AS3269 Telecom Italia S.p.A.
General Info - AS3269
IP Address Ranges
Netblock | Number of IPs | |
2a01:2000::/20 | 324,518,553,658,426,726,783,156,020,576,256 |
- AS5535 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- AS5609 Telecom Italia S.p.A.
- AS6882 Regione Toscana
- AS8217 ENI S.p.A.
- AS8234 RAI RadioTelevisione Italiana
- AS8660 Italiaonline S.p.A.
- AS12505 Banco BPM S.P.A
- AS12515 RS Advanced Systems S.R.L.
- AS12551 ENEL S.p.A
- AS12734 FCA Information Technology Excellence and Methods S.p.A.
- AS13018 Banca Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena S.p.A.
- AS13180 Cedacri S.p.a.
- AS15584 Informatica Alto Adige Spa
- AS15691 UAN Company S.r.l.
- AS15714 Unassigned
- AS15746 Il Sentiero Servizi Soc.Coop. A R.L.
- AS15981 C.S.E. Consorzio Servizi Bancari Soc. Cons. a r.l.
- AS16232 Telecom Italia S.p.A.
- AS20746 Telecom Italia S.p.A.
- AS20958 Travelport Italia SRL
- AS20972 Officine Informatiche Srl
- AS21115 Nestle' Italiana s.p.a
- AS21309 Acantho S.p.a
- AS21429 Sicob S.r.l.
- AS24869 Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
- AS25156 Inrete s.r.l
- AS25300 VEM SISTEMI S.p.A.
- AS28742 Axera S.p.A.
- AS29082 BRT S.p.A.
- AS29094 Banca Mediolanum S.p.A.
- AS29419 Almaviva S.p.A.
- AS31222 Mewecom Italia SpA
- AS31570 Benetton Group S.R.L.
- AS34216 Trenitalia SpA
- AS35110 Regione Basilicata
- AS35514 Geox S.p.A.
- AS35519 Banco di Desio e della Brianza SPA
- AS39759 Passepartout S.p.A.
- AS39887 Televideocom Srl
- AS42345 Granarolo SpA
- AS43364 Medi@net S.r.l.
- AS43602 Esprinet-Spa
- AS43923 Regione Veneto
- AS43976 Poste Italiane S.p.A.
- AS44512 Konverto SpA
- AS44831 Insiel- Informatica per il sistema degli enti locali S.p.A
- AS47136 Generali Operations Service Platform S.r.l.
- AS47473 Ruzzo Reti S.p.A.
- AS47870 Synchronoss Software Ireland Ltd
- AS48382 Microdata Group SRL
- AS48815 CriticalCase s.r.l
- AS49215 Burgo Group S.p.A
- AS49355 Acciai Speciali Terni S.p.A.
- AS50428 Istituto Europeo di Oncologia SRL
- AS51940 Itas Mutua
- AS52054 DataRoute SRL
- AS56346 Leitner S.P.A.
- AS57144 BCC Sistemi Informatici S.p.A.
- AS57525 Grandi Navi Veloci Spa
- AS57817 Gruppo Torinese Trasporti S.P.A
- AS59777 Egea Ente Gestione Energia Ambiente SpA
- AS60559 Maxfon SRL
- AS62398 Territorio Energia Ambiente S.P.A. Mantova in Forma Abbreviata Tea S.p.A.
- AS65101 Private Use AS
- AS196880 Leonardo S.p.A.
- AS196892 TD Group Italia S.r.l.
- AS197807 Eos sistemi s.r.l.
- AS197845 Cegeka Services S.P.A.
- AS197954 Ambrogio s.r.l.
- AS198013 iPKOm Srl
- AS198320 Telnet Systems s.r.l.
- AS198830 Nordcom S.p.A.
- AS198916 Inweb Adriatico S.r.l.
- AS199352 Societa' Autostrade Alto Adriatico S.P.A.
- AS199617 Arianna 2001 S.p.A.
- AS200073 Lutech S.p.A.
- AS200424 Alessandro Coratelli Trading As Codema
- AS200547 MTK S.r.l.
- AS200616 Acciaierie Bertoli Safau S.p.A
- AS200813 Gruppo Lercari SRL
- AS200854 Allitude Public Addresses
- AS201093 Telit Communications Limited
- AS201946 Corpo Vigili Giurati - S.p.A.
- AS202094 FINDER SpA
- AS202514 KME srl
- AS202950 Telecom Italia S.p.A.
- AS203089 Link Space SRL
- AS203150 E.G. Servizi Industriali Srl
- AS203525 Asm Terni SpA
- AS203672 Telefonica Servizi srl
- AS204280 Sielte S.p.A.
- AS204358 OPEN Dot Com S.p.a.
- AS204402 Flynter Networking Srl
- AS204431 Open Solution S.r.l.
- AS204651 Sorint Lab Spa
- AS204795 Marco Accardo
- AS204958 KT Solutions S.R.L.S
- AS205525 YottaNet Srl
- AS206035 2i Rete Gas S.p.A.
- AS206498 Diginet SRL
- AS206617 Neomedia S.r.l.
- AS206821 Webcom TLC srl
- AS206864 Acque S.p.A.
- AS206966 Pac 2000 A S.C.
- AS207018 Retelit Digital Services S.p.A.
- AS207157 Came S.p.A.
- AS207222 Exprivia SpA
- AS207798 Imac SpA
- AS208017 Fastkom SRL
- AS208354 Alfa.bit.Omega S.r.l.
- AS208578 Macrotel Italia SRL
- AS208775 Comac S.p.A.
- AS209026 WT SRLS
- AS209572 Alessio Sassone Trading As Computer System
- AS209865 ASL Roma 2
- AS209887 Biesse S.p.A
- AS210452 SRL
- AS211122 Radio Dimensione Suono S.P.A
- AS211943 Bracco Imaging S.p.A.
- AS212680 Sonatrach Raffineria Italiana S.r.l.
- AS212753 Luxottica Group S.p.A.
- AS213004 Elettropiccoli 73-51 SRL
- AS213096 Ansaldo Energia S.p.A.
What is an Autonomous System (AS)?
An Autonomous System (AS) is a collection of connected networks that operate under a common administrative domain and share routing policies. Each AS is identified by a unique Autonomous System Number (ASN), which is used to exchange routing information with other ASs. AS can control how traffic flows through networks and then filter out unwanted traffic.