AS6762 Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
General Info - AS6762
IP Address Ranges
Netblock | Number of IPs | |
2001:41a8::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 | |
2800:870::/36 | 4,951,760,157,141,521,099,596,496,896 | |
2800:870:1000::/47 | 2,417,851,639,229,258,349,412,352 | |
2800:870:1003::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2800:870:1004::/46 | 4,835,703,278,458,516,698,824,704 | |
2800:870:1008::/45 | 9,671,406,556,917,033,397,649,408 | |
2800:870:1010::/44 | 19,342,813,113,834,066,795,298,816 | |
2800:870:1020::/43 | 38,685,626,227,668,133,590,597,632 | |
2800:870:1040::/42 | 77,371,252,455,336,267,181,195,264 | |
2800:870:1080::/41 | 154,742,504,910,672,534,362,390,528 | |
2800:870:1100::/40 | 309,485,009,821,345,068,724,781,056 | |
2800:870:1200::/39 | 618,970,019,642,690,137,449,562,112 | |
2800:870:1400::/38 | 1,237,940,039,285,380,274,899,124,224 | |
2800:870:1800::/37 | 2,475,880,078,570,760,549,798,248,448 | |
2800:870:2000::/35 | 9,903,520,314,283,042,199,192,993,792 | |
2800:870:4000::/34 | 19,807,040,628,566,084,398,385,987,584 | |
2800:870:8000::/33 | 39,614,081,257,132,168,796,771,975,168 | |
2a02:26f0:128::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 |
- AS174 Cogent Communications
- AS701 Verizon Business
- AS1299 Arelion Sweden AB
- AS2603 NORDUnet
- AS2914 NTT America Inc.
- AS3257 GTT Communications Inc.
- AS3303 Swisscom (Schweiz) AG
- AS3333 Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
- AS3356 Level 3 Parent LLC
- AS3491 PCCW Global Inc.
- AS5511 Orange S.A.
- AS6461 Zayo Bandwidth
- AS6830 Liberty Global B.V.
- AS6939 Hurricane Electric LLC
- AS7018 AT&T Services Inc.
- AS7303 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS7922 Comcast Cable Communications LLC
- AS8283 Netwerkvereniging Coloclue
- AS25145 Teknotel Telekomunikasyon Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
- AS45430 SBN-IIGAWN-IIG Transit Provider
- AS49367 Seflow s.r.l.
- AS174 Cogent Communications
- AS701 Verizon Business
- AS1239 Sprint
- AS1241 Nova Telecommunications & Media Single Member S.A
- AS1273 CW Vodafone Group PLC
- AS1680 Cellcom Fixed Line Communication L.P
- AS2516 KDDI KDDI Corporation
- AS2597 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
- AS2603 NORDUnet
- AS2609 Tunisia BackBone AS
- AS2635 Automattic Inc
- AS2852 CESNET z.s.p.o.
- AS2906 Netflix Streaming Services Inc.
- AS2914 NTT America Inc.
- AS3132 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS3208 ARN
- AS3216 PJSC Vimpelcom
- AS3223 Voxility LLP
- AS3225 Gulfnet Communications Co. WLL
- AS3255 State Enterprise Scientific and Telecommunication Centre Ukrainian Academic and Research Network of the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (UARNET)
- AS3269 Telecom Italia S.p.A.
- AS3302 Retelit Digital Services S.p.A.
- AS3320 Deutsche Telekom AG
- AS3329 Vodafone-Panafon Hellenic Telecommunications Company SA
- AS3356 Level 3 Parent LLC
- AS3491 PCCW Global Inc.
- AS4134 Asia Pacific Network Information Centre
- AS4229 Zenlayer Inc
- AS4230 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS4637 Telstra Global
- AS4766 Korea Telecom
- AS4809 China Telecom Next Generation Carrier Network
- AS4837 China169-Backbone China Unicom China169 Backbone
- AS5396 Retelit Digital Services S.p.A.
- AS5398 AS5398 SA
- AS5400 British Telecommunications PLC
- AS5511 Orange S.A.
- AS5603 Telekom Slovenije d.d.
- AS5606 GTS Telecom SRL
- AS5713 African Network Information Center
- AS6057 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS6453 Tata Communications (America) Inc
- AS6461 Zayo Bandwidth
- AS6503 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS6568 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS6713 Maroc Telecom
- AS6810 Bezeq- The Israel Telecommunication Corp. Ltd.
