AS17922 Indosat Internet Network Provider
IP Address Ranges
There are no known IPv4 addresses belonging to this network.
There are no known IPv6 addresses belonging to this network.
- AS7717 Openixp Asn
- AS18052 Asiakomnet Multimedia PT
- AS38509 PT. Maxima Data
- AS38781 PT. Mitra Abdi Solusi
- AS38785 PT. Borneo Broadband Technology
- AS45294 PT. Wanriau Indoxp
- AS45697 Universitas Surabaya
- AS45708 Pemerintah Kota Surabaya
- AS46028 Transkon Jaya PT
- AS56235 PT Komatsu Indonesia
- AS58387 Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan
- AS58488 Pusdatin KKP
- AS132642 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
- AS132676 Universitas Sriwijaya
- AS133796 Subbid Sistem Jaringan dan Infrastruktur
- AS133809 PT. Artorius Telemetri Sentosa
- AS136834 POLITANI Pangkep
- AS136874 PT. Garuda Media Telematika
- AS136883 Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
- AS137324 PT Metrocom Indonesia
- AS138119 PT Integra Kreasitama Solusindo
- AS138891 PT. Kayong Muara Teknoindo
- AS139442 Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia
- AS139996 IDNIC-KOMINFO_TBN-AS-ID Dinas Komunikasi Dan Informatika Kabupaten Tabanan
- AS141058 Pemerintah Kabupaten Soppeng
- AS142316 Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Pemerintah Kabupaten Jembrana
- AS149329 Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia
- AS149337 PT Belopa Kreatif Indonesia
- AS149718 PT Satunol Digital Teknologi
- AS149880 PT Interkoneksi Data Nusantara
What is an Autonomous System (AS)?
An Autonomous System (AS) is a collection of connected networks that operate under a common administrative domain and share routing policies. Each AS is identified by a unique Autonomous System Number (ASN), which is used to exchange routing information with other ASs. AS can control how traffic flows through networks and then filter out unwanted traffic.