Frequently Asked Questions
The database format is known as Comma Separated Values (CSV). All fields are separated by a comma and each individual line is a record by itself.
IP2Location is also available in binary format which works together with the IP2Location API in several programming languages.
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NOTE: If your current subscription has less than 6 months left, it will be renewed first before the upgrade is performed. In other words, your subscription period will be extended for another year.
IP address (IPv4) is divided into 4 sub-blocks. Each sub-block has a different weight number each powered by 256. IP number is being used in the database because it is more efficient to search between a range of numbers in a database.
The Beginning IP number and Ending IP Number are calculated based on the following formula:
IP Number = 16777216*w + 65536*x + 256*y + z (1)
IP Address = w.x.y.z
For example, if the IP address is "", then its IP Number will be "3401190660", based on the formula (1).
IP Address =
So, w = 202, x = 186, y = 13 and z = 4
IP Number = 16777216*202 + 65536*186 + 256*13 + 4
= 3388997632 + 12189696 + 3328 + 4
= 3401190660
Sample Code
Function Dot2LongIP (ByVal DottedIP)
Dim i, pos
Dim PrevPos, num
If DottedIP = "" Then
Dot2LongIP = 0
For i = 1 To 4
pos = InStr(PrevPos + 1, DottedIP, ".", 1)
If i = 4 Then
pos = Len(DottedIP) + 1
End If
num = Int(Mid(DottedIP, PrevPos + 1, pos - PrevPos - 1))
PrevPos = pos
Dot2LongIP = ((num Mod 256) * (256 ^ (4 - i))) + Dot2LongIP
End If
End Function
function Dot2LongIP ($IPaddr) {
if ($IPaddr == "") {
return 0;
else {
$ips = explode(".", "$IPaddr");
return ($ips[3] + $ips[2] * 256 + $ips[1] * 256 * 256 + $ips[0] * 256 * 256 * 256);
long Dot2LongIP(String ipstring) {
String[] ipAddressInArray = ipstring.split("\\.");
long result = 0;
long ip = 0;
for (int x = 3; x >= 0; x--) {
ip = Long.parseLong(ipAddressInArray[3 - x]);
result |= ip << (x << 3);
return result;
function Dot2LongIP(ipAddress) {
if(arguments.ipAddress EQ "") {
return 0;
else {
ips = ListToArray( arguments.ipAddress, "." );
return( ( 16777216 * ips[1] ) + ( 65536 * ips[2] ) + ( 256 * ips[3] ) + ips[4] );
public double Dot2LongIP(string DottedIP)
int i;
string [] arrDec;
double num = 0;
if (DottedIP == "")
return 0;
arrDec = DottedIP.Split(".");
for(i = arrDec.Length - 1; i >= 0 ; i --)
num += ((int.Parse(arrDec[i])%256) * Math.Pow(256 ,(3 - i )));
return num;
Public Function Dot2LongIP(ByVal DottedIP As String) As Double
Dim arrDec() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim intResult As Long
If DottedIP = "" then
Dot2LongIP = 0
arrDec = DottedIP.Split(".")