- AS7018 AT&T Services Inc.
- AS7155 ViaSatInc.
- AS7303 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS7453 Accelerated Data Works Inc.
- AS7473 Singapore Telecommunications Ltd
- AS7568 CS Loxinfo Public Company Limited
- AS7713 PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia
- AS7738 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS7922 Comcast Cable Communications LLC
- AS8048 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS8053 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS8234 RAI RadioTelevisione Italiana
- AS8244 Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
- AS8283 Netwerkvereniging Coloclue
- AS8309 Sipartech SAS
- AS8346 SONATEL SONATEL-AS Autonomous System
- AS8402 PJSC Vimpelcom
- AS8452 TE Data
- AS8551 Bezeq International Ltd.
- AS8657 MEO - Servicos de Comunicacoes e Multimedia S.A.
- AS8717 A1 Bulgaria EAD
- AS8732 JSC Comcor
- AS8781 Ooredoo Q.S.C.
- AS8849 Melbikomas UAB
- AS8855 Opiquad SRL
- AS8866 Vivacom Bulgaria Ead
- AS8895 King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology
- AS8922 Reserved
- AS8953 Orange Romania S.A.
- AS8966 Emirates Telecommunications Group Company (Etisalat Group) PJSC
- AS9002 RETN Limited
- AS9009 M247 Europe SRL
- AS9038 Batelco Jordan
- AS9050 Orange Romania S.A.
- AS9086 Docklands Data Centre Ltd
- AS9116 Partner Communications Main Autonomous System
- AS9137 Uno Communications SpA
- AS9268 Over the Wire Pty Ltd
- AS9304 HGC Global Communications Limited
- AS9498 Bharti Airtel Ltd.
- AS9534 Binariang Berhad
- AS9584 Limited
- AS10302
- AS10310 Oath Holdings Inc.
- AS11014 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS11058 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS11251 Disney Streaming Services
- AS11280
- AS11367 Worldnet Telecommunications LLC
- AS11830 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS11960 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS12189 PhoenixNAP LLC
- AS12389 PJSC Rostelecom
- AS12400 Partner Communications Ltd.
- AS12654 Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
- AS12735 TurkNet Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.
- AS12835 Trentino Digitale SPA
- AS12850 Retelit Digital Services S.p.A.
- AS12874 Fastweb SpA
- AS12956 TELXIUS Cable
- AS13097 Axera SpA
- AS13153 SingularLogic S.A.
- AS13249 Private Joint Stock Company Datagroup
- AS13335 CloudFlare Inc.
- AS14259 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS14593 Space Exploration Technologies Corporation
- AS14754 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS14979 Aeronet Wireless
- AS15133 Edgecast Inc.
- AS15412 Flag Telecom UK Limited
- AS15430 European Dynamics S.A.
- AS15433 Telecom Italia San Marino S.p.A
- AS15557 Societe Francaise du Radiotelephone - SFR SA
- AS15695 Expereo International BV
- AS15706 Sudatel
- AS15735 Go P.L.C.
- AS15802 Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company PJSC
- AS15808 AccessKenya Group
- AS15830 Equinix (EMEA) Acquisition Enterprises B.V.
- AS15924 Vodafone Net Iletisim Hizmetler AS
- AS16027 Allitude S.p.A.
- AS16128 Agarik SAS
- AS16276 OVH SAS
- AS16509 Inc.
- AS16625 Akamai Technologies Inc.
- AS16637 African Network Information Center
- AS16735 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS16803 Myakka Technologies Inc.
- AS16814 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS17072 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS17557 Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited
- AS18450 WebNX Inc.
- AS18734 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS18978 Enzu Inc
- AS19037 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS19332 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS19429 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS19527 Google LLC
- AS19551 Incapsula Inc
- AS20080 Florida International University
- AS20473 The Constant Company LLC
- AS20485 Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
- AS20657 ATLANTIS BG Ltd.
- AS20776 Outremer Telecom SAS
- AS20836 CDLAN SpA
- AS20940 Akamai International B.V.
- AS21056 Vianova S.p.A
- AS21409 Ikoula Net SAS
- AS21454 Easynet S.P.A.
- AS21559 OSNET Wireless
- AS21574 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS21859 Zenlayer Inc
- AS22381 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS22604 Disney Streaming Services
- AS22616 Zscaler Inc.
