AS53013 W I X Net do Brasil Ltda - ME
General Info - AS53013
IP Address Ranges
Netblock | Number of IPs | |
---|---|---| | 2,048 | | | 256 | | | 256 | | | 256 | | | 512 |
Netblock | Number of IPs | |
2804:574::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 |
- AS174 Cogent Communications
- AS3356 Level 3 Parent LLC
- AS3549 Level 3 Parent LLC
- AS6453 Tata Communications (America) Inc
- AS6762 Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A.
- AS6939 Hurricane Electric LLC
- AS12552 GlobalConnect AB
- AS25933 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS52780 Map Piumhi Ltda - ME
- AS262572 Sothis Tecnologia e Servicos de Telecomunicacoes L
- AS267264 Jrfiber Servicos de Comunicacao
- AS267563 EI Telecom LTDA
- AS14463 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS22177 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS28154 Ar Telecom Provedor de Internet Ltda
- AS28189 JR & JS Engenharia E Comercio Ltda
- AS28202 Rede Brasileira de Comunicacao SA
- AS28209 Under Servicos de Internet Ltda
- AS28260 Alta Rede Corporate Network Telecom Ltda - EPP
- AS28370 Guifami Informatica Ltda.
- AS28605 Defferrari Informatica Ltda.
- AS28610 Debian Signal Comunicacao Multimidia Ltda ME
- AS33182 Inc.
- AS52528 Rede Nets Ltda.
- AS52551 SAMM Sociedade de Atividades em Multimidia Ltda
- AS52617 Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS52660 E.Serv Informatica e Tecnologia Ltda.
- AS52692 Carvalho e Silva Ltda
- AS52716 Viaband Telecomunicacao Ltda
- AS52743 Twister Soft Net Ltda
- AS52758 Global Network Telecomunicacoes do Brasil Ltda.
- AS52769 Lagosnet Internet Banda Larga Ltda
- AS52780 Map Piumhi Ltda - ME
- AS52939 Minas Turbo Provedor de Internet
- AS52944 MegaLink Telecomunicacoes Ltda ME
- AS52964 Pontocom Fibra Optica Ltda
- AS53018 Viana & Viana Comunicacao Ltda-ME
- AS53059 Reserved
- AS53061 G2Net Sul Provedor Ltda
- AS53086 Oai Eireli
- AS53102 S.I. Telecom. Servicos de Telefonia Ltda EPP
- AS53130 Internet Provider Mil BR Net Ltda
- AS53152 THS Provider Servicos de Comunicacao Multimidia LT
- AS53158 Net Turbo Telecom
- AS53427 TGlobal Networks
- AS61595 Telic Technologies
- AS61642 Nexnett Brasil Telecom
- AS61649 Conect Telecomunicacoes Comunicacoes e Multimidia
- AS61672 Entelvias Provedor de Internet Ltda
- AS61704 Conectiva Telecom LTDA
- AS61754 I3 Telecomunicacoes - Eireli
- AS61792 IPNet Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS61828 Netwise Informatica Ltda
- AS61901 RMR Assessoria Tecnica em Teleinformatica Ltda-ME
- AS61942 Turbonet Telecom Ltda
- AS262377 Reserved
- AS262402 Zap BL Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS262418 Indagraf Ltda
- AS262540 Cbnet Telecom Eireli
- AS262595 Onnet Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS262643 BRConecta Ltda
- AS262676 Intervip Networks Ltda.
- AS262696 Turbonet Telecomunicacoes
- AS262761 Sinal BR Telecom Ltda
- AS262766 Vital Net
- AS262791 EMI Net Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS262809 Talklink Informatica Eireli Me.