For i = arrDec.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
intResult = intResult + ((Int(arrDec(i)) Mod 256) * Math.Pow(256, 3 -i))
Dot2LongIP = intResult
End If
End Function
use Socket;
sub dot2LongIP {
my $ip_address = shift(@_);
return unpack("N",inet_aton($ip_address));
require 'ipaddr'
def dot2LongIP(ip)
ipnum =
return ipnum.to_i
import ipaddress
def dot2LongIP(ip):
return int(ipaddress.IPv4Address(ip))
uint32_t Dot2LongIP(char* ipstring)
uint32_t ip = inet_addr(ipstring);
uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t *) &ip;
uint32_t a = 0;
if (ipstring != NULL) {
a = (uint8_t)(ptr[3]);
a += (uint8_t)(ptr[2]) * 256;
a += (uint8_t)(ptr[1]) * 256 * 256;
a += (uint8_t)(ptr[0]) * 256 * 256 * 256;
return a;
CREATE FUNCTION Dot2LongIP (ip text)
RETURNS bigint
DECLARE ipnum bigint;
SET ipnum = (SELECT INET_ATON(ip));
RETURN ipnum;
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Dot2LongIP]( @IP VarChar(15) )
DECLARE @ipA BigInt,
@ipB BigInt,
@ipC BigInt,
@ipD BigInt,
@ipE BigInt
SELECT @ipA = LEFT(@ip, PATINDEX('%.%', @ip) - 1 )
SELECT @ip = RIGHT(@ip, LEN(@ip) - LEN(@ipA) - 1 )
SELECT @ipB = LEFT(@ip, PATINDEX('%.%', @ip) - 1 )
SELECT @ip = RIGHT(@ip, LEN(@ip) - LEN(@ipB) - 1 )
SELECT @ipC = LEFT(@ip, PATINDEX('%.%', @ip) - 1 )
SELECT @ip = RIGHT(@ip, LEN(@ip) - LEN(@ipC) - 1 )
SELECT @ipD = @ip
SELECT @ipE = ( @ipA * 256*256*256 ) + ( @ipB * 256*256 ) + ( @ipC * 256 ) + @ipD
Convert IPv4 IP Address to IP Number in Decimal Integer (IPv4 IP Address is in cell A1):
=((VALUE(LEFT(A1, FIND(".", A1)-1)))*256^3)+((VALUE(MID(A1, FIND(".", A1)+1, FIND(".", A1, FIND(".", A1)+1)-FIND(".", A1)-1)))*256^2)+((VALUE(MID(A1, FIND(".", A1, FIND(".", A1)+1)+1, FIND(".", A1, FIND(".", A1, FIND(".", A1)+1)+1)-FIND(".", A1, FIND(".", A1)+1)-1)))*256)+(VALUE(RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND(".", A1, FIND(".", A1, FIND(".", A1)+1)+1))))
IP Address = w.x.y.z
To reverse IP number to IP address,
w = int ( IP Number / 16777216 ) % 256
x = int ( IP Number / 65536 ) % 256
y = int ( IP Number / 256 ) % 256
z = int ( IP Number ) % 256
is the modulus operator and
returns the integer part of the division.
Sample Code
Function Modulus(Value1, Value2)
Modulus = Value1 - (Int(Value1 / Value2) * Value2)
End Function
Function Long2DotIP (ByVal IPNum)
Long2DotIP = Modulus(Int(IPNum / 16777216), 256) & "." & Modulus(Int(IPNum / 65536), 256) & "." & Modulus(Int(IPNum / 256), 256) & "." & Modulus(IPNum, 256)
End Function
function Long2DotIP ($IPNum) {
if ($IPNum == "") {
return "";
else {
return (($IPNum / 16777216) % 256) . "." . (($IPNum / 65536) % 256) . "." . (($IPNum / 256) % 256) . "." . ($IPNum % 256);
String Long2DotIP(long ipnum) {
String result = "";
result = ((ipnum / 16777216) % 256) + "." + ((ipnum / 65536) % 256) + "." + ((ipnum / 256) % 256) + "." + (ipnum % 256);
return result;
function Modulus(value1, value2) {
return arguments.value1 - (floor(arguments.value1 / arguments.value2) * arguments.value2);
function Long2DotIP(ipNum) {
return (Modulus(floor(arguments.ipNum / 16777216), 256)) & "." & (Modulus(floor(arguments.ipNum / 65536), 256)) & "." & (Modulus(floor(arguments.ipNum / 256), 256)) & "." & (Modulus(floor(arguments.ipNum), 256));
public string Long2DotIP(long IPNum)
string result = "";
