggee LLC
- AS16637 African Network Information Center
- AS16839 ServiceNow Inc.
- AS17088 Currenex Inc.
- AS17117 Ritsnet Inc.
- AS17451 Biznet Networks
- AS17494 Telecom Operator & Internet Service Provider as Well
- AS17557 Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited
- AS17639 Converge ICT Solutions Inc.
- AS17660 DrukNet ISP
- AS18001 Dialog Axiata PLC.
- AS18106 ViewQwest Pte Ltd
- AS18283 CCV Chupicom Inc.
- AS18403 FPT Telecom Company
- AS18676 Avaya Inc.
- AS19539 IP-Only Inc
- AS19551 Incapsula Inc
- AS19679 Dropbox Inc.
- AS19711 African Network Information Center
- AS20253 Qwilt Inc.
- AS20278 Nexeon Technologies Inc.
- AS20326 TeraSwitch Networks Inc.
- AS20340 Isphone Inc.
- AS20459 African Network Information Center
- AS20473 The Constant Company LLC
- AS20485 Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
- AS20495 We Dare B.V.
- AS20504 RTL Nederland B.V.
- AS20546 SOPRADO GmbH
- AS20559 Fundaments B.V.
- AS20562 Broadband Hosting B.V.
- AS20625 Bollnas Energi AB
- AS20626 Sandviken Energi AB
- AS20633 Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main
- AS20647 IPB Internet Provider in Berlin GmbH
- AS20676 Plusnet GmbH
- AS20677 imos Gesellschaft fuer Internet-Marketing und Online-Services mbH
- AS20681 Saxo Bank A/S
- AS20686 Bisping ISP & CityCarrier Germany
- AS20712 Andrews & Arnold Ltd
- AS20764 CJSC Rascom
- AS20766 Association Gitoyen
- AS20773 Host Europe GmbH
- AS20783 Pop-Interactive GmbH
- AS20792 VISTEC Internet Service GmbH
- AS20799 Ltd
- AS20804 Exatel S.A.
- AS20811 Retelit Digital Services S.p.A.
- AS20847 Previder B.V.
- AS20849 Continum AG
- AS20853 ETOP sp. z o.o.
- AS20857 Signet B.V.
- AS20860 iomart Cloud Services Limited
- AS20904 Cinia Oy
- AS20915 Cyberhive Ltd
- AS20928 NOOR-AS
- AS20932 Services Industriels de Geneve
- AS20940 Akamai International B.V.
- AS20969 Red Bee Media B.V.
- AS21013 EWW AG
- AS21030 Docker Ltd
- AS21040 Datapark AG
- AS21056 Vianova S.p.A
- AS21099 Game Retail Ltd
- AS21161 Bechtle AG
- AS21245 Medianova Internet Hizmetleri ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi
- AS21263 TeleData GmbH
- AS21267 Wavenet Limited
- AS21277 Allay Nawroz Telecom Company for Communication/LTD.
- AS21385 Trusted Network GmbH
- AS21396 NetConnex Broadband Ltd.
- AS21409 Ikoula Net SAS
- AS21413 Envia Tel GmbH
- AS21449 Etat de Geneve
- AS21473 Pfalzkom GmbH
- AS21476 all-connect Data Communications GmbH
- AS21478 Plex BV
- AS21497 PRJSC VF Ukraine
- AS21574 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS21859 Zenlayer Inc
- AS22356 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS22363 Powerhouse Management Inc.
- AS22381 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS22697 Roblox
- AS22822 Limelight Networks Inc.
- AS23106 American Tower do Brasil-Comunicacao Multimidia LT
- AS23576 NAVER Cloud Corp.
- AS23764 China Telecom Global Limited
- AS23889 African Network Information Center
- AS23944 SKYBroadband SKYCable Corporation
- AS24088 Hanoi Telecom Joint Stock Company - HCMC Branch
- AS24429 TAOBAO Zhejiang Taobao Network Co. Ltd
- AS24482 SG.GS
- AS24492 Wicam Corporation Ltd.
- AS24586 Intermax Group B.V.
- AS24594 Voiceflex Ltd
- AS24723 Atman Sp. z o.o.
- AS24724 Atman Sp. z o.o.
- AS24730 Garnier Projects BV
- AS24751 Jakobstadsnejdens Telefon Ab
- AS24875 Novoserve B.V.
- AS24889 Monzoon Networks AG
- AS24904 K-Net Sarl
- AS24916 Orbital Net Ltd
- AS24940 Hetzner Online GmbH
- AS24961 Wiit AG
- AS25061 Associated Networks (UK) Limited
- AS25068 Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH
- AS25081 Heidelberg IT Management GmbH & Co.KG
- AS25091 IP-Max SA
- AS25151 Cyso Group B.V.
- AS25160 Vorboss Limited
- AS25180 Exponential-E Ltd.
- AS25192 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o.
- AS25198 InterKVM Host SRL
- AS25220 Equada Network GmbH
- AS25279 Treml+Sturm Datentechnik GmbH
- AS25291 SysEleven GmbH
- AS25369 Hydra Communications Ltd
- AS25376 Netnorth Limited
- AS25394 MK Netzdienste GmbH
- AS25400 Telia Norge AS
- AS25415 ADDIX GmbH
- AS25417 Ljusdals Elnat AB
- AS25428 Colruyt Group NV
- AS25455 Guardfox SRL
- AS25460 The Networking People (TNP) Limited
- AS25509 Hringidan ehf / Vortex Inc
- AS25516 Init AG fuer Digitale Kommunikation
- AS25521 Industrial Media Network LLC
- AS25542 Former Denit Internet merged into AS31673
- AS25560 rh-tec Business GmbH
- AS25577 BE DC Connect UK Limited
- AS25596 Cambrium B.V.
- AS25818 African Network Information Center
- AS26464 Joyent Inc.
- AS26667 Magnite Inc.
- AS27281 Quantcast Corporation
- AS28283 Adylnet Telecom
- AS28663 Flys Interativa Ltda
- AS28676 WITCOM Wiesbadener Informations- und Telekommunikations GmbH
- AS28716 Retelit Digital Services S.p.A.
- AS28725 CETIN A.S.
- AS28748 Marc Pauls (AlphaCron Datensysteme)
- AS28757 Ltd
- AS28773 Global Technologies of Ukraine LLC
- AS28788 Dustin NL B.V.
