AS20562 Broadband Hosting B.V.
General Info - AS20562
IP Address Ranges
Netblock | Number of IPs | |
---|---|---| | 1,024 | | | 256 | | | 2,048 | | | 256 | | | 512 | | | 1,024 | | | 512 | | | 256 | | | 256 | | | 1,024 | | | 512 | | | 1,024 | | | 256 | | | 256 | | | 256 | | | 512 | | | 256 | | | 256 | | | 256 | | | 256 | | | 1,024 | | | 2,048 | | | 512 | | | 256 | | | 2,048 |
Netblock | Number of IPs | |
2001:7f8:13::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:7f8:61::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:7f8:cd::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | |
2001:7f8:e2::/48 | 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 |
- AS42 Woodynet Inc.
- AS680 Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V.
- AS714 Apple Inc.
- AS1273 CW Vodafone Group PLC
- AS1680 Cellcom Fixed Line Communication L.P
- AS2094 Renater
- AS2200 Renater
- AS3185 See Tickets Holding B.V.
- AS3399 Obenet AB
- AS5463 Perceval S.A.
- AS6412 RIPE Network Coordination Centre
- AS6805 Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co.OHG
- AS7552 Viettel Group
- AS7713 PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia
- AS8245 Video-Broadcast GmbH
- AS8328 InTwo Netherlands BV
- AS8374 Polkomtel Sp. z o.o.
- AS8554 TAS France SAS
- AS8565 Linkt SAS
- AS8676 PRT Systems Limited
- AS8723 ITS Integra SAS
- AS8763 DENIC eG
- AS8778 Slovanet a.s.
- AS9009 M247 Europe SRL
- AS9036 Neuronnexion Scop
- AS9080 Ipex a.s
- AS9116 Partner Communications Main Autonomous System
- AS9498 Bharti Airtel Ltd.
- AS12322 Free SAS
- AS12337 noris Network AG
- AS12508 Rainside s.r.o.
- AS12519 FastNet International Ltd
- AS12684 SES Astra S.A.
- AS12727 Vialis SEM
- AS12732 Gutcon GmbH
- AS12741 Netia SA
- AS12808 DTMS GmbH
- AS12902 B.V.
- AS12956 TELXIUS Cable
- AS12996 Domeneshop AS
- AS13004 Serbian Open Exchange DOO
- AS13009 Redcentric Solutions Ltd
- AS13150 Cato Networks Ltd
- AS13157 GOPAS Solutions GmbH
- AS13335 CloudFlare Inc.
- AS15436 Witbe S.A.
- AS15614 Dragon Internet a.s.
- AS15703 TrueFullstaq B.V.
- AS15826 NFrance Conseil
- AS15958 CETIN Ltd. Belgrade
- AS15962 Orange Slovensko a.s.
- AS16003 Fornex Hosting S.L.
- AS16080 Payplug Enterprise SAS
- AS16218 Ingo Assion Trading As IACD Systemhaus GmbH
- AS16246 O2 Czech Republic A.S.
- AS16350 Root Holding B.V.
- AS18001 Dialog Axiata PLC.
- AS19186 GMCHosting LLC
- AS20880 Tele Columbus AG
- AS20940 Akamai International B.V.
- AS20986 Easyteam SAS
- AS21221 InfoPact Netwerkdiensten B.V.
- AS21315 EQUANS Zuid-Nederland bv
- AS21430 WIA spol. s.r.o.
- AS21497 PRJSC VF Ukraine
- AS21859 Zenlayer Inc
- AS24691 TogoTelecom Togo
- AS24724 Atman Sp. z o.o.
- AS24753 Globecomm Europe B.V.
- AS24776 Infoclip SA
- AS24785 Broadband Hosting B.V.
- AS24904 K-Net Sarl
- AS25369 Hydra Communications Ltd
- AS25542 Former Denit Internet merged into AS31673
- AS27281 Quantcast Corporation
- AS28972 M-SOFT Spol. s r.o.
- AS29001 Shaun O'neil Trading As DMA Computer Services
- AS29017 NTT Global Data Centers EMEA UK Ltd.
- AS29063 Eviden Netherlands B.V.
- AS29075 Ielo-Liazo Services SAS
- AS29286 Skylogic S.p.A.
- AS29311 Solvinity B.V.
- AS29504 Freenet Liberec Z.S.
- AS29518 Bredband2 AB
- AS29583 Spinoco Czech Republic A.S.
- AS29611 Elite Limited
- AS30238 Cisco Systems Ironport Division
- AS30764 PODA a.s.
- AS30785 Reserved
- AS30929 Golem Tech S.R.O.
- AS31059 Avelacom Business Ltd.
- AS31117 ENERGOTEL a.s.
- AS31127 SATRO s.r.o.
- AS31328 Schneider Electric Industries SAS
- AS31727 Node4 Limited
- AS33835 Weaccess Group S.A.