result = ((IPNum / 16777216) % 256) + "." + ((IPNum / 65536) % 256) + "." + ((IPNum / 256) % 256) + "." + (IPNum % 256);
return result;
Public Function Long2DotIP(ByVal IPNum As Long) As String
Dim result As String = ""
result = (Int(IPNum / 16777216) Mod 256) & "." & (Int(IPNum / 65536) Mod 256) & "." & (Int(IPNum / 256) Mod 256) & "." & (IPNum Mod 256)
Return result
End Function
use Socket;
sub long2DotIP {
my $ip_number = shift(@_);
return inet_ntoa(pack("N*", $ip_number));
def long2DotIP(ipnum)
return ((ipnum / 16777216) % 256).to_s + "." + ((ipnum / 65536) % 256).to_s + "." + ((ipnum / 256) % 256).to_s + "." + (ipnum % 256).to_s
def long2DotIP(ipnum):
return str(int(ipnum / 16777216) % 256) + "." + str(int(ipnum / 65536) % 256) + "." + str(int(ipnum / 256) % 256) + "." + str(ipnum % 256)
char* Long2DotIP(uint32_t ipnum)
uint8_t bytes[4];
char* buf = malloc (sizeof (char) * 16);
bytes[0] = (ipnum >> 24) & 0xFF;
bytes[1] = (ipnum >> 16) & 0xFF;
bytes[2] = (ipnum >> 8) & 0xFF;
bytes[3] = ipnum & 0xFF;
snprintf(buf, (sizeof (char) * 16), "%d.%d.%d.%d", bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3]);
return buf;
CREATE FUNCTION Long2DotIP (ipnum bigint)
DECLARE ip text;
SET ip = (SELECT INET_NTOA(ipnum));
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Long2DotIP]( @IPNum BigInt )
RETURN CAST(((@IPNum / 16777216) % 256) AS VARCHAR(3)) + + CAST(((@IPNum / 65536) % 256) AS VARCHAR(3)) + + CAST(((@IPNum / 256) % 256) AS VARCHAR(3)) + + CAST((@IPNum % 256) AS VARCHAR(3))
CONCAT(($1 >> 24) % 256, ''.'', ($1 >> 16) % 256, ''.'', ($1 >> 8) % 256, ''.'', $1 % 256);'
Convert IP Number in Decimal Integer to IPv4 IP Address (Decimal Integer is in cell A1):
=IF(A1<>"", CONCATENATE(MOD(BITRSHIFT(A1, 24), 256), ".", MOD(BITRSHIFT(A1, 16), 256), ".", MOD(BITRSHIFT(A1, 8), 256), ".", MOD(A1, 256)), "")
IP address (IPv6) is divided into 8 groups of four hexadecimal digits with a colon as a group separator. Each group has a different weight number each powered by 65536. IP number is being used in the database because it is more efficient to search between a range of numbers in a database.
The Beginning IP number and Ending IP Number are calculated based on the following formula:
IP Number = (65536^7)*a + (65536^6)*b + (65536^5)*c + (65536^4)*d + (65536^3)*e + (65536^2)*f + 65536*g + h (1)
IP Address = a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h
For example, if the IP address is "2001:0db8:0000:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", then its IP Number will be "42540766411282594074389245746715063092", based on the formula (1).
IP Address (in hexadecimal) = 2001:0db8:0000:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334
IP Address (in decimal) = 8193:3512:0:66:0:35374:880:29492
IP Number = (65536^7)*8193 + (65536^6)*3512 + (65536^5)*0 + (65536^4)*66 + (65536^3)*0 + (65536^2)*35374 + 65536*880 + 29492
= 5192296858534827628530496329220096*8193 + 79228162514264337593543950336*3512 + 1208925819614629174706176*0 + 18446744073709551616*66 + 281474976710656*0 + 4294967296*35374 + 57671680 + 29492
= 42540488161975842760550356425300246528 + 278249306750096353628526353580032 + 0 + 1217485108864830406656 + 0 + 151930173128704 + 57671680 + 29492
= 42540766411282594074389245746715063092
Sample Code
function Dot2LongIP($ipv6) {
return (string) gmp_import(inet_pton($ipv6));
