AS57463 Netix
IP Address Ranges
There are no known IPv4 addresses belonging to this network.
There are no known IPv6 addresses belonging to this network.
- AS3223 Voxility LLP
- AS3267 RUNNET State Institute of Information Technologies and
- AS3333 Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
- AS6939 Hurricane Electric LLC
- AS12552 GlobalConnect AB
- AS12859 BIT BV
- AS20912 Giuliano Claudio Peritore Trading as Panservice S.A.S. di Cuseo Fabrizio & C.
- AS41095 IPTP Ltd
- AS271253 Link Brasil Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS3856 Packet Clearing House Inc.
- AS4229 Zenlayer Inc
- AS5394 UNIDATA S.p.A.
- AS6057 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS9498 Bharti Airtel Ltd.
- AS13172 Electroenergien Sistemen Operator EAD
- AS14840 Latin American and Caribbean IP Address Regional Registry
- AS16344 Information Services PLC
- AS25374 ESCOM Ltd. - Haskovo
- AS28329 Megatelecom Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS29030 Telecabel PLC
- AS29049 Delta Telecom Ltd
- AS29687 Geodim Ltd.
- AS31298 Zulu Ltd.
- AS31490 NetIX Communications JSC
- AS34170 AZTelekom LLC
- AS34224 Neterra Ltd.
- AS34577 Skat TV Ltd.
- AS34772 NEOTEL-MKD Autonomous System
- AS35805 Silknet Autonomous System
- AS39582 Vaultr Veri Merkezi Hizmetleri Anonim Sirketi
- AS40850 UPIX Networks International LLC
- AS41624 Elektronika NS Ltd.
- AS42446 Viscomp Ltd
- AS44017 United Media AG
- AS44306 Omonia d.o.o.
- AS44796 EUROWEB-AS AS Macro
- AS48452 Traffic Broadband Communications Ltd.
- AS51185 MainStreaming SpA
- AS53065 Opcao Telecom
- AS53180 Infortel Comunicacoes Ltda
- AS57634 SKAT Popovo Ltd.
- AS60202 Kivi TV Ltd.
- AS60230 Neterra Ltd.
- AS60501 Sirius Technology SRL
- AS61568 Aloo Telecom - FSF Tecnologia SA
- AS61844 America-Net Ltda.
- AS196925 AzerTelecom LLC
- AS198228 Silistra Telecom Solutions Ltd.
- AS202129 Net 365 JSC
- AS204281 Netx - NG Ltd
- AS208389 Focus IT Solutions
- AS208898 Superhosting doo
- AS211826 Istqrar for Servers Services Ltd
- AS262268 Max Net Telecomunicacoes
- AS262355 VSX Networks
- AS262427 Invista Net Provedor de Acesso Ltda
- AS262761 Sinal BR Telecom Ltda
- AS263444 Open X Tecnologia Ltda
- AS263903 Inforbarra Telecom
- AS264479 TurboZone Internet
- AS268207 RVT Servicos de Telecomunicacoes Ltda
What is an Autonomous System (AS)?
An Autonomous System (AS) is a collection of connected networks that operate under a common administrative domain and share routing policies. Each AS is identified by a unique Autonomous System Number (ASN), which is used to exchange routing information with other ASs. AS can control how traffic flows through networks and then filter out unwanted traffic.