- AS34210 Flow Traders B.V.
- AS34244 Teleservice Bredband Skane AB
- AS34427 Comsenso BV
- AS34569 Vivacom Bulgaria Ead
- AS34779 T-2 D.O.O.
- AS34911 ELDATA prazska s.r.o.
- AS34924 Pankerl - Media Florian Pankerl
- AS34942 Vivor B.V.
- AS34955 Martin Vicenik
- AS34979 39D Services LTD
- AS35027 SevenP B.V.
- AS35179 Korbank S. A.
- AS35220 Unassigned
- AS35328 DSI Data A. S.
- AS35421 Pink Elephant B.V.
- AS35661 Virtua Systems SAS
- AS35705 Pelican ICT BV
- AS35706 Net at Once Sweden AB
- AS36236 NetActuate Inc
- AS36692 Cisco OpenDNS LLC
- AS37662 WIOCC-AS
- AS38193 Transworld Associates Pvt. Ltd.
- AS38195 Superloop
- AS39063 Leitwert GmbH
- AS39072 Axess OnLine SARL
- AS39271 C'Chartres Innovations Numeriques SEM
- AS39279 Information Technology and Cyber Security Service
- AS39392 Supernetwork
- AS41038 Mediacaster B.V.
- AS41191 Mappy SA
- AS41480 Systemec BV
- AS41779 Lajsinet S.R.O.
- AS42093 InterRacks B.V.
- AS42156 GNX B.V.
- AS42306 Edera Group a.s.
- AS42455 Elite Limited
- AS42517 Schiphol Telematics B.V.
- AS42831 UK Dedicated Servers Limited
- AS42841 ANTIK Telecom s.r.o
- AS42845 Bretagne Telecom Sasu
- AS42908 Nordic Telecom Regional s.r.o.
- AS42965 Net Services Beteiligungsgesellschaft MBH Trading as Net Services GmbH & Co. KG
- AS43070 s.r.o.
- AS43140 TELEflash GmbH
- AS43507 RETE-AS
- AS43708 DATAMAT CZ s.r.o.
- AS44002 Czech Republic
- AS44430 MaRcom-Eko s.r.o.
- AS44444 Forcepoint Cloud Ltd
- AS44489 Starnet
- AS44712 Ehamnet S.R.O.
- AS44858 Proxsys B.V.
- AS45102 Alibaba US Technology Co. Ltd.
- AS45899 VNPT Corp
- AS47112 Unassigned
- AS47114 SychrovNET s.r.o
- AS47121 Sensemakers B.V.
- AS47155 VIAE-AS
- AS47232 ISP Alliance a.s.
- AS47480 Blue Tiger Solutions Limited
- AS47493 WMS-AS
- AS47734 Telecom IT Solutions SRL
- AS47794 Etihad Atheeb Telecom Company
- AS47949 S.R.O.
- AS48326 DataNetworks s.r.o.
- AS48417 ITS akciova spolecnost
- AS48522 CGl Nederland B.V.
- AS48602 Connect Plus S.R.O.
- AS48886 Communications Security Net B.V.
- AS48972 BetterBe B.V.
- AS49013 Fusion Media S.R.O.
- AS49206 PeakFactory BV
- AS49434 FBW Networks SAS
- AS49584 Dataxion SAS
- AS49585 CoreRoute Ou
- AS49985 IP4ISP z.s.p.o
- AS50324 Campus Hofnetz & Events GmbH
- AS50399 Open Line BV
- AS50570 J.F. Hillebrand IT B.V.
- AS50782 Cosys Data GmbH
- AS51269 HEXATOM s.a.r.l.
- AS51331 SychrovNET s.r.o
- AS51758 ProcoliX B.V.
- AS51762 Adversor LLP
- AS51849 Eshgro B.V.
- AS52092 Alf Servis S.R.O.
- AS52102 Tribion B.V.
- AS53180 Infortel Comunicacoes Ltda
- AS56349 IP-Net s.r.o.
- AS56456 C2NET s.r.o.
- AS56478 Hyperoptic Ltd
- AS56656 Detronics s.r.o.
- AS57007 Nitex ISP S.R.O.
- AS57090 De Volksbank N.V.
- AS57124 Gemeente Maastricht
- AS57146 Trustteam Nederland BV
- AS57279 Sauron CZ s.r.o.
- AS57344 Telehouse EAD
- AS57483 IAN Chilton
- AS57537 Net-D-Sign GmbH
- AS57626 E-Zorg B.V.
- AS57638 TARQ
- AS57752 VoIP Telecom SAS
- AS57758 CloudBear B.V.
- AS57780 Xenia Systems GmbH IT-Consulting und Systemloesungen
- AS58208 GEDEFI Conseil SARL
- AS58453 China Mobile International Limited
- AS59545 Vertixo BV
- AS59560 World-ICT B.V.