java.math.BigInteger Dot2LongIP(String ipv6) { ia =;
byte byteArr[] = ia.getAddress();
if (ia instanceof {
java.math.BigInteger ipnumber = new java.math.BigInteger(1, byteArr);
return ipnumber;
function Dot2LongIP(ipv6) {
if (arguments.ipv6 eq "") {
return 0;
else {
IPV6Long = CreateObject("java","java.math.BigInteger");
IPV6NetAddress = CreateObject("java","");
newIp = IPV6NetAddress.getByName(arguments.ipv6);
bytes = newIp.getAddress();
bigInt = IPV6Long.init(1, bytes).toString();
return bigInt;
public System.Numerics.BigInteger Dot2LongIP(string ipv6)
System.Net.IPAddress address;
System.Numerics.BigInteger ipnum;
if (System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(ipv6, out address)) {
byte[] addrBytes = address.GetAddressBytes();
if (System.BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) {
System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> byteList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>(addrBytes);
addrBytes = byteList.ToArray();
if (addrBytes.Length > 8) {
ipnum = System.BitConverter.ToUInt64(addrBytes, 8);
ipnum <<= 64;
ipnum += System.BitConverter.ToUInt64(addrBytes, 0);
} else {
ipnum = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(addrBytes, 0);
return ipnum;
Public Function Dot2LongIP(ByVal ipv6 As String) As System.Numerics.BigInteger
Dim address As System.Net.IPAddress
Dim ipnum As System.Numerics.BigInteger
If System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(ipv6, address) Then
Dim addrBytes() As Byte = address.GetAddressBytes()
If System.BitConverter.IsLittleEndian Then
Dim byteList As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)(addrBytes)
addrBytes = byteList.ToArray()
End If
If addrBytes.Length > 8 Then
ipnum = System.BitConverter.ToUInt64(addrBytes, 8)
ipnum <<= 64
ipnum += System.BitConverter.ToUInt64(addrBytes, 0)
ipnum = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(addrBytes, 0)
End If
End If
Dot2LongIP = ipnum
End Function
use NetAddr::IP;
sub dot2LongIP {
my $ip_address = shift(@_);
my $ip_number = NetAddr::IP->new($ip_address) or die;
return $ip_number->bigint;
require 'ipaddr'
def dot2LongIP(ipv6)
ipnum =
return ipnum.to_i
import ipaddress
def dot2LongIP(ipv6):
return int(ipaddress.IPv6Address(ipv6))
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
typedef unsigned __int128 uint128_t;
uint128_t Dot2LongIP(const char* ipv6) {
struct sockaddr_in6 sa;
inet_pton(AF_INET6, ipv6, &(sa.sin6_addr));
uint128_t ipnum = 0;
uint128_t octet = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(sa.sin6_addr.s6_addr) / sizeof(sa.sin6_addr.s6_addr[0])); i++) {
octet = ((uint128_t)sa.sin6_addr.s6_addr[i] << ((uint128_t)(15 - i) * 8));
ipnum = ipnum + octet;
return ipnum;
IP Address = a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h
To reverse IP number to IP address,
a = int ( IP Number / (65536^7) ) % 65536
b = int ( IP Number / (65536^6) ) % 65536
c = int ( IP Number / (65536^5) ) % 65536
d = int ( IP Number / (65536^4) ) % 65536
e = int ( IP Number / (65536^3) ) % 65536
f = int ( IP Number / (65536^2) ) % 65536
g = int ( IP Number / 65536 ) % 65536
h = IP Number % 65536
is the modulus operator and
returns the integer part of the division.
NOTE: All parts need to be converted into hexadecimal to be part of the IPv6 address.
