AS28146 MHNet Telecom
IP Address Ranges
Netblock | Number of IPs | |
---|---|---| | 1,024 | | | 1,024 | | | 1,024 | | | 1,024 | | | 1,024 | | | 1,024 | | | 1,024 | | | 1,024 | | | 1,024 | | | 1,024 | | | 1,024 | | | 512 | | | 256 | | | 1,024 | | | 1,024 | | | 1,024 | | | 4,096 | | | 8,192 | | | 2,048 | | | 2,048 | | | 1,024 | | | 4,096 | | | 1,024 | | | 8,192 | | | 1,024 | | | 8,192 | | | 4,096 | | | 1,024 |
Netblock | Number of IPs | |
2804:108c::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 | |
2804:26e0::/32 | 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336 |
- AS28224 MHNet Telecom
- AS28359 Zaaz Provedor de Internet E Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS52607 Irmaos Giotto Oliveira & Cia.Ltda.
- AS52719 Espectro Gall Ltda
- AS52727 IMNET Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS52770 Acem Telecom Ltda
- AS52892 Coprel Telecom Ltda
- AS52912 Vieira e Retecheski Ltda
- AS52920 Ivocs Internet E Comunicacao Ltda
- AS52934 Tolrs Informatica Ltda
- AS52952 Millenium Com de Mat e Sist de Inf. Ltda
- AS53085 Vero S.A
- AS53218 Speedservice Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS53238 Chapeco Tecnologia em TelEcomunicacoes Ltda.
- AS61639 Bcnet Informatica Ltda
- AS61666 Globoinfo Ltda
- AS61711 Boavista- Provedor de Internet e Informatica Ltda
- AS61759 Biasus e Biasus Ltda - ME
- AS61823 Spint Provedor de Internet Ltda
- AS61870 GCU Servicos de Provedor Ltda
- AS61880 Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre
- AS61897 HP Comercio E Servicos de Tecnologia E Telecom Ltd
- AS61915 Sicalnet-Comercio de Equipamentos de Informatica L
- AS61936 Viatec Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS262309 BMBB Servicos de Comunicacao Ltda
- AS262360 Nedel Telecom
- AS262408 Cepain Telecom
- AS262416 Kasper Gobbi e Soares Ltda
- AS262587 Cerentini Solucoes em Tecnologia
- AS262607 Vexpert Telecom Eireli
- AS262688 MHNet Telecom
- AS262900 Reserved
- AS262966 KDM Internet Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS263004 Cassiano Zanon - CZNet Provedor de Internet
- AS263020 Mega Net Provedor Internet Ltda
- AS263032 Vero S.A
- AS263036 Fox Conect Provedor de Internet Ltda
- AS263046 Reserved
- AS263289 Palmasnet Informatica Ltda
- AS263360 BR Master Provedor de Internet Ltda
- AS263393 Eli Antonio Martins ME
- AS263439 Saber Informatica Ltda
- AS263451 Reserved
- AS263586 E. M. Fernandes
- AS263604 Hilton C. Bender Eireli
- AS263649 Brphonia Provedor IP Ltda
- AS263659 PCNet Internet
- AS264010 Polli Telecom
- AS264185 Fundacao Regional Integrada - Campus de Erechim
- AS264250 Virtual Telecom
- AS264451 Gettel Internet Ltda
- AS264933 NTI Telecomunicacoes Ltd.
- AS264955 A S Jacobi Informatica
- AS264958 Expresso Sao Miguel SA
- AS265045 Johanes Kler Felema Comunicacoes ME
- AS265259 Busatto Internet e Suprimentos de Informatica Ltda
- AS265266 Level2 Telecomunicacoes Eireli
- AS265350 CSINET Telecom LTDA
- AS265915 P4Net Provedores
- AS265932 Cooperativa Regional Auriverde
- AS266029 Sbnet Telecom
- AS266323 HPN Telecomunicacoes Ltda
- AS266482 Reserved
- AS266489 Zanchet e Paim Telecom Ltda ME
- AS266580 PC Info Telecom Eireli - ME
- AS266598 Fabiane Trento Informatica ME
- AS266929 Coop de Distribuicao de Energia
- AS266944 CanalBR Telecom
- AS267073 L A P Junior Eireli - ME
- AS267113 Clickconnect Solucoes em Internet e Tecnologia
- AS267300 Cooperativa de Producao e Consumo Concordia Ltda.
- AS267527 Mk Solutions Criacao de Software
- AS268182 Jnet Telecom Eireli
- AS268189 Getel Telecom
- AS268511 Glaucio Gomes Ramos ME
- AS268550 Campos Gerais Telecom Ltda
- AS268676 Atuatec Provedor de Internet Ltda
- AS268731 E@SY Internet
- AS268945 Boa Vista Net Ltda - ME
- AS269006 Cristian Mary Hilgemberg Bueno - ME
- AS269010 Cianet Provedor de Internet E S. de C. Eireli
- AS269386 Diuliane Goes Correa Cobrancas
- AS269471 Lehmkuhll E Antonelli Ltda-ME
- AS269606 Dr Internet Ltda
- AS269687 Inova Teleinformatica Ltda ME
- AS269693 CompetenceNet Informatica LTDA - ME
- AS270446 Voalle Participacoes Ltda
- AS270863 DRM Servicos de Telecomunicacoes Eireli -ME
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- AS271180 3Xdata Tecnologia Ltda
- AS273675 Telecomunicacoes Comercio E Servicos Ltda
What is an Autonomous System (AS)?
An Autonomous System (AS) is a collection of connected networks that operate under a common administrative domain and share routing policies. Each AS is identified by a unique Autonomous System Number (ASN), which is used to exchange routing information with other ASs. AS can control how traffic flows through networks and then filter out unwanted traffic.