- AS28792 Public Internet Ltd
- AS28801 Hotel Reservation Service Robert Ragge GmbH
- AS28847 Soderhamn NARA AB
- AS28876 Suec // Dacor GmbH
- AS28889 LinzNet Internet Service Provider GmbH
- AS28917 Fiord Networks UAB
- AS28929 ASDASD srl a socio unico
- AS28931 TriOptima AB
- AS28954 Fiberstaden AB
- AS28979 dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG
- AS29006 Acora Limited
- AS29014 ScaleUp Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
- AS29017 NTT Global Data Centers EMEA UK Ltd.
- AS29037 Kevag Telekom GmbH
- AS29049 Delta Telecom Ltd
- AS29056 Citycom Telekommunikation GmbH
- AS29075 Ielo-Liazo Services SAS
- AS29076 CityTelecom LLC
- AS29081 WVNET Information und Kommunikation GmbH
- AS29119 Aire Networks del Mediterraneo SL Unipersonal
- AS29140 Hostserver GmbH
- AS29141 Bradler & Krantz GmbH & Co. KG
- AS29169 Gandi SAS
- AS29208 Quantcom A.S.
- AS29217 CGI Sverige AB
- AS29226 JSC Mastertel
- AS29243 Domainkeskus OY
- AS29263 Gemeente Den Haag
- AS29286 Skylogic S.p.A.
- AS29314 Vectra S.A.
- AS29396 Eurofiber Nederland BV
- AS29405 VNET a.s.
- AS29413 KOMRO Gesellschaft fuer Telekommunikation mit beschraenkter Haftung
- AS29419 Almaviva S.p.A.
- AS29432 TREX Regional Exchanges Oy
- AS29446 Limited
- AS29452 Secura Hosting Ltd
- AS29467 LuxNetwork S.A.
- AS29505 Stadtwerke Luebeck Digital GmbH
- AS29518 Bredband2 AB
- AS29527 Astutium Limited
- AS29535 Orange Polska Spolka Akcyjna
- AS29550 Team Blue Carrier Limited
- AS29606 Borwood Ltd
- AS29611 Elite Limited
- AS29624 Krick Management Gmbh Trading As Iwelt Gmbh + Co. Kg
- AS29632 NetAssist Limited
- AS29668 vXtream Ltd
- AS29672 S:t Erik Kommunikation AB
- AS29686 Jonas Frey Trading As Probe Networks
- AS29691 Nine Internet Solutions AG
- AS29695 Lyse Tele AS
- AS29802 Hivelocity Inc.
- AS29838 Atlantic Metro Communications II Inc.
- AS29990 Xandr Inc.
- AS30081 CacheFly
- AS30103 Zoom Video Communications Inc
- AS30419 Paedae Inc.
- AS30740 Exa Networks Limited
- AS30766 GGew net GmbH
- AS30781 Free Pro SAS
- AS30798 TNNet Oy
- AS30827 Extraordinary Managed Services Ltd
- AS30844 Liquid Telecommunications Ltd
- AS30889 Adista SAS
- AS30950 Eviny Digital AS
- AS31019 Paulus M. Hoogsteder
- AS31025 IAG-AS
- AS31027 GlobalConnect A/S
- AS31029 M-Real Net Ltd.
- AS31042 Serbia BroadBand-Srpske Kablovske mreze d.o.o.
- AS31059 Avelacom Business Ltd.
- AS31103 Keyweb AG
- AS31122 Digiweb ltd
- AS31133 PJSC MegaFon
- AS31169 Sognenett AS
- AS31229 sp. z o.o.
- AS31287 IPAcct Cable Ltd
- AS31317 AnschlussWerk GmbH
- AS31319 Estracom Spa
- AS31328 Schneider Electric Industries SAS
- AS31383 Computel Standby BV
- AS31399 Mercedes-Benz Group AG
- AS31424 Netrics Zuerich AG Opfikon
- AS31449 Belcenter SA
- AS31463 Redcentric Solutions Ltd
- AS31472 VoiceHost Ltd
- AS31477 Duocast B.V.
- AS31500 Global Network Management Inc
- AS31507 Servanet AB
- AS31510 Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG
- AS31631 Telcom Networks Limited
- AS31638 Lepida S.c.p.A.
- AS31642 Varnamo Energi AB
- AS31673 Uniserver Internet B.V.
- AS31708 CoreIX Ltd
- AS31727 Node4 Limited
- AS31742 Sota Solutions Ltd.
- AS31898 Oracle Corporation
- AS32244 Liquid Web L.L.C
- AS32590 Valve Corporation
- AS32787 Akamai Technologies Inc.
- AS32934 Facebook Inc.
- AS33182 Inc.
- AS33353 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC
- AS33438 DATUM
- AS33763 Incredible-Technology-Holdings
- AS33843 Dr.-Ing. Nepustil & Co. GmbH Internet Service Center Ingenieurgesellschaft fuer Systemsoftware und Kommunikationstechnik
- AS33848 Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
- AS33891 Core-Backbone GmbH
- AS33920 (AQ) Networks Limited
- AS33941 GConnect Technology Ltd
- AS33976 Aftonbladet Hierta AB
- AS33986 Redder Telco S.R.L.
- AS34019 Hivane Association
- AS34066 Telappliant Limited
- AS34086 T-Systems International GmbH
- AS34087 NTE Telekom AS
- AS34119 Wildcard UK Limited
- AS34141 IN2IP-AS in2ip B.V. i.o.
- AS34177 Celeste SAS
- AS34224 Neterra Ltd.
- AS34244 Teleservice Bredband Skane AB
- AS34245 Magnet Networks Limited
- AS34270 Internet Connections Ltd
- AS34288 Kantonsschule Zug
- AS34309 Link11 GmbH
- AS34347 HALLAG Kommunal GmbH
- AS34385 Tripnet AB
- AS34428 Giulio Lo Presti
- AS34442 BNW Technology Ltd
- AS34549 meerfarbig GmbH & Co. KG
- AS34555 C.C.S. (Leeds) Ltd
- AS34569 Vivacom Bulgaria Ead
- AS34624 Megaspace Internet Services GmbH
- AS34628 Comprehensive Security Sweden AB
- AS34655 Jwe S.A R.L.
- AS34659 Keyyo SA
- AS34746 AXA Insurance UK plc
- AS34756 NEP Media Solutions B.V.
- AS34768 VIA
- AS34772 NEOTEL-MKD Autonomous System
- AS34788 Neue Medien Muennich GmbH
- AS34848 J2 Global Denmark A/S
- AS34854 STACLAR Carrier Ltd.
- AS34863 Hexanet SAS
- AS34872 Sarah Rossius Trading As Servperso Systems
- AS34895 hostNET Medien GmbH
- AS34927 iFog GmbH
- AS34946 Jonkoping Energi AB
- AS34953 RelAix Networks GmbH
- AS34966 Ralf Bender
- AS34968 Iunxi B.V.