Sample Code
function Long2DotIP($integer) {
return inet_ntop(str_pad(gmp_export($integer), 16, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT));
String Long2DotIP(String integer)
String ipstr = new java.math.BigInteger(integer).toString(16);
String padding = new String(new char[32 - ipstr.length()]).replace("\0", "0");
String retval = padding + ipstr;
retval = retval.replaceAll("(.{4})", "$1:").substring(0, 39);
return retval;
function Long2DotIP(integer) {
if (arguments.integer eq "") {
return 0;
else {
retval = "";
bigobj = CreateObject("java","java.math.BigInteger");
intval = bigobj.init(integer).toString(16);
padding = repeatstring("0", 32 - len(intval));
retval = padding & intval;
retval = rereplace(rereplace(retval, "(.{4})", "\1:", "ALL"), ":$", "");
return retval;
public string Long2DotIP(string bigint)
string retval = "";
System.Numerics.BigInteger intval = System.Numerics.BigInteger.Zero;
if (System.Numerics.BigInteger.TryParse(bigint, out intval))
retval = intval.ToString("x").PadLeft(32, '0');
char[] trimme = new[] { ':' };
retval = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(retval, "(.{4})", "$1:").TrimEnd(trimme);
return retval;
Public Function Long2DotIP(ByVal bigint As String) As String
Dim retval As String = ""
Dim intval As System.Numerics.BigInteger = System.Numerics.BigInteger.Zero
If System.Numerics.BigInteger.TryParse(bigint, intval) Then
retval = intval.ToString("x").PadLeft(32, "0"c)
Dim trimme As Char() = {":"c}
retval = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(retval, "(.{4})", "$1:").TrimEnd(trimme)
End If
Return retval
End Function
use Math::BigInt;
sub long2DotIP {
my $ipnumstr = shift(@_);
my $ipnum = Math::BigInt->new($ipnumstr);
my $iphex = $ipnum->as_hex();
$iphex =~ s/^0x//;
my $ipv6 = ('0' x (32 - length($iphex))) . $iphex;
$ipv6 =~ s/(.{4})/$1:/g;
$ipv6 =~ s/:$//;
return $ipv6;
def long2DotIP(integer)
return integer.to_s(16).rjust(32, '0').gsub(/(.{4})/, "\1:").sub(/:$/, "")
import re
def long2DotIP(integer):
retval = format(integer, 'x')
retval = retval.zfill(32)
retval = re.sub(r"(.{4})", r"\1:", retval)
retval = re.sub(r":$", "", retval)
return retval
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <gmp.h>
char* Long2DotIP(char* ipnum)
mpz_t bigint;
char* buf = malloc (sizeof (char) * 33);
char* buf2 = malloc (sizeof (char) * 40);
int i = 0;
int parts = 8;
int partsize = 5;
char **arr;
arr = calloc(parts, sizeof *arr);
for (i = 0; i < parts; i++)
arr[i] = calloc(partsize, sizeof *arr[i]);
mpz_init_set_str(bigint, ipnum, 10);
gmp_snprintf(buf, (sizeof (char) * 33), "%032Zx", bigint);
for (i = 0; i < parts; i++)
memcpy(arr[i], buf + (i * 4), 4);
snprintf(buf2, (sizeof (char) * 40), "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3], arr[4], arr[5], arr[6], arr[7]);
return buf2;
Firstly, convert the IP address to IP number format. Search using IP number to match a record that has the IP Number between the Beginning IP Number and the Ending IP Number.
For example, IP Address "" is "1213041212" in IP Number. It matched the following recordset in the database.
Without Proxy Detection
ipaddress = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
$ipaddress = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
String ipaddress = request.getRemoteAddr();
<CFSET ipaddress="#CGI.Remote_Addr#">
public string IpAddress()
return Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
Public Function IpAddress()
IpAddress = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")
End Function
With Proxy Detection
ipaddress = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")
if ipaddress = "" then
ipaddress = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
end if
if (getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")) {
$ipaddress = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR");
} else {
$ipaddress = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
if (request.getHeader("X_FORWARDED_FOR") == null) {
String ipaddress = request.getRemoteAddr();
} else {
String ipaddress = request.getHeader("X_FORWARDED_FOR");
<CFIF #CGI.HTTP_X_Forwarded_For# EQ "">
<CFSET ipaddress="#CGI.Remote_Addr#">
<CFSET ipaddress="#CGI.HTTP_X_Forwarded_For#">
public string IpAddress()
string strIp;
strIp = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
if (strIp == null)
strIp = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
return strIp;
Public Function IpAddress()
Dim strIp As String
strIp = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")
If strIp = "" Then
strIp = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
End If
IpAddress = strIp
End Function
Our subscribers can automate the download process using the free command-line script written in Perl which can be downloaded from our Web site. Please visit the following Web page for more information such as command syntax.
Since the database is being updated every month at the beginning of the month, please download the database only once a month. XML Data Feed (Free for Personal Use or Paid for Commercial use)
For example, if the nearest Weather Station Code for one IP address is AAXX0001 in Aruba. The following are some sample sites with custom URL to retrieve the weather information and forecast.
Web-based Weather Information from Other Sites
Web Service
For the new API, each API query made will result in a reduction of 1 credit.
However, CORS is available in the Starter or higher plan. You can read more at our blog.
For the lates API, please refer to