- AS22822 Limelight Networks Inc.
- AS23344 Disney Worldwide Services Inc.
- AS23379 Blackburn Technologies II LLC
- AS23473 Pavlov Media Inc
- AS23487 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS23550 Hub Advanced Networks LLC
- AS24429 TAOBAO Zhejiang Taobao Network Co. Ltd
- AS24835 RAYA-AS
- AS24875 Novoserve B.V.
- AS24904 K-Net Sarl
- AS25091 IP-Max SA
- AS25152 Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
- AS25215 BNP Paribas S.A.
- AS25472 Nova Telecommunications & Media Single Member S.A
- AS26613 Corporacion Nacional de Telecomunicaciones - CNT EP
- AS26615 TIM SA
- AS27027 AirLink Internet Services
- AS27589 Mojohost
- AS27747 Telecentro S.A.
- AS27750 Cooperacion Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas
- AS27843 Win Empresas S.A.C.
- AS27924 Amplia Communications Ltd.
- AS27947 Telconet S.A
- AS27979 Stel Chile S.A.
- AS27986 Entel Chile S.A.
- AS27988 Servicios y Telecomunicaciones S.A.
- AS28007 Gold Data C.A.
- AS28008 Telecel S.A.
- AS28173 Dinamica Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS28210 Giga Mais Fibra Telecomunicacoes S.A.
- AS28220 Alares Cabo Servicos de Telecomunicacoes S.A.
- AS28258 Vero S.A
- AS28283 Adylnet Telecom
- AS28343 Unifique Telecomunicacoes SA
- AS28366 Marinter Telecom Ltda.
- AS28509 Cablemas Telecomunicaciones SA de CV
- AS28539 Jose Miguel Macias Contreras
- AS28665 Predlink Rede de Telecomuniccoes Ltda
- AS28910 Uzbektelekom Joint Stock Company
- AS29049 Delta Telecom Ltd
- AS29075 Ielo-Liazo Services SAS
- AS29119 Aire Networks del Mediterraneo SL Unipersonal
- AS29283 Hub One SA
- AS29438 Momax Network S.r.l.
- AS30103 Zoom Video Communications Inc
- AS30740 Exa Networks Limited
- AS30844 Liquid Telecommunications Ltd
- AS30990 ADJIB-AS
- AS30998 Netcom Africa Limited
- AS31034 Aruba S.p.A.
- AS31115 Intred S.p.A.
- AS31133 PJSC MegaFon
- AS31178 Celeonet SAS
- AS31287 IPAcct Cable Ltd
- AS31293 ITNS Global Eood
- AS31313 Serviciul de Telecomunicatii Speciale
- AS31463 Redcentric Solutions Ltd
- AS31500 Global Network Management Inc
- AS31617 Reevo S.p.A.
- AS31621 Allegro Sp. Z o.o.
- AS31638 Lepida S.c.p.A.
- AS31898 Oracle Corporation
- AS32590 Valve Corporation
- AS32787 Akamai Technologies Inc.
- AS32934 Facebook Inc.
- AS33353 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC
- AS33438 DATUM
- AS34164 Akamai International B.V.
- AS34224 Neterra Ltd.
- AS34296 Millenicom Telekomunikasyon Hizmetleri Anonim Sirketi
- AS34347 HALLAG Kommunal GmbH
- AS34428 Giulio Lo Presti
- AS34606 B.B.Bell SPA
- AS34655 Jwe S.A R.L.
- AS34758 Axera SpA
- AS34927 iFog GmbH
- AS34971 CDLAN SpA
- AS34984 Superonline Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.
- AS35393 CTS Computers and Telecommunications Systems SAS
- AS35444 Digicom Shpk
- AS35506 Information Society S.A.
- AS35612 Eolo S.p.A.
- AS35753 Integrated Telecom Co. Ltd
- AS35805 Silknet Autonomous System
- AS36236 NetActuate Inc
- AS36243 BPS Networks
- AS36351 SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
- AS36692 Cisco OpenDNS LLC
- AS36884 MarocConnect
- AS36947 Telecom Algeria
- AS37054 Telecom-Malagasy
- AS37280 BCL
- AS37309 QCell
- AS37558 LITC
- AS37693 Tunisiana
- AS38040 TOT Public Company Limited
- AS38193 Transworld Associates Pvt. Ltd.