- AS35000 JSC Severen-Telecom
- AS35071 Xoom Limited
- AS35179 Korbank S. A.
- AS35180 Broadsoft Ltd
- AS35213 TOV Kompjuternie Merezhi
- AS35228 Telefonica UK Limited
- AS35266 EX Networks Limited
- AS35280 F5 Networks Sarl
- AS35297 Dataline LLC
- AS35311 PR-Telecom ZRT.
- AS35313 Infonas W.L.L.
- AS35320 EuroTransTelecom Ltd
- AS35360 Frederic Gargula
- AS35432 Cablenet Communication Systems plc
- AS35437 Zone Telecommunications Ltd
- AS35445 Jonkoping Kommun
- AS35551 TGL Services (UK) Ltd
- AS35565 Trust-IT Sweden AB
- AS35574 IGT Lottery S.p.A.
- AS35598 Inetcom Carrier LLC
- AS35661 Virtua Systems SAS
- AS35706 Net at Once Sweden AB
- AS35709 Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie
- AS35710 GmbH
- AS35729 ViaCloud WLL
- AS35742 Qbrick streaming network ASn
- AS35753 Integrated Telecom Co. Ltd
- AS35790 Aktiebolaget Sappa
- AS35793 Acronis International GmbH
- AS35805 Silknet Autonomous System
- AS35826 Netservers Limited
- AS35834 CCP CCP Ehf. Autonomous System
- AS36182 Accretive Networks
- AS36236 NetActuate Inc
- AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
- AS36459 GitHub Inc.
- AS36692 Cisco OpenDNS LLC
- AS36864 African Network Information Center
- AS36868 EIS
- AS36874 CyberSmart
- AS36916 X-DSL-NET1
- AS36994 Vodacom-VB
- AS37009 MTCASN
- AS37054 Telecom-Malagasy
- AS37122 Smile
- AS37271 Workonline
- AS37282 MainOne
- AS37363 Faircape
- AS37558 LITC
- AS37564 WIRUlink
- AS37662 WIOCC-AS
- AS37721 Virtual-Technologies-Solutions-SA
- AS38016 Nokia IP Networks Labs
- AS38040 TOT Public Company Limited
- AS38082 True International Gateway Co. Ltd.
- AS38090 PearlAbyss
- AS38158 PT. Cyberindo Aditama
- AS38182 Extreme Broadband - Total Broadband Experience
- AS38193 Transworld Associates Pvt. Ltd.
- AS38719 Dreamscape Networks Limited
- AS38758 PT. Hipernet Indodata
- AS38880 M21-AS-AP Micron21 Datacentre Pty Ltd
- AS38956 Uppsala Kommun
- AS38983 Copaco Cloud B.V.
- AS39063 Leitwert GmbH
- AS39087 P.A.K.T LLC
- AS39090 Brandl Services GmbH
- AS39120 Convergenze S.p.A.
- AS39122 Blacknight Internet Solutions Limited
- AS39175 Connective Online Limited
- AS39180 Lasotel SAS
- AS39194 Vakka-Suomen Puhelin Oy
- AS39202 GCAP-AS
- AS39204 Axima AB
- AS39208 I.P. Integration Limited
- AS39233 Blue Face Ltd.
- AS39242 Seclan Oy
- AS39257 Interactive Network Communications GmbH
- AS39279 Information Technology and Cyber Security Service
- AS39326 Syntura Group Limited
- AS39351 31173 Services AB
- AS39356 Avanti Broadband Ltd
- AS39378 Servinga GmbH
- AS39384 Dream Fusion - IT Services Lda
- AS39386 Saudi Telecom Company JSC
- AS39498 LMAX Digital Group Limited
- AS39537 SysGroup PLC
- AS39560 KT-NET Communications GmbH
- AS39572 DataWeb Global Group B.V.
- AS39587 Aeacus B.V.
- AS39591 Global-E Ict Solutions B.V.
- AS39637 Ades BV
- AS39642 Norlys Digital A/S
- AS39643 Svenljunga Kommun
- AS39647 Enreach Netherlands B.V.
- AS39658 Statistics Sweden
- AS39699 Lounea Palvelut Oy
- AS39702 S-IT Verwaltungs GmbH TRADING AS S-IT Informationstechnologie Betreiber GmbH & Co. Kg Im Nordschwarzwald
- AS39704 CJ2 Hosting B.V.
- AS39737 Prime Telecom srl
- AS39832 Opera Norway AS
- AS39878 Peter Rauter GmbH
- AS39912 GmbH
- AS40401 BackBlaze Inc
- AS40627 Ringcentral Inc
- AS40934 Fortinet Inc.
- AS40999 GmbH
- AS41000 Freethought Internet Limited
- AS41001 Safespring AB
- AS41033 D2Cloud Network Services (Pty) Ltd
- AS41041 Conversant LLC
- AS41090 Equation SAS
- AS41095 IPTP Ltd
- AS41107 Backbone Connect Limited
- AS41164 Telia Norge AS
- AS41175 Iver Sverige AB
- AS41216 Advania Sverige AB
- AS41230 Ask4 Limited
- AS41289 Deutscher Wetterdienst
- AS41313 Novatel Eood
- AS41327 Fiber Telecom S.p.A.
- AS41354 ITS Technology Group Limited
- AS41364 Consorzio Top IX - Torino E Piemonte Exchange Point CC
- AS41369 Advania Finland OY
- AS41405 Altinea SAS
- AS41528 Loopia AB
- AS41552 Marktplaats B.V.
- AS41690 Dailymotion S.A.
- AS41692 OpenCarrier eG
- AS41695 VOSTRON Limited
- AS41776 Deutsche Glasfaser Business GmbH
- AS41805 Sawad Land for Information Technology Ltd
- AS41811 Convergence (Group Networks) Limited
- AS41820 New Information Systems PP
- AS41884 Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
- AS41887 Prolocation B.V.
- AS41913 Computerline GmbH
- AS41960 Nextpertise B.V.
- AS41998 NetCom BW GmbH
- AS42044 CentralNIC Ltd
- AS42184 tkrz Stadtwerke GmbH
- AS42201 PVDataNet AB
- AS42251 Lindesbergs Kommun
- AS42344 Subtopia Ltd
- AS42385 Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
- AS42455 Elite Limited
- AS42459 Fiber Optics Bulgaria OOD
- AS42473 ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH
- AS42523 ISEC Group AB
- AS42541 Fiberby ApS
- AS42567 MojoHost B.V.