- AS262973 Max Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS262988 Pombonet Telecomunicacoes e Informatica
- AS263087 Rawnet Informatica Ltda
- AS263154 Avancar Internet
- AS263266 Amaro & Amaro Comunicao Ltda - ME
- AS263280 I4 Telecom Ltda -ME
- AS263320 Sansara Telecom
- AS263347 Cednet Provedor Internet
- AS263380 Easynet Work Limitada
- AS263445 SEM Limite Comunicacoes Ltda - ME
- AS263457 Alpinet Informatica Ltda
- AS263482 Megalink Servicos Ltda
- AS263483 Direct LAN Telecomunicacoes Sorocaba Ltda
- AS263598 BRX Telecomunicacoes Ltda - EPP
- AS263601 Anderson Marcos Coelho e Cia Ltda - ME
- AS263640 Reserved
- AS263641 TCF Telecomunicacoes Campo Florido Ltda
- AS263877 Rede Banda Larga
- AS263915 Connectronic Servicos Ltda
- AS263971 Falemais Comunicacoes Ltda
- AS264014 Led Internet Eireli
- AS264036 CRM Servicos de Internet Ltda
- AS264076 Brem Technology Ltda - ME
- AS264077 Cloudx Servicos em Nuvem Ltda
- AS264117 Provedor Fibramais Ltda
- AS264186 Agt Net
- AS264217 SEM Fone Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS264332 Conexao Inove Telecomunicacoes Ltda ME
- AS264385 Itop Internet e Servicos LTDA
- AS264390 MLM & Santos Info Ltda
- AS264478 Reserved
- AS264492 Techcom Comunicacao Comercio e Servicos Ltda-ME
- AS264550 M H Sat Servicos em Telecomunicacoes
- AS264574 Elite Telecomunicacoes Ltda ME
- AS264872 Brothers LAN House Ltda ME
- AS264917 PKNET Provedor de Acesso a Internet Ltda - ME
- AS265036 BMJNet Telecom
- AS265113 Sales Telecom Ltda
- AS265267 Nitronet Ltda - ME
- AS265330 Ponto a Ponto Telecom do Brasil
- AS265348 IntervixTelecom Eireli ME
- AS265394 Painsonline Macal Internet Info
- AS265405 Imax Wireless Provedor de Internet Ltda
- AS265420 Antonio Carlos Atella Ferreira Junior
- AS265886 Universo Digital Telecomunicacoes Ltda ME
- AS265937 Alianca TecnoinfoLtda
- AS266071 R3 Internet
- AS266140 CMC Telecom Ltda
- AS266154 WJ Internet
- AS266166 Globalnet Servicos e Informatica Ltda-ME
- AS266219 Visio Telecom
- AS266260 ITOP Telecom Ltda - ME
- AS266270 WBR Telecom
- AS266387 World Fast Telecomunicacoes ME
- AS266409 SECW Telecom
- AS266428 R L a World Net Ltda
- AS266454 Expand Telecom Ltda
- AS266492 Flash Servicos em Fibra Optica Ltda - ME
- AS266498 Universo Fiber Comunicacao Multimidia
- AS266631 Enoki & Ruiz Ltda - ME
- AS266968 Suanet Telecomunicacoes Ltda - ME
- AS267011 Virtual Internet
- AS267055 N.C Sat Mais Veloz Ltda
- AS267062 Tellecom Eireli Me
- AS267192 Telcom Provedor de Acesso Ltda - EPP
- AS267212 Server Media Comunicacao Ltda
- AS267221 Gold Telecom Ltda
- AS267264 Jrfiber Servicos de Comunicacao
- AS267289 Scon Fibras
- AS267325 USBINF Informatica Ltda - ME
- AS267357 Livenet Telecom
- AS267399 Top 37 Estacoes e Redes de Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS267430 CBR Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS267458 ITMinds Consultoria em Tecnologia da Informacao
- AS267526 Andreia Lucia Cadini da Cunha ME
- AS267543 Dam Solutions
- AS267549 NetCOMM Fibra
- AS267563 EI Telecom LTDA
- AS267662 Porto Net Eireli - EPP
- AS268084 Maxima Internet Banda Larga
- AS268168 Fast Provedor Net Telecom Ltda
- AS268205 Rede Brasil Networks
- AS268221 Fiber Banda Larga Servicos e Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS268222 Fenix Telecom
- AS268428 Client Servicos e Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS268537 TN Fibra
- AS268559 O.I Adeyeye Comercio
- AS268581 QNAX Ltda
- AS268628 Rox Telecom Ltda - ME
- AS268645 Future Digital Technology e Telecom Ltda EPP
- AS268729 Wnett Fibra
- AS268747 L C S Wifi Ltda
- AS268772 Reserved
- AS268788 Hexa Telecom Ltda
- AS268789 Mustanet Provedor de Internet Eireli
- AS268793 Restarty Tech Internet
- AS268804 Bridgenet Ltda ME
- AS268816 Turbonet Luz
- AS268824 ConnectMax Telecom
- AS268848 All Connections - Ltda
- AS269004 More Speed Fibra
- AS269015 Ping Provedor
- AS269115 Telecom Provedores E Redes de Comunicacao
- AS269223 Bignetfoz Ltda
- AS269331 Infoarcos Servicos de Internet Ltda
- AS269387 Collis Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS269435 Sistel Fibra Servicos de Comunicacao Multimidia LT
- AS269601 Lainformatica Ltda ME
- AS269652 Portal Solucoes Integradas Ltda
- AS270268 Fiberpon Telecom
- AS270355 Edenilson Oliveira Belo
- AS270473 3.I. Telecom Ltda - ME
- AS270623 Dattas Internet Ltda
- AS270648 Axe Telecom Ltda
- AS270735 Computize Network Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS270771 Condomiweb Tecnologia Ltda
- AS270776 Hiperlink Telecom Ltda
- AS270814 Zaaz Provedor de Internet E Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS271033 Flay Net Telecom
- AS271095 SB Internet
- AS271253 Link Brasil Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS271262 Cometafiber Servicos de Internet Ltda
- AS271380 Global Conecta Telecom Eireli
- AS271412 FR Sousa Telecomunicacoes Ltda - ME
- AS271502 Xybernet Telecom
- AS271660 Planicie Net Telecom Eireli
- AS273573 Telecomunicacoes Ltda
What is an Autonomous System (AS)?
An Autonomous System (AS) is a collection of connected networks that operate under a common administrative domain and share routing policies. Each AS is identified by a unique Autonomous System Number (ASN), which is used to exchange routing information with other ASs. AS can control how traffic flows through networks and then filter out unwanted traffic.