- AS38278 Orient Telecoms Sdn. Bhd
- AS38466 U Mobile Sdn Bhd
- AS38496 PT Cyber Network Indonesia
- AS38768 PT. Platinum Network Indonesia
- AS39063 Leitwert GmbH
- AS39305 Groupe SAS
- AS39386 Saudi Telecom Company JSC
- AS39409 Sebastian-Wilhelm Graf
- AS39533 Asympto Networks KFT.
- AS39605 Iguane Solutions SAS
- AS39766 TRD Net Kabel
- AS39808 Fontel S.p.A.
- AS39855 MOD Mission Critical LLC
- AS40994 Hohl IT E.U.
- AS41114 Orne THD SPL
- AS41327 Fiber Telecom S.p.A.
- AS41827 VIPNET.IT s.r.l.
- AS42156 GNX B.V.
- AS42275 Three Fourteen Sasu
- AS42313 One Albania Sh.A.
- AS42473 ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH
- AS42567 MojoHost B.V.
- AS42656 Allegro Sp. Z o.o.
- AS43009 Infobip Limited
- AS43061 Stelkom d.o.o.
- AS43338 TSG Interactive Services Limited
- AS43391 Netdirekt A.S.
- AS43648 Stiadsl S.R.L
- AS43727 JSC Kvant-Telekom
- AS43766 Mobile Telecommunication Company Saudi Arabia Joint-Stock Company
- AS43836 Hayat for Internet & communication LLC
- AS43843 Opiquad SRL
- AS43996 BV
- AS44103 The Mastermind Holding B.V.
- AS44356 Epsilon Telecommunications Ltd
- AS45352 IP ServerOne Solutions Sdn Bhd
- AS45430 SBN-IIGAWN-IIG Transit Provider
- AS45558 Myanma Posts and Telecommunications
- AS45960 YTL Communications Sdn Bhd
- AS46489 Twitch Interactive Inc.
- AS46908 Comvoz Communication LLC
- AS47123 Ti Sparkle Turkey Telekomunukasyon A.S
- AS47136 Generali Operations Service Platform S.r.l.
- AS47143 Todayhost Limited
- AS47541 Vkontakte Ltd
- AS47674 Net Solutions - Consultoria em Tecnologias de Informacao Sociedade Unipessoal Lda
- AS47787 Edgoo Networks Unipessoal Lda
- AS47927 WIFIWEB s.r.l.
- AS47967 Pro Marketing Central LLC
- AS48200 Opteamax GmbH
- AS48518 Add-On Multimedia SAS
- AS48648 K-Link LLC
- AS48817 Prizz Telecom SAS
- AS49025 PRO-ZETA a.s.
- AS49289 Omegacom S.R.L.S.
- AS49367 Seflow s.r.l.
- AS49434 FBW Networks SAS
- AS49453 Global Layer B.V.
- AS49582 Upstream Telecommunications and Software Systems S.M.S.A
- AS49594 Altitude Infrastructure Exploitation SAS
- AS49666 Telecommunication Infrastructure Company
- AS49832 QBIC Communications DMCC
- AS49981 WorldStream B.V.
- AS50245 Serverel Inc.
- AS50360 Tamatiya EOOD
- AS50463 Triple C Cloud Computing Ltd.
- AS50509 Transroute Telecom Ltd
- AS50583 Index Education SAS
- AS50673 Serverius Holding B.V.
- AS51001 Cielo SRL
- AS51185 MainStreaming SpA
- AS51333 Arcolink Telecomunicazioni S.r.l.
- AS51499 Intermatica SpA
- AS51580 Timenet SpA
- AS52075 Wifirst S.A.S.
- AS52290 PCCP S.A.
- AS52468 Ufinet Panama S.A.
- AS52527 IWNet Telecom Ltda ME
- AS52613 Giga Mais Fibra Telecomunicacoes S.A. VIP
- AS52637 Station Net Provedor de Internet
- AS52662 TeleCall Telecomunicacoes
- AS52668 Intelle Comunicacoes do Brasil Ltda
- AS52689 Espaco Digital
- AS52694 Nexsul Telecom Ltda
- AS52696 JTR da Silva Tecnologia ME
- AS52838 WN Telecom Ltda - ME
- AS52892 Coprel Telecom Ltda
- AS52981 Conecta Tecnologia Ltda
- AS53013 W I X Net do Brasil Ltda - ME
- AS53062 Alt
- AS53087 Tely Ltda.