- AS42595 Iver Sverige AB
- AS42605 Ratiodata Se
- AS42611 Zzoomm PLC
- AS42649 Baffin Bay Networks AB
- AS42652 inexio Informationstechnologie und Telekommunikation Gmbh
- AS42689 Glide Student & Residential Limited
- AS42695 Cleura AB
- AS42707 e-Quest IT Projecten B.V.
- AS42708 GleSYS AB
- AS42755 DataFiber Group B.V.
- AS42831 UK Dedicated Servers Limited
- AS42841 ANTIK Telecom s.r.o
- AS42861 Foton Telecom CJSC
- AS42947 Telfy Telecom S.L.
- AS42965 Net Services Beteiligungsgesellschaft MBH Trading as Net Services GmbH & Co. KG
- AS43009 Infobip Limited
- AS43037 SEZNAM
- AS43065 Nordlo Sodra Norrland AB
- AS43140 TELEflash GmbH
- AS43190 Totaalnet Internet Works B.V.
- AS43205 Vivacom Bulgaria Ead
- AS43293 Proxility B.V.
- AS43341 MDlink online service center GmbH
- AS43350 NForce Entertainment B.V.
- AS43366 Osso B.V.
- AS43404 Fastnet LLC
- AS43407 Infonline GmbH
- AS43414 H2B Assets B.V.
- AS43530 Limited Liability Company Irtelcom
- AS43545 TeleData UK Limited
- AS43566 TynTec GmbH
- AS43591 AddSecure AB
- AS43623 Hessischer Rundfunk
- AS43641 SOLLUTIUM EU Sp z.o.o.
- AS43727 JSC Kvant-Telekom
- AS43770 Itconnect Scandinavia AB
- AS43809 Forss IT AB
- AS43872 Optinet U.K. Limited
- AS43893 Mainloop AB
- AS43898 ORCL-AM-OCI1
- AS43942 Grifonline S.r.l.
- AS43996 BV
- AS44013 Sandvik IT Services AB
- AS44034 Hi3G Access AB
- AS44066 FirstColo GmbH
- AS44103 The Mastermind Holding B.V.
- AS44314 ITsynergy Limited
- AS44356 Epsilon Telecommunications Ltd
- AS44444 Forcepoint Cloud Ltd
- AS44503 Charterhouse Voice & Data Ltd.
- AS44600 Gigatrans Ukraine LLC
- AS44608 EMG Nederland B.V.
- AS44684 Mythic Beasts Ltd
- AS44735 Nova hf
- AS44746 Satellithuset i Limmared AB
- AS44749 Pinnacom Ltd
- AS44769 Bosnet Aktiebolag
- AS44788 Criteo Technology SAS
- AS44814 Bulgartel Ad
- AS44854 Arend Brouwer
- AS44858 Proxsys B.V.
- AS44901 BelCloud Ltd
- AS44965 8x8 Inc
- AS44973 Rechenzentrum Hassfurt GmbH
- AS44974 RegioNet Schweinfurt GmbH
- AS45009 Rogier Krieger
- AS45014 Nuco Technologies Ltd
- AS45102 Alibaba US Technology Co. Ltd.
- AS45352 IP ServerOne Solutions Sdn Bhd
- AS45430 SBN-IIGAWN-IIG Transit Provider
- AS45437 Real World - The Core
- AS45474 Nexusguard Limited
- AS45489 Sri Lanka Telecom PLC GLobal Peering
- AS45629 JasTel Network International Gateway
- AS45758 Triple T Broadband Public Company Limited
- AS45899 VNPT Corp
- AS45903 CMC Telecom Infrastructure Company
- AS46489 Twitch Interactive Inc.
- AS46562 Performive LLC
- AS46786 IP Transit Inc.
- AS46844 SharkTech
- AS47138 PLANinterNET GmbH
- AS47147 ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH
- AS47195 Gameforge 4D GmbH
- AS47215 dogado GmbH
- AS47234 Olofstroms Kabel-TV AB
- AS47321 Autonomous Non-Profit Organization Institute of Engineering Physics
- AS47372 Bringe Informationstechnik GmbH
- AS47447 23M GmbH
- AS47480 Blue Tiger Solutions Limited
- AS47605 FNE-Finland Oy
- AS47626 Timer LLC
- AS47638 Cadence Networks Ltd
- AS47674 Net Solutions - Consultoria em Tecnologias de Informacao Sociedade Unipessoal Lda
- AS47692 Nessus GmbH
- AS47720 Cork Internet Exchange Limited
- AS47734 Telecom IT Solutions SRL
- AS47787 Edgoo Networks Unipessoal Lda
- AS47794 Etihad Atheeb Telecom Company
- AS47836 SC Web Software Development SRL
- AS47869 ColoHouse LLC
- AS47872 Sofia Connect EAD
- AS47886 Equinix (Netherlands) B.V.
- AS47957 Worldline IGSA SA
- AS47973 Digital Realty Netherlands B.V.
- AS47998 Oscar Music & Media Ltd.
- AS47999 Verint Systems UK Limited
- AS48042 Direct2Internet AB
- AS48070 DSM (GB) Limited
- AS48093 WebLand AB
- AS48101 Trooli Ltd.
- AS48152 Digital Frankfurt GmbH
- AS48171 Atos IT Solutions and Services AB
- AS48173 Orange Business Digital Germany GmbH
- AS48200 Opteamax GmbH
- AS48273 ESSENSYS (UK) Ltd.
- AS48284 SWU TeleNet GmbH
- AS48303 Ovis IT Consulting GmbH
- AS48305 Noraina Ltd
- AS48314 Michael Sebastian Schinzel Trading as IP-Projects GmbH & Co. KG
- AS48345 Abavia S.r.l.
- AS48362 Stadtwerke Feldkirch
- AS48374 MH Holding Af 1. Juni 2009 ApS
- AS48399 Svyaz VSD LLC
- AS48484 IGN GmbH
- AS48519 Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbH
- AS48579 Elastx AB
- AS48598 Norigin Media AS
- AS48635 Cldin B.V.
- AS48646 Sdrmedia Verwaltungs GmbH
- AS48803 Mediateknik i Varberg AB
- AS48858 JSC ER-Telecom Holding
- AS48904 Vaggeryds Energi AB
- AS48942 Daniel Eriksson Teknik AB
- AS48945 Open Fibre Networks (Wholesale) Limited
- AS49033 Critical Core BV
- AS49121 Infinity Telecom s.r.o.
- AS49127 Asimo Networks B.V.