- AS59605 Zain Omantel International FZ-LLC
- AS59865 iVent Mobile BV
- AS59871 Heureka Group A.S.
- AS59953 PureFibre Internet Ltd.
- AS59959 s.r.o.
- AS59970 AmigoNet s.r.o.
- AS59985 SAM Office B.V.
- AS60051 Earthlink Telecommunications Equipment Trading & Services DMCC
- AS60171 AFR-IX Telecom S.A.
- AS60326 Mrsheepnet Ltd
- AS60345 ICIXS Networks Ug (Haftungsbeschraenkt)
- AS60497 UWE Zeidler
- AS60671 Baggermaatschappij Boskalis B.V.
- AS61013 Alliander N.V.
- AS61029 DODW Holding B.V.
- AS61060 NXTcom Nederland BV
- AS61296 TechCom s.r.o.
- AS61357 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize N.V.
- AS62011 Z.S.
- AS62044 Zscaler Switzerland GmbH
- AS62105 Jonaz B.V.
- AS62160 Web3 Leaders Inc
- AS62167 Tismi BV
- AS64488 IOPS S.R.O.
- AS132203 Tencent Building Kejizhongyi Avenue
- AS136907 Huawei Clouds
- AS137409 GSL Networks Pty Ltd
- AS196735 JON.CZ s.r.o.
- AS196843 Khnet.Info Z.S.
- AS197013 Sprintel s.r.o.
- AS197019 Wedos Internet A.S.
- AS197029 LAM plus s.r.o.
- AS197133 Mediactive SAS
- AS197197 M.NET STUDENKA s. r. o.
- AS197307 Core4Net S.R.O.
- AS197729 Binect GmbH
- AS198012 Interforce Networks BV
- AS198034 VoIP Telecom SAS
- AS198203 RouteLabel V.O.F.
- AS198334 Redwood Software Nederland B.V.
- AS198346 NETFORMS s.r.o.
- AS198692 Bytesnet Groningen B.V.
- AS199064 Qwant SAS
- AS199284 Thueringer Netkom GmbH
- AS199298 Jan Stetina
- AS199490 INTERCONNECT s.r.o.
- AS199657 TNTech s.r.o.
- AS199665 Hana Juzkova
- AS199937 ANWB B.V.
- AS200155 Unassigned
- AS200428 SouthernHill BV
- AS200612 Gulf Bridge International Inc.
- AS200756 Huawei Technologies (Netherlands) B.V.
- AS200985 Bok*Net Z.S.
- AS201330 SolidBE BV
- AS201548 Milan Zelenka
- AS201650 Webguru VOF
- AS202321 Institut National de l'Audiovisuel
- AS202566 Questnet GmbH
- AS202877 S.R.O.
- AS202895 TFnet s.r.o.
- AS202921 CC INTERNET s.r.o.
- AS203072 DOMATV
- AS203630 Netflow Software BV
- AS203698 Moji SAS
- AS203932 PricewaterhouseCoopers B.V.
- AS204035 OneCorp GmbH
- AS204332 TKC System s.r.o.
- AS204409 Prestonet s.r.o.
- AS204661 Nextlane France SAS
- AS204666 Jiri Tlapak
- AS204805 VOIPED Wholesale BV
- AS204949 CMIS s.r.o.
- AS205388 Marcel Andrew Zaiser Trading as Metaliance ISP Systems e.k
- AS205394 CSL (Dualcom) Limited
- AS206121 Stater Nederland B.V.
- AS206281 Stichting Digi NL
- AS206516 Prorail B.V.
- AS206548 S.R.O
- AS206703 Netcom Solutions s.r.o.
- AS206784 Internet Praha Josefov s.r.o.
- AS206982 OneTrail B.V.
- AS207187 TKR Jasek S.R.O.
- AS207701 Talia Limited
- AS207866 InCompanyMedia B.V.
- AS207982 Cooperatie Avebe U.A.
- AS207992 Feelb Sarl
- AS207995 Lightning Fibre Ltd
- AS208164 Formicidae Holdings B.V.
- AS208332 Hosting 2 Go B.V.
- AS209114 Luiz Fernando Ribeiro Amaral
- AS209369 The Cloud Provider s.r.o.
- AS210139 DPT s.r.o. LLC
- AS211037 1Ago Commv
- AS211316 Adyen N.V.
- AS211700 Dexus Internet s.r.o.
- AS212424 Association des Reseaux de Centralesupelec
- AS212974 Tomanet s.r.o.
- AS213018 Infrasio SAS
- AS213065 Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen
- AS263009 Forte Telecom Ltda.
- AS327814 Ecoband
- AS396986 ByteDance Inc.
What is an Autonomous System (AS)?
An Autonomous System (AS) is a collection of connected networks that operate under a common administrative domain and share routing policies. Each AS is identified by a unique Autonomous System Number (ASN), which is used to exchange routing information with other ASs. AS can control how traffic flows through networks and then filter out unwanted traffic.