- AS53142 Friburgo Online Ltda ME
- AS53334 Total Uptime Technologies LLC
- AS54054 Deteque
- AS54113 Fastly Inc.
- AS55095 Netflix Inc
- AS55256 Netskope Inc
- AS55720 Gigabit Hosting Sdn Bhd
- AS55967 BAIDU Beijing Baidu Netcom Science and Technology Co. Ltd.
- AS56308 Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Pte.Ltd
- AS56457 Fastpath Ike
- AS56550 Stel S.R.L.
- AS56630 Melbikomas UAB
- AS56786 Nexim Italia SRL
- AS57179 IELO Bulk
- AS57344 Telehouse EAD
- AS57976 Blizzard Entertainment Inc
- AS58082 Messagenet S.p.A.
- AS58552 PT Multidata Rancana Prima
- AS58717 Summit Communications Ltd
- AS58952 Frontiir Co. Ltd
- AS59605 Zain Omantel International FZ-LLC
- AS59699 Lenfiber S.r.l.
- AS59715 Comune di San Benedetto del Tronto
- AS59803 Dataquest (Heathrow) Limited
- AS59862 Professional Link S.r.l.
- AS60068 DataCamp Limited
- AS60171 AFR-IX Telecom S.A.
- AS60501 Sirius Technology SRL
- AS60557 Krik Van Der Vinne Trading As Alpine North
- AS60772 Sky Italia srl
- AS60798 Servereasy Srl
- AS60822 Wispone S.R.L.
- AS60849 Ilevant Fze
- AS61135 Tigova Network Limited
- AS61231 Neos Networks Limited
- AS61317 Hivelocity LLC
- AS61461 Airtek Solutions C.A.
- AS61568 Aloo Telecom - FSF Tecnologia SA
- AS61599 Eai Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS61689 Flavio Garcia Ferreira
- AS61745 NBS Telecom
- AS62041 Telegram Messenger INC
- AS62166 Spadhausen SRL Unipersonale
- AS62194 Nokia Oyj
- AS62240 Clouvider Limited
- AS62597 NSONE Inc
- AS62646 WireStar Inc.
- AS62663 Telecall
- AS63199 CDS Global Cloud Co. Ltd
- AS63956 5G Network Operations Pty Ltd
- AS131284 Etisalat Afghan
- AS132602 Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited BSCCL
- AS133421 InNET Solutions Sdn Bhd
- AS133757 Telecom Italia Sparkle Singapore Pte Ltd
- AS136907 Huawei Clouds
- AS138070 PT Jejaring Mitra Persada
- AS138915 Kaopu Cloud HK Limited
- AS139831 Dito Telecommunity Corp.
- AS149513 Vertex Connectivity LLC
- AS196975 ELEKS Ltd.
- AS197290 @Works Srl
- AS197898 Integrated Digital Services Ltd
- AS198128 Connecting Project s.r.l.
- AS198477 Ti Sparkle Greece SA
- AS198721 Progetto8 Srl
- AS198792 DSTORAGE s.a.s.
- AS198887 Unassigned
- AS199181 Orakom S.r.l.
- AS199325 Semplify Srl
- AS199524 G-Core Labs S.A.
- AS199536 Angelastri Giuseppe Trading as TechDigital
- AS199660 LTI Networks Sasu
- AS200043 Cesena-Net-SRL
- AS200553 Interfibra S.R.L.
- AS200736 Medianet Invest AE
- AS200760 Dinova Srl
- AS201333 Naquadria S.R.L.
- AS201494 Modulus A.E.
- AS202112 Telmaco S.A
- AS202196 BV
- AS202347 EuropSYS S.r.l.
- AS202865 Dicastero per la Comunicazione
- AS202870 Dimensione S.R.L.
- AS203201 Infrastructure Italia Colo S.P.A
- AS203346 Proper Support LLP
- AS203367 Sailweb SRL
- AS203462 Novaconn SRL
- AS203547 Next2I Sarl
- AS203698 Moji SAS
- AS204096 Manutenzione Ed Assistenza Computers S.R.L.
- AS204229 Global Router LLC
- AS204326 Gate T1 SRL
- AS205051 Connetta SRL
- AS205139 Lepida S.c.p.A.