- AS49158 Wifinity Networks Limited
- AS49172 AB Svenska Spel
- AS49183 Galichina Telekommunication Ltd
- AS49232 Rackfish AB
- AS49251 Ulricehamns Energi AB
- AS49282 Ficolo Oy
- AS49283 Setera Oy
- AS49292 Leissner Data AB
- AS49321 Netgo GmbH
- AS49375 No One Internet Ltd
- AS49415 VTSL Ltd
- AS49425 Digital Realty (UK) Limited
- AS49453 Global Layer B.V.
- AS49463 Les Nouveaux Constructeurs SA
- AS49505 JSC Selectel
- AS49544 B.V
- AS49572 Fujitsu Services Ltd.
- AS49600 Near IP S.L.
- AS49605 Digital Telecommunication Services S.r.l.
- AS49627 Speakup B.V
- AS49685 Signet B.V.
- AS49697 Joey-Network
- AS49718 Nizhnevolzhskie Telecommunication Networks Real LLC
- AS49788 Nexthop AS
- AS49808 Energie AG Oberoesterreich Services und Digital Solutions GmbH
- AS49820 Pictura Imaginis B.V.
- AS49823 Hastingwood Securities Ltd
- AS49870 Alsycon B.V.
- AS49910 Ludigssoft Management GmbH Trading As Ludigssoft Rz Gmbh & Co. Kg
- AS49949 Complior AB
- AS49981 WorldStream B.V.
- AS50010 Omani Qatari Telecommunication Company SAOC
- AS50020 CETIN Bulgaria EAD
- AS50023 VCG Technology Services Limited
- AS50061 PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG
- AS50072 Talpa TV B.V.
- AS50083 Hermes Telecom BVBA
- AS50245 Serverel Inc.
- AS50266 Odido Netherlands B.V.
- AS50272 Avur AS
- AS50295 Triple IT BV
- AS50300 CustodianDC Limited
- AS50304 Blix Solutions AS
- AS50309 Arcadiz Telecom NV
- AS50316 Net Global Srl
- AS50352 Riccardo Gori
- AS50377 Dustin Finland Oy
- AS50469 Peer Kohlstetter Trading As Hessenkom GmbH & Co. Kg
- AS50489 Ori Industries 1 Limited
- AS50509 Transroute Telecom Ltd
- AS50522 Sewan Nederland B.V.
- AS50533 I.T.E.N.O.S. International Telecom Network Operation Services GmbH
- AS50572 Nordlo Improve AB
- AS50581 Ukrainian Telecommunication Group LLC
- AS50629 LWLcom GmbH
- AS50673 Serverius Holding B.V.
- AS50763 McKaycom Ltd
- AS50812 Axess OnLine SARL
- AS50821 Bredband2 Stockholms Stadsnaet AB
- AS50823 PBX Hosting Ltd
- AS50837 CloudSigma AG
- AS50858 SAS Solutions Informatiques Services
- AS50877 Airbeam S.R.L.
- AS50923 Metroset Ltd.
- AS51043 Aspire Technology Solutions Ltd
- AS51050 H4Hosting BV
- AS51055 Bridge Fibre Limited
- AS51088 A2B IP B.V.
- AS51132 Arkaden Konsult AB
- AS51159 Think BV Limited
- AS51167 Contabo GmbH
- AS51184 Fonira Telekom GmbH
- AS51185 MainStreaming SpA
- AS51310 Marcin Moczulski Trading As Matronix
- AS51311 Noisy Stream Oy
- AS51324 Exaring AG
- AS51343 Telecom Service LLC
- AS51402 COM-IN Telekommunikations GmbH
- AS51407 Mada Al-Arab General Services Company
- AS51409 sipsynergy Ltd
- AS51430 AltusHost B.V.
- AS51468 A/S
- AS51483 SaSG GmbH & Co. KG
- AS51519 Karabro AB
- AS51553 Telecom Plus PLC
- AS51561 ICUK Computing Services Limited
- AS51571 Alpit Nordic OY
- AS51747 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS51752 Wachttoren- Bijbel en Traktaatgenootschap Kerkgenootschap
- AS51809 BRSK Limited
- AS51815 GlobalConnect AB
- AS51823 Microtalk Europe Ltd
- AS51865 DIDWW Ireland Limited
- AS51913 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS51945 ConnetU Ltd.
- AS51978 WEMACOM Telekommunikation GmbH
- AS52075 Wifirst S.A.S.
- AS52320 Globenet Cabos Submarinos Colombia S.A.S.
- AS52551 SAMM Sociedade de Atividades em Multimidia Ltda
- AS53013 W I X Net do Brasil Ltda - ME
- AS53180 Infortel Comunicacoes Ltda
- AS53264 SBA Edge LLC
- AS53334 Total Uptime Technologies LLC
- AS53766 VMware Inc.
- AS54113 Fastly Inc.
- AS54825 Packet Host Inc.
- AS54994 Meteverse Limited.
- AS55219 Cisco Systems Inc.
- AS55256 Netskope Inc
- AS55329 Telcotech Ltd.
- AS55685 PT Jala Lintas Media
- AS55799 IPTelecom Asia
- AS55805 Mobicom Corporation
- AS55818 MC-IX Matrix Internet Exchange RS-1
- AS55967 BAIDU Beijing Baidu Netcom Science and Technology Co. Ltd.
- AS56329 Gigaclear Limited
- AS56334 ManpowerGroup AS
- AS56382 LTD
- AS56443 IP Way LLC
- AS56444 Atmoso Limited
- AS56474 Computacenter (UK) Ltd
- AS56478 Hyperoptic Ltd
- AS56595 Fluency Communications Ltd
- AS56630 Melbikomas UAB
- AS56654 Infinity Telecom SRL
- AS56655 Gigahost AS
- AS56665 Proximus Luxembourg S.A.
- AS56701 LLC Avanta Telecom
- AS56704 Farice ehf
- AS56911 Warian S.r.l.
- AS56946 Trustly Group AB
- AS56961 Esab AB
- AS56990 Syscomm Limited
- AS57112 F2X Operator B.V.
- AS57131 IP Osteraker AB
- AS57154 Stadtwerke Konstanz GmbH
- AS57169 EDIS GmbH
- AS57208 Advania Sverige AB
- AS57257 Zorins LLC
- AS57344 Telehouse EAD
- AS57356 Highland Network Ltd
- AS57406 Zero Distance LLC
- AS57455 Filanco Ukraine Ltd.
