AS35320 EuroTransTelecom Ltd
IP Address Ranges
Netblock | Number of IPs | |
---|---|---| | 8,192 | | | 4,096 | | | 512 |
Netblock | Number of IPs | |
2a02:5f0::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 |
- AS1547 Interdnestrkom Sovmestnoe Zakrytoe Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo
- AS3279 PE Galamay Andrey Anatolyevich
- AS6849 JSC Ukrtelecom
- AS6876 Tenet Scientific Production Enterprise LLC
- AS8788 Adamant Ltd.
- AS12397 Optocom Ltd
- AS13188 Content Delivery Network Ltd
- AS15595 Skyline Electronics Ltd.
- AS15626 Green Floid LLC
- AS16223 Maxnet Telecom Ltd
- AS21310 Satellite Ltd
- AS21312 Grygoriy Chereda
- AS21379 LLC TC Interzvyazok
- AS24812 NPK Home-Net Ltd.
- AS24945 Telecommunication Company Vinteleport Ltd.
- AS25183 FreeRide LLC
- AS25282 Keeper-Soft Ltd.
- AS29436 The private Businessman Buryanov Konstantin Volodimirovich
- AS29443 PP Technical Company Mega
- AS30779 TRK Cable TV LLC
- AS30849 Research-and-Production Company Host Ltd
- AS30859 Silpo-Food LLC
- AS31148 Freenet LTD
- AS31252 StarNet Solutii SRL
- AS31272 WildPark Co
- AS34190 Microcom Ltd.
- AS34248 Reserved
- AS34259 TOV Highload Systems
- AS34700 Maxnet Telecom Ltd
- AS35067 Prokk SE
- AS35319 LLC Datasfera
- AS35365 TOV Vica-TV
- AS35614 Therecom Ltd
- AS35731 NT Service Ltd
- AS39056 Fizichna Osoba-Pidpriemec Anohin Igor Valentinovich
- AS39066 OJSC Kredobank
- AS39431 ArgoCom Ltd.
- AS39695 Company Univest Marketing Ltd
- AS39862 PP Digital Communications
- AS41009 Oleksandr Melnyk
- AS41119 Objedinenie Group Ltd.
- AS41244 Zahidna Multyservisna Merezha LLC
- AS41967 Sumski Telecom Systems Ltd
- AS42088 Reserved
- AS42195 CS AIST
- AS42396 PJSC Telesystems of Ukraine
- AS42530 TOV Telecommunication Company Plazma
- AS42723 TRK Vektor Ltd.
- AS42905 LIMANET Ltd.
- AS43047 Stream-Network Ltd.
- AS43137 ATC LLC
- AS43139 Maximum-Net LLC
- AS43258 Centr Servisnogo Oblslugovuvannya Ltd
- AS43418 Pryama Mova Tov.
- AS43576 LTD Kumir Telecom
- AS43656 KP Intertelecom Ltd
- AS43764 LLC Electron-Sevlush
- AS44032 PP Trccity TV Center
- AS44291 InfoMir LLC
- AS44304 Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
- AS44416 Satellite Net Service LLC
- AS44742 LLC Hotlan
- AS47517 JSC Ukrainian Railways
- AS47702 Teleradiocompany Discovery Ltd.
- AS48117 CityNet LLC
- AS48243 Miratel Ltd
- AS48964 Private Enterprise Enterra
- AS49223 Everest TV and Radio Company LLC
- AS49588 SDS-Vostok Ltd.
- AS50115 Lekol LLC
- AS50362 LLC Cable Television Company Cable Television Networks Plus
- AS50927 Private Enterprise Delta
- AS51197 FOP Nayman Olha Vladimirovna
- AS51216 LLC Pobutradiotehnika T/K Orbita-tv
- AS51273 FOP Lizanchuk Yaroslav M.
- AS51597 Fasttelekom Ltd.
- AS52071 Prycarpathian industrial enterprise of communication LLC
- AS56354 IT-Invest Ltd
- AS56404 Little Enterprise Independent Television Company Norma-4 Ltd
- AS56600 Cyberlan Ltd.
- AS56607 Andrii Chabanov
- AS56639 Saranchuk Mykola
- AS57049 Small Private Enterprise Kvant-II
- AS57102 Elektron-Service LLC.
- AS58055 Extratel Ltd
- AS59681 Satellit PE
- AS60953 Protelecom LLC
- AS61116 PE Starukh Vadim Vladimirovich
- AS62146 Opti Scientific Production Enterprise Ltd
- AS62327 Yuriichuk Vatalii
- AS196740 TeleRadioCompany TeleLan LLC
- AS196939 Homenet IT LLC
- AS197520 UnionCOM Ltd
- AS197602 Teleradiocompany Studio TV-9 Beregsasom Ltd.
- AS198251 LEOTEL Ltd.
- AS198356 FOP Kondratyuk Evgeniy Vladimirovich
- AS198402 Reserved
- AS201094 Mulgin Alexander Sergeevich
- AS202353 PE TRK Todor
- AS203016 Ruban Oleh
- AS204288 Ltd ITLUX
- AS204461 Vitelecom LLC
- AS204540 Ukrainian Information Systems TOV
- AS204573 Ukrainian Information Systems TOV
- AS204684 Wireless Network and Communications PE
- AS205318 Limited Liability Company AVATOR ISP
- AS207305 Montazhtechservice Communication LLC
- AS207488 SQ Telecom LLC
- AS207677 Volkov Pavel
- AS207802 Provider Setka LLC
- AS208566 Giveme Cloud SP Z O O
- AS209221 Performance-Net LLC
- AS209863 PROLVL Ltd.
- AS211034 Disavi Line Ltd.
- AS211190 Quicknet LLC
- AS211395 JSC ''idea Bank''
- AS211608 Totalnet LLC
- AS212003 Fop Chaban Mihail Sergeevich
- AS212118 Malakhovskyi Hennadii
- AS212617 Lynnyk Olexii
- AS212695 Link Telecom Service Ltd
- AS212994 IoT Syndesi I.K.E.
- AS213389 Podolskie Opticheskie Seti Ltd.
What is an Autonomous System (AS)?
An Autonomous System (AS) is a collection of connected networks that operate under a common administrative domain and share routing policies. Each AS is identified by a unique Autonomous System Number (ASN), which is used to exchange routing information with other ASs. AS can control how traffic flows through networks and then filter out unwanted traffic.