- AS205385 Speednetweb S.r.l.
- AS205891 WeNetwork SRL
- AS206460 Sim Informatica SRL
- AS207743 SC Aside MCD SRL
- AS208244 Easyweb System Integrator srl
- AS208630 INFO-Telecom Shpk
- AS209102 Alfa Service S.r.l.
- AS209624 Common Net S.r.l.
- AS209723 Expert Netcloud LLP
- AS210026 Ministero della Difesa
- AS210203 RETN Limited
- AS210218 Open Fiber S.p.A.
- AS210232 Pactoo SAS
- AS210278 Sky Italia srl
- AS210799 Nexloop France SAS
- AS210936 B4 S.r.l.
- AS211156 Eleks Holding Ou
- AS211802 Lirone Line - Le Repertoire LTD
- AS211918 Infront Italy S.p.A.
- AS211978 Comlight SARL
- AS211991 F-Network SRL
- AS211997 Eho.Link SAS
- AS212699 Hostmein IKE
- AS213089 Lorusso Salvatore Trading As Vitalbanet S.A.S
- AS262210 Viettel Peru S.A.C.
- AS262218 Servicios de Tecnologias de Informacion de Mision Critica S.A.
- AS262248 Metro MPLS
- AS262253 Econocable Media Sac
- AS262287 LTDA
- AS262355 VSX Networks
- AS262468 Natel Telecom Ltda. - ME
- AS262589 Samm Tecnologia E Telecomunicacoes S.A
- AS262706 Ultranet Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS262822 We Radio Comunicacoes Ltda EPP
- AS262903 Tubaron Telecom
- AS262973 Max Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS263067 VNT Fibras
- AS263073 Dtel Telecom
- AS263263 Star Servicos de Internet Ltda
- AS263311 IP2 Internet Ltda
- AS263444 Open X Tecnologia Ltda
- AS263702 Grupo ZGH SpA
- AS263781 Onno Networks Sociedad Anonima
- AS263812 Sondatech S.A.S.
- AS263817 Red Centroamericana de Telecomunicaciones
- AS264409 Grupo Yax
- AS264628 Corporacion Fibex Telecom C.A.
- AS264837 Corporacion Visual Nueva Esparta C.A
- AS264854 Pronto Comunicaciones Limitada
- AS264972 Livecom Serv e Com de Equipamentos de Inf
- AS265187 Steel Web Provedores de Acesso Ltda
- AS265198 Blue3 Tecnologia Eireli
- AS265315 Bindnet RJ
- AS265867 Trans Ocean Network
- AS266094 Conexao MB e Telecomunicacoes Ltda - ME
- AS266167 Celerix Tecnologia de Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS266185 Spin Telecomunicacoes
- AS266201 Vero S.A
- AS266695 Interfast Panama S.A.
- AS266830 Airpoint Telecomunicaciones Limitada
- AS266866 Conectividad y Redes Roberto Romulo Candia Candia Eirl
- AS266931 Re Servicos de Comunicacao Multimidia
- AS266951 Rede Conecta Telecom
- AS267056 Everest Ridge do Brasil Ltda
- AS267424 G.C.Telecomunicacoes Ltda-ME
- AS267470 CX Pro
- AS268126 DGNETSP Eireli
- AS268551 DMC Telecom
- AS268624 Gamers Club Ltda
- AS268637 Easy Connection Internet Ltda. - ME
- AS268696 Tuddo Internet Ltda.
- AS268976 Weclix Telecom SA
- AS269023 Fibra Pura Telecom Ltda
- AS269266 Fiberlink Network
- AS269661 Onciti Solucoes em Comunicacao Ltda
- AS269998 Arkavia Networks SpA.
- AS271456 Net2You Network Ltda
- AS272786 X99 Internet
- AS328107 GUILAB-AS
- AS394354 CIRA Canadian Internet Registration Authority Autorit Canadienne pour les Enregistrements Internet
- AS395403 NSONE Inc
- AS395880 Boomerang Communications LLC
- AS396356
- AS396986 ByteDance Inc.
What is an Autonomous System (AS)?
An Autonomous System (AS) is a collection of connected networks that operate under a common administrative domain and share routing policies. Each AS is identified by a unique Autonomous System Number (ASN), which is used to exchange routing information with other ASs. AS can control how traffic flows through networks and then filter out unwanted traffic.