- AS57463 Netix
- AS57537 Net-D-Sign GmbH
- AS57630 84 Grams AB
- AS57653 Central Technology Ltd
- AS57660 Com4 AS
- AS57695 Misaka Network Inc.
- AS57704 SpeedClick for Information Technology and Communication Ltd
- AS57724 DDoS-Guard Ltd
- AS57773 1Access Sweden AB
- AS57793 1310 Limited
- AS57811 Redge Technologies Sp. z o.o.
- AS57955 Gridcore AB
- AS57976 Blizzard Entertainment Inc
- AS58003 Planeetta Internet Oy
- AS58007 Witine Limited
- AS58010 uvensys GmbH
- AS58057 Securebit AG
- AS58138 Korton Computer Communication (KCC) B.V.
- AS58188 Sharpstream Ltd
- AS58226 Phusion IM Limited
- AS58243 Tele AG
- AS58273 Broadband for the Rural North Limited.
- AS58307 Unitel-Media Sp. z o.o.
- AS58317 Embark Studios AB
- AS58453 China Mobile International Limited
- AS58511 Anycast Global Backbone
- AS58601 Aamra Technologies Limited
- AS58715 Earth Telecommunication Pvt Ltd.
- AS58717 Summit Communications Ltd
- AS58807 China Mobile International Limited
- AS58952 Frontiir Co. Ltd
- AS59110 BPS Inc.
- AS59395 Southern Communications Ltd
- AS59437 Northern Data AG
- AS59439 EvolveIP Ltd
- AS59455 Clearstream Technology ltd
- AS59507 terralink networks GmbH
- AS59545 Vertixo BV
- AS59586 CAG Datastod AB
- AS59605 Zain Omantel International FZ-LLC
- AS59624 National Research Center Kurchatov Institute
- AS59655 Exinity works (CY) Ltd
- AS59659 Securus Communications Ltd.
- AS59675 mywire Datentechnik GmbH
- AS59702 Junet AB
- AS59711 HZ Hosting Ltd
- AS59778 Synextra Limited
- AS59796 StormWall s.r.o.
- AS59811 VONEUS
- AS59835 Dreamhack AB
- AS59865 iVent Mobile BV
- AS59890 Kabel-TV Lampert GmbH & Co KG
- AS59908 BalaLink S.A.
- AS59933 Sensical Services Limited
- AS60022 Sona Business B.V.
- AS60051 Earthlink Telecommunications Equipment Trading & Services DMCC
- AS60064 HostPalace Datacenters LTD
- AS60068 DataCamp Limited
- AS60094 Binero AB
- AS60169 R-Kom Regensburger Telekommunikationsgesellschaft mbH
- AS60171 AFR-IX Telecom S.A.
- AS60198 NodeMax Limited
- AS60213 Helsinge Net Ovanaker AB
- AS60255 Internetty Ltd
- AS60280 Republican Unitary Enterprise National Traffic Exchange Center
- AS60294 Deutsche Glasfaser Wholesale GmbH
- AS60345 ICIXS Networks Ug (Haftungsbeschraenkt)
- AS60350 SA
- AS60354 Richie Ltd
- AS60377 Toob Limited
- AS60433 Vmar IT AB
- AS60476 Digital Transformation Plus LLC
- AS60486 Swiss Networking Solutions AG
- AS60501 Sirius Technology SRL
- AS60517 Noehmer Cablevision GmbH
- AS60522 KomMITT-Ratingen GmbH
- AS60610 Amito Ltd
- AS60670 WideFM Ltd
- AS60793 Telefonica Tech Northern Ireland Limited
- AS60800 Netwise Hosting Ltd
- AS60822 Wispone S.R.L.
- AS60868 Runtime Collective Limited
- AS60924 Orixcom Limited
- AS60979 KPMG IT Service GmbH
- AS61049 Exascale Limited
- AS61081 DefaultRoute Limited
- AS61098 Akenes SA
- AS61124 Marston's Telecoms Limited
- AS61157 PlusServer GmbH
- AS61207 Hostek AB
- AS61215 IIJ Europe Limited
- AS61231 Neos Networks Limited
- AS61244 Manfred Casper Trading as EURO-SAT
- AS61317 Hivelocity LLC
- AS61323 ANS Academy Limited
- AS61337 Single Mode Networks Ltd
- AS61349 MaxiTEL Telecom B.V.
- AS61397 Stay Connected Aps
- AS61423 JMP Technology Services GmbH
- AS61599 Eai Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS61832 DB3 Servicos de Telecomunicacoes S.A
- AS61955 ColocationIX GmbH
- AS61990 Vaisala Oyj
- AS62023 NYNEX satellite OHG
- AS62041 Telegram Messenger INC
- AS62044 Zscaler Switzerland GmbH
- AS62163 IP River Limited
- AS62167 Tismi BV
- AS62183 Bredband2 Bredbandsson AB
- AS62217 Vinters IT Ltd
- AS62227 EKCO Cloud Edinburgh Limited
- AS62240 Clouvider Limited
- AS62275 NHM - S.r.l.
- AS62313 Proact IT UK Limited
- AS62336 GmbH
- AS62365 SachsenGigaBit GmbH
- AS62395 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS62416 Sampling Line-Servicos e Internet Lda
- AS62597 NSONE Inc
- AS62663 Telecall
- AS62713 Pubmatic Inc.
- AS62715 CrashPlan
- AS62856 DocuSign Inc
- AS62955 Ebay Inc
- AS63113 Globecorp Networks
- AS63199 CDS Global Cloud Co. Ltd
- AS63399 Dialpad Inc.
- AS63927 RISE
- AS63949 Akamai Connected Cloud
- AS64049 Reliance Jio Infocomm Pte Ltd Singapore
- AS65552 Reserved - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
- AS131314 CBC Tech International Limited
- AS131958 Tama Cable Network Co. Ltd.
- AS132203 Tencent Building Kejizhongyi Avenue
- AS132337 Axclusive
- AS132876 Symphony Communication Thailand PCL.
- AS135391 Aofei Data International Company Limited
- AS136106 PT. Mega Akses Persada
- AS136907 Huawei Clouds
- AS137367 PT iForte Solusi Infotek
- AS137409 GSL Networks Pty Ltd
- AS137991 Lifeway Singapore Pte. Ltd.
- AS138322 Afghan Wireless Communication Company
- AS138915 Kaopu Cloud HK Limited
- AS139057 EdgeNext Legend Dynasty Pte. Ltd.
- AS139341 ACE
- AS196714 Thueringer Netkom GmbH
- AS196752 Tilaa B.V.
