AS20632 PJSC MegaFon
IP Address Ranges
Netblock | Number of IPs | |
2a03:d000:9008::/46 | 4,835,703,278,458,516,698,824,704 |
- AS2585 Optic Telecom LLC
- AS8662 PJSC Rosseti Lenenergo
- AS9124 Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Russian State University of Immanuil Kant
- AS29114 Limited Liability Company Business Information Technology
- AS33908 Ao Kirovtelecom
- AS34329 OMZ-IT LLC
- AS38928 JSC Glonass
- AS39046 Theorema Telecom Limited
- AS41864 Zelobit LLC
- AS41975 OOO Rivc Simplex
- AS41976 SZKTI-AS
- AS42340 JSC TVSZ
- AS42528 CJSC Sodruzhestvo Soya
- AS44263 Modul Ltd
- AS44665 PAO Sovcomflot
- AS47746 Onnet Communications Ltd
- AS47822 Public Institution Novgorod Information and Analytical Center
- AS49994 RIC-Info Ltd
- AS50105 OOO Sestroretskoe Cable Television
- AS51723 TKB Investment Partners (JSC)
- AS51998 Public Office of Municipality Gorod Arkhangelsk Hozyaistvennaya Sluzhba
- AS57451 SITILAYN Ltd.
- AS58042 State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
- AS60623 Atcom Joint Stock Company
- AS60913 JSC TD ERA
- AS61259 LLC Superwave Group
- AS61416 State Autonomous Establishment of the Arkhangelsk Region Management of Information and Communication Technology of Arkhangelsk Region
- AS62056 State Budgetary Health Care Institution of Arkhangelsk Region - Medical Information and Analytical Centre
- AS62402 Munitsipalnoe kazennoe uchrezhdenie Tsentr informatsionno-kommunikatsionnykh tekhnologii
- AS197700 LSR Ltd
- AS197780 Municipal Institution Center of Municipal Information Resources and Technologies
- AS197952 UK Uniservice LLC
- AS198074 JSC Petroelectrosbyt
- AS198626 Limited Liability Company Northern Capital Gateway
- AS198955 Orange Bank LLC
- AS199112 Sigma-Soft Ltd
- AS199658 Fond Roskongress
- AS200123 Kola Geological Information Laboratory Centre OJSC
- AS200496 Budgetary institution in the field of information technologies of the Vologda region Center informacionnyh technologii
- AS201913 Theorema Telecom Limited
- AS203173 CentroFinance Group MFO OOO
- AS204219 Joint-Stock Company Petrolesport
- AS205060 Departament Smolenskoy oblasti po Informatsionnym tekhnologiyam
- AS205161 Sberbank of Russia PJSC
- AS207438 Petersburg Metro
- AS207665 OOO Optimal'nye Sistemy Svyazi (Limited Liability Company)
- AS208447 LLC Fastmile
- AS209096 Ant Digital Services Ltd
- AS209775 Solidnet Ltd
- AS211637 SimpleTelecom LLC
- AS212494 Rubin LLC.
What is an Autonomous System (AS)?
An Autonomous System (AS) is a collection of connected networks that operate under a common administrative domain and share routing policies. Each AS is identified by a unique Autonomous System Number (ASN), which is used to exchange routing information with other ASs. AS can control how traffic flows through networks and then filter out unwanted traffic.