- AS196844 Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Science Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
- AS196879 Volkhov Online Ltd
- AS196881 Liberty-izone Ltd
- AS196922 Hofmeir Media GmbH
- AS196925 AzerTelecom LLC
- AS196968 ILM-Provider UG (Haftungsbeschraenkt)
- AS197063 PfalzConnect GmbH
- AS197071 Active 1 GmbH
- AS197156 Petit Telecom B.V.
- AS197219 2AT B.V.
- AS197301 Parknet F.M.B.A.
- AS197323 B & P Fund Service AB
- AS197440 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
- AS197557 Run Communications AB
- AS197623 Kopings Kabel-TV AB
- AS197727 KPN B.V.
- AS197731 The Internet Engineering Group B.V.
- AS197790 Actus S.A.
- AS197799 Molndals kommun
- AS197898 Integrated Digital Services Ltd
- AS197915 All for One Group SE
- AS197965 AHD GmbH & Co. KG
- AS197981 SAS InterCloud
- AS198008 Regeringskansliet
- AS198018 Trivago N.V.
- AS198089 IP Visie Networking B.V.
- AS198385 AlpineDC SA
- AS198440 AllPoints Fibre Networks Limited
- AS198450 Aptic Aktiebolag
- AS198463 On 1 Call Support AB
- AS198538 Sony Mobile Communications AB
- AS198549 Qlosr AB
- AS198554 8X8 UK Limited
- AS198570 Stadtnetz Bamberg Gesellschaft fuer Telekommunikation mbH
- AS198722 TXRX-AS
- AS198726 Thuega SmartService GmbH
- AS198736 Stream Networks Ltd
- AS198792 DSTORAGE s.a.s.
- AS198930 Vereinigte Stadtwerke Media GmbH
- AS198967 BITel Gesellschaft fuer Telekommunikation mbH
- AS199095 Citymesh Integrator NV
- AS199150 Excedo Networks AB
- AS199163 DATAGROUP Operations GmbH
- AS199181 Orakom S.r.l.
- AS199275 Sarl Ipset
- AS199284 Thueringer Netkom GmbH
- AS199332 Digifoon Group B.V.
- AS199335 Talk Straight Ltd.
- AS199355 Landstinget Dalarna
- AS199421 MTI Teleport Muenchen GmbH Gesellschaft fur Satellitenubertragungen
- AS199470 Orebro Lans Landsting
- AS199481 Node4 Hosting Limited
- AS199483 NXO France SAS
- AS199508 S1 Networks Oy
- AS199520 Dustin Aktiebolag
- AS199522 Tedas BV
- AS199524 G-Core Labs S.A.
- AS199564 Medical Products Agency
- AS199599 Telecom-Birzha LLC
- AS199610 marbis GmbH
- AS199659 Suretec Systems Limited
- AS199670 DNS-Belgium VZW
- AS199713 MLL Telecom Ltd.
- AS199790 IP Telecom Bulgaria
- AS199938 Netzwerge GmbH
- AS199939 KeenSystems B.V.
- AS199977 Kantar Sifo AB
- AS199995 Omega Telecom LLC
- AS200020 Stichting Nbip-Nawas
- AS200023 Qonnected B.V.
- AS200052 Ltd
- AS200062 Optitrust GmbH
- AS200070 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o.
- AS200134 IP-Connect AB
- AS200144 Kungsbacka Kommun
- AS200185 Aruba SAS
- AS200197 Hybrid Adtech Sp.Z.o.o.
- AS200300 NTI Gymnasiet Ellips AB
- AS200341 Nacka Energi AB
- AS200478 Ltd
- AS200596 Adyen N.V.
- AS200612 Gulf Bridge International Inc.
- AS200675 Northern Data Services (UK) Limited
- AS200700 BMC TV Ltd
- AS200701 Lyssna & Njut Fibernet AB
- AS200719 Miss Hosting AB
- AS200738 Fibraworld Telecom S.A.U.
- AS200780 Eurofiber France SAS
- AS200781 Tampnet AS
- AS200845 Avatel Telecom SA
- AS200881 Norrkopings Kommun
- AS200924 Stiegeler Internet Service GmbH
- AS201013 Micro Tec i Laholm AB
- AS201119 Icewood LLC
- AS201126 CDW Ltd
- AS201201 UAB Duomenu logistikos centras
- AS201213 DARZ GmbH
- AS201261 The Watershed Arts Trust Ltd
- AS201277 Eloquent Technologies Ltd
- AS201290 BlackGate B.V.
- AS201401 NewVM B.V.
- AS201502 Jcom Telecomunicazioni S.C.A R.L.
- AS201641 Sveriges Television Aktiebolag
- AS201692 Zoner Oy
- AS201701 Freifunk Rheinland e.V.
- AS201746 Olivenet Network S.L.
- AS201764 mgm technology partners GmbH
- AS201791 Devhouse Spindle B.V.
- AS201816 Region Kalmar LAN
- AS201838 Community Fibre Limited
- AS201877 NETandWORK s.r.l.
- AS201933 4Net Technologies Ltd
- AS201962 Michael Rack
- AS201964 Domainkeskus OY
- AS202020 Flexgrid Ltd
- AS202053 UpCloud Ltd
- AS202093 Viaplay Group Sweden AB
- AS202120 Expereo International BV
- AS202188 Timra Kommun
- AS202246 Valoo OY
- AS202282 Fibrus Networks Ltd
- AS202596 G.Network Communications Limited
- AS202617 Kering Eyewear S.p.A.
- AS202661 Netplans GmbH
- AS202707 Omnidat GmbH
- AS202780 Advania Sverige AB
- AS202812 Iver Accelerate AB
- AS202910 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS202922 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS202932 Quanza B.V.
- AS202954 Rapiddot Hosting Services Ltd
- AS202967 Kjell & Co Elektronik AB
- AS203003 Magna Capax Finland Oy
- AS203052 Teletek 5060 AB
- AS203101 Navarino Single Member S.A.
- AS203191 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203192 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203193 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203194 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203213 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203240 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203241 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203295 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203297 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203298 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203300 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203329 NTT Global Data Centers EMEA GmbH
- AS203372 GSA Capital Services Ltd
- AS203416 I.T Communications Limited
- AS203421 Baltic Broadband Limited
- AS203440 linefinity GmbH
- AS203489 WiMore S.r.l.
- AS203507 Avira Holding GmbH
- AS203536 FNOH DSL Suedheide GmbH
- AS203552 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203568 Airband Community Internet Ltd
- AS203582 M-Tech Systems Ltd
- AS203605 Synotio AB
- AS203610 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203625 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203724 Musarubra Germany GmbH
- AS203788 Telnect AB
- AS203800 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203814 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203839 Internet Vikings International AB
- AS203936 Iberwix Telecom S.L.
- AS203968 Aiticon GmbH
- AS204035 OneCorp GmbH
- AS204109 Hillenbrand Germany Holding GmbH
- AS204164 Consulta Hosting Services AB
- AS204264 Pure IP Limited
- AS204334 Vassbacks Fibernat Ek. For.
- AS204398 Lysekils Kommun
- AS204475 TMCIT I Sverige AB
- AS204577 LinzNet Internet Service Provider GmbH
- AS204779 Local Loop Oy
- AS204847 Borgholms Kommun
- AS204850 Sodertalje Kommun
- AS204994 Unassigned
- AS204995 RTB Marketing and Tech Services Ltd
- AS205078 VA SYD
- AS205112 PHILUNET GmbH
- AS205151 Fibra AB
- AS205206 NETsite A/S
- AS205287 Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH
- AS205388 Marcel Andrew Zaiser Trading as Metaliance ISP Systems e.k
- AS205389 Zoom Internet Ltd
- AS205479 Luke Eiji Granger-Brown
- AS205520 XTB S.A.
- AS205530 DE-CIX Management GmbH
- AS205574 Boras Kommun
- AS205614 Medialine EuroTrade AG
- AS205627 Daimler Truck AG
- AS205668 Green Mini Host BV
- AS205678 Peoplefone AG
- AS205741 Mitteldeutsche IT GmbH
- AS205769 Mainzer Breitband GmbH
- AS205841 InfraCom Connect AB
- AS205881 Man Truck & Bus Se
- AS205892 Nomical Ltd
- AS205916 Freja eID Group AB
- AS205917 FluidOne Ltd.
- AS205943 BDSF Technology B.V.
- AS206040 Expisoft AB
- AS206067 Hutchison 3G UK Limited
- AS206141 Duisburger Versorgungs- und Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH
- AS206238 Freedom Internet BV
- AS206264 Amarutu Technology Ltd
- AS206288 Vimmerby kommun
- AS206295 Joint Stock Company Medsi Group
- AS206320 Oversite AB
- AS206347 Wessex Internet Limited
- AS206356 Freifunk Essen E.V.
- AS206387 Region Blekinge
- AS206483 Red Matter Limited
- AS206509 KCOM Group Limited
- AS206530 Voxyonder Network Services UK Ltd
- AS206593 ProfitByte AB
- AS206610 MixVOIP S.A.
- AS206722 Mrorange Travel Technology AB
- AS206775 Novomind AG
- AS206825 Stiegeler Gaggenau GmbH
- AS206889 ICA Gruppen AB
- AS206924 Ben Cartwright-Cox
- AS206934 Beeks Financial Cloud Ltd
- AS206999 Oakford Internet Services Ltd
- AS207003 Web1 OY
- AS207044 Enet Telecommunications Networks Limited
- AS207063 Kentik Technologies Inc.
- AS207083 HostSlim B.V.
- AS207176 OpenFiber B.V.
- AS207322 Ornskoldsviks Kommun
- AS207375 Fiber Operator B.V.
- AS207456 Pangea Connected Limited
- AS207594 Connectivia S.r.l
- AS207651 VDSINA-NL
- AS207701 Talia Limited
- AS207790 SWN Stadtwerke Neumuenster GmbH
- AS207919 Molnstruktur IT Sverige AB
- AS207932 NetNordic Sweden AB
- AS207934 WNB A/S
- AS207995 Lightning Fibre Ltd
- AS208016 The Infrastructure Company GmbH
- AS208034 Rono-IT BV
- AS208189 AllPoints Fibre Networks Limited
- AS208196 Unassigned
- AS208367 CSpace Hostings OU
- AS208431 Adrian Pistol
- AS208621 LogicForge Limited
- AS208636 SDC Hosting and Support Ltd
- AS208721 Comcenter I JKPG AB
- AS208722 Nebius DC Oy
- AS208802 Netavo Global Data Services Ltd
- AS208844 VTech Electronics Europe B.V.
- AS208933 4C Group AB
- AS209045 Genesis Cloud Limited
- AS209102 Alfa Service S.r.l.
- AS209181 Zenex 5ive Limited
- AS209315 Trollhattan Energi AB
- AS209326 Colchester Amphora Trading Ltd
- AS209400 KurpfalzTEL GmbH
- AS209454 The North Alliance Sverige Ab
- AS209659 Getgeek AB
- AS209768 White2Net SRL
- AS210036 Rayhaan Ahmad Jaufeerally
- AS210062 Barritel Ltd
- AS210312 Antonios A. Chariton
- AS210317 Municipality of Borlange
- AS210422 West Digital Management AB
- AS210483 Netcoil AB
- AS210627 Grayshott Gigabit Limited
- AS210728 Cyso Group B.V.
- AS210802 Tekniska Verken I Linkoping Ab
- AS210874 Box Broadband Limited
- AS210937 Xiufeng Guo
- AS211307 UPP Corporation Limited
- AS211393 Vitrifi Limited
- AS211453 Riksgaldskontoret
- AS211597 Lit Fibre Group Ltd.
- AS211633 Keepit A/S
- AS211899 Svea Bank AB
- AS212027 Daniel Jackson
- AS212109 Squirrel Internet Ltd
- AS212567 Freie Netze Muenchen e.V.
- AS212655 YouFibre Limited
- AS212708 Unassigned
- AS212795 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
- AS212822 UAB Euroapotheca
- AS213050 Nedap N.V.
- AS213054 Keepit A/S
- AS213075 LLC
- AS213151 Christian Elsen
- AS213307 Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd
- AS213373 IP Connect Inc
- AS262589 Samm Tecnologia E Telecomunicacoes S.A
- AS262675 Solucao Network Provedor Ltda
- AS265175 AS Sistemas Ltda
- AS266925 UPIX Networks
- AS267613 Eletronet S.A.
- AS271049 Rede EXS Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS327814 Ecoband
- AS328832 Network-Platforms-International
- AS394354 CIRA Canadian Internet Registration Authority Autorit Canadienne pour les Enregistrements Internet
- AS396356
- AS396986 ByteDance Inc.
- AS396998 Path Network Inc.
- AS398465 Rackdog LLC
What is an Autonomous System (AS)?
An Autonomous System (AS) is a collection of connected networks that operate under a common administrative domain and share routing policies. Each AS is identified by a unique Autonomous System Number (ASN), which is used to exchange routing information with other ASs. AS can control how traffic flows through networks and then filter out